HAROS BARTOSSI | assessment

Standing atop one of the stones at the rockpile, Silversmoke's eyes were exhausted as he watched over the little Daylight Warrior he'd called over. He was losing track of how many assessments he had watched over in the past few days alone, this greenleaf proved to be busier than any SkyClan had previously. It was for better... and for worse; to have so many strong warriors this early into the season was a boon that would deter the other clans, but, their border with the Twolegplace meant that his home had one of the smallest territories - StarClan knew if such numbers would be sustainable without more prime hunting grounds. It was a passive worry, one that didn't seem wise to prepare for, but it still plagued his attention as he looked at Eggshell. An arid feeling crawled up his throat as he became more aware of it - how long had he been silent for, thinking of hypotheticals while someone was waiting for him? He coughed to clear the feeling. "Your assessment to determine your place in SkyClan begins now." He tilted his head, carefully meeting Eggshell's gaze.

With the other's timid nature, he tried not to let empathy affect how the test would play out; he could only hope the sharp lines of his unwavering frown could convey that he wouldn't give the Scottish Fold any room for failure. If he wasn't prepared, then he would simply have to go back to his lonely house and stay there. "Your assessment is split into three parts: culture, combat, and hunting. We shall begin with culture." Tufted ears flicked; he could only imagine the thoughts racing through Eggshell's head, how anxious the other must've been. It wasn't just Eggshell that would be disappointed if he failed - after the recent whining of some Daylight Warriors, he could only imagine how much they'd protest if he was forced to fail Eggshell. "Question One: You are alone when you meet someone on the borders asking to join SkyClan. What do you do?" A pause. "Question Two: All clans have gotten involved in making the Warrior Code. Which codes have ThunderClan made?" Another pause. "Question Three: Apart from Daylight Warriors, what makes SkyClan different from the other clans?" A final pause, longer than the rest. Gesturing with his nose towards Eggshell, Silversmoke urged the kittypet to answer whenever he was ready.



Ever the optimist, Eggshell reacted to being summoned like someone on their way to the gallows. Butter-stained paws shuffled forwards, and the anxious tomcat came to a shaking stop under Silversmoke. At first the boy didn’t think anything of the silence, assuming it was some way to build dramatic tension (as if there wasn’t enough already). Eventually, though, it was deafening. Eggshell wondered if he was supposed to say something, if he was the one holding up the other. Amber eyes snapped from their focus on the floor, attempting to meet Silversmoke’s own, but all he saw was that stony frown.

As the intimidating warrior finally spoke, Eggshell shuffled in place, fight or flight response kicking in. Considering how often he chose the latter, it was a wonder there wasn’t a white-and-yellow streak shooting towards the twolegplace before the words even left Silversmoke’s maw. No, he stayed, for better or worse. As the assessment was explained, Eggshell tried not to think about the last section, instead focusing on the first, which he was surprisingly apt at.

It seemed there were some advantages to always being afraid of what others were saying. Folded ears had paid dutiful attention to all the casual conversations that took place in camp and on patrol, petrified of hearing about how much he was hated. Of course the worry-wart had never found any evidence, but a side benefit was that he had absorbed much of Skyclan’s culture through simple osmosis.

The first question, though, didn’t require any of that when the boy had learned through experience. He’d been initially accepted by Twitchbolt, and met Mint Julep on the border not long ago. “Uh - b-be polite-“ probably not what should’ve been said first, but the boy’s doormat qualities seemed to shine through even in hypotheticals. “b-be polite, and ask them to w-wait. I go and g-get someone important - a l-lead warrior, T-Twitchbolt, or Oranges-star, and bring them b-back to the b-border.”

The second question threw him for a loop. “T-Thunderclan?” Eggshell repeated warily while racking his brain. He knew the code, but beyond recent events, which clan did which was a mystery. Eggshell remembered the meeting where Oramgestar announced how the other clan had been attacked by wolves (more specifically, he remembered the nightmares it gave him), so the ball of nerves could at least answer part of the question. “Uh, new warriors have to - to - to sit still and q-quiet for a whole n-night after g-getting their names. B-Besides that…I d-don’t know…sorry…”

Eggshell tried not to get stuck in the swamp of self-loathing. There was still another question and two other sections left, he had to keep going. Luckily, the third was easier. “W-We climb trees!” he answered quickly, perhaps trying to make up for his earlier failure with speed. “Y-Yeah, we h-hunt and fight on t-trees. O-Other clans s-stay on the ground or in the w-water.” Even Eggshell wasn’t stupid enough to say it out loud, but the boy was the slightest bit jealous of the clans that didn’t have to risk breaking bones just to catch a squirrel. Still, if given the choice of switching sides, the skittish Scottish Fold would stay with Skyclan in a heartbeat.​
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He began to blink rapidly at Eggshell's first statement, muscles easing when the cream-coloured tom chose to elaborate. Thank StarClan, he didn't think he'd be able to keep his composure if the Scottish Fold had failed to jump the easiest hurdle. After a fraction fo time, Silversmoke nodded. "Good, warriors and daylight warriors can't accept outsiders by themselves; it'd make no sense logically." It'd be too difficult to keep track of, and StarClan knew what sort of delinquents could be accepted into their ranks should they not be properly vetted. Though failing the first question would've made him incredulous, failing the second question was not much better. The serious expression of the tom fell into something more frustrated as Eggshell admitted he didn't know the answer, ears flat against his skull. "You are half-correct, Howlingstar of ThunderClan did announce a new code recently. But ThunderClan's old leader, Emberstar, created the first code: defend your clan, even at the cost of your life. It was created because of something a SkyClanner had done, you should learn about it."

'If you spent more time talking to your clanmates instead of apologising to them, you'd likely have heard about Morningpaw and the first code.' His pointed look began to secede when the third question was answered: two out of three wasn't good, but if the other showed improvement in hunting and combat, then he could overlook the blunder. "Correct, each clan has its own skill. WindClan are fast, RiverClan can swim, ShadowClan utilises the night and ThunderClan..." he dipped his head to think, then, shook it - even clan veterans didn't know everything, and he truly didn't know what their neighbour was good at other than being eaten by wolves. "SkyClan uses the trees to move around. We are also the only clan to accept outsiders, the other clans are much more conservative about their idea of 'clan cats'." An injured rogue like himself would have never been accepted into their ranks. The pragmatist within understood and agreed with the decision, the selfish side to him disliked how something outside of his control would've determined his 'worth' to these creatures. Long, black claws clack against the stone, grinding against it with an unpleasant sound. Hopping down from his podium, the silver tom pointed his nose to the east, chewing air as he determined what he should or shouldn't say to the Daylight Warrior.

Was it better for an anxious creature to know they were on thin ice, or to be left presuming as such? "You show adequate knowledge of our culture and rules, but you seem to lack the context behind them." His tail furled and unfurled as the silver tom walked to the edge of the clearing. "I'll overlook it... only if you survive your next two assessments." The tops of his eyes twitched... did the word survive make it seem too drastic? He decided 'no' in the end, for someone who couldn't picture a life without SkyClan, he couldn't imagine the clan not being someone else's lifeblood either; perhaps even a daylight warrior's, in some circumstances. "Your next assignment will be to hunt and catch a bird by sundown. Any bird will do, but consider where you might find them in newleaf." Nesting or hunting for worms, most likely - Eggshell would either have to be stealthy on the ground, or quick in the trees. "Off you go." When the other left for his assignment, Silversmoke would follow from a distance, doing his best to keep track of the other's movements.


Folded ears twitched as words fell from Silversmoke’s maw - some good, some bad. Naturally, Eggshell focused on the latter. The skittish Scottish Fold stiffened as the other admonished him, and an anxious mind was quick to join in. Just as the momentum he’d tried to maintain was screeching to a halt, Silversmoke picked up the slack and kept things moving at a brisk pace, not drawing too much attention to the boy’s failure.

Instead, it seemed his strategy was to distract Eggshell with more stress.

The flighty feline felt his mouth go dry. “Su-Sur-“ He couldn’t even get the word out, eventually just mouthing what Silversmoke had said with a horrified expression on his face. Survive? Was that a joke? Amber eyes looked to Silversmoke for confirmation, hoping for a laugh, chuckle, or at least a smirk. Unfortunately, the stern warrior didn’t seem to be in a joking mood.

With a gulp, Eggshell tried to focus on the instructions for his next assignment, but found a nervous gaze wandering towards Silversmoke’s paws, looking for the flash of unsheathed claws. The coward became so engrossed, in fact, that he hadn’t realized the warrior had finished until he roused the boy with an “Off you go.”

“B-Bird. Sundown. Got - er - I got it.”

Butter-soaked paws felt slippery as Eggshell trotted, then sprinted, into the forest, occasionally looking back to see if Silversmoke was hunting him instead. After being somewhat convinced that he wasn’t about to be killed, Eggshell began. A nervous nose sniffed the air, trying to plan. He’d only caught his first prey a few days ago, after all. More had come into his grip since, and it was certainly getting easier, but the boy hadn’t caught a bird yet.

The time limit was what bothered him most. Eggshell was on the clock now, he didn’t have time to waste. Whatever mistakes he’d made during his many failed attempts at hunting birds, they’d have to be corrected fast. In fact, speed seemed to consume the coward as he hastily sniffed the air, padding to and fro before anxious amber eyes locked on to the direction he needed to go.

He was moving quicker than usual, and not in a good way. Every few minutes of stalking through the underbrush, there was a mistake. A misplaced paw, a non-optimal path taken, a blinding cobweb. Small things, little things, but they added up. It came to a head when Eggshell reached his target, a bird resting on a high branch. Amber eyes didn’t even focus on the prey at first, instead looking to the sun to see how much time was left. Plenty, but he was still nervous. With gritted teeth, the boy began to climb, but he was too hasty. Claws ripped out some loose bark, and the boy slid down the few tail-lengths he’d ascended as he watched his prize flutter away.

It took a lot of effort not to cry right there. After a few minutes on the ground, trying to collect himself, Eggshell stood. Perpetually terrified yet incredibly tenacious, a strange combination of traits indeed.

A large part of Eggshell was telling him to move even faster to make up for all the time he’d just lost, but the boy tried not to listen. Cowardly claws flexed in and out of the earth, and the kittypet took a deep breath. Closed eyes came after, followed by a slowing heart. It was hard, but he’d calmed down just a bit.

Eggshell took it slower after that, sniffing out another target with the sun still reasonably high in the sky. He stalked through the foliage that littered the forest floor, pace perhaps a bit too languid for his peers, but it was what Eggshell was comfortable with. It was satisfying in a strange way, slowly assessing everything around and trying to make the best decision possible. It felt better than trying to rely on instinct, anyway.

And that was how he proceeded. Cautiously checking the wind, working out where the closest cover was, and gradually honing in on his prey, all while forcing amber eyes away from the ticking clock in the sky. He remembered Silversmoke’s lesson on strategy to heart, but had clearly developed a preference for sneaking instead of chasing.

Once patient paws had reached their target, it was practically over. Another bird, a bit bigger than the one he’d failed catching at first, idly pecking the ground for its own meal. Muscles tensed, and claws unsheathed. Eggshell still didn’t like the ending, the burst of unpredictable movement and energy that came at the end of every stalking session, but he’d certainly grown better at it.

A few moments later Eggshell was sitting against the trunk of a large tree, dead bird at his paws and sun still a decent ways off from the horizon. The kittypet idly thought about how he would’ve saved even more time if he’d simply taken it slow from the start, at least until Silversmoke padded forwards.
“So, did I - did I survive?” The coward’s nervous stutter was present as always, but there was an undeniable hint of pride in his voice at his catch.​

Following Eggshell through the forest hadn't been the easiest task, especially when he wasn't the adept tracker other clanmates were. Still, the Lead Warrior could keep up for the most part, bristling at each mistake made by the other when he spotted it through a gap in the thin underbrush. It was like the trainee thought he was the bird himself, fleeing a SkyClanner with reckless abandon through the territory. A failed attempt to climb a tree caused him to wince, almost breaking cover to check if the Scottish Fold was alright - he sunk his claws into the soil as if they were roots to stop himself. His clanmates were not kittens, he had to remind himself, they didn't need him fretting over them like a mother hen. No matter how Eggshell looked, to interfere in his assessment in such a way would be to sign his exile from SkyClan. It was almost a relief that the daylight warrior picked himself up and kept going - even if he didn't understand nervousness, he could respect that Eggshell hadn't given up despite the setback.

It was a resilience that paid off, with a catch eventually at Eggshell's paws, the Lead Warrior moved forwards, gawking down at it. 'And to think, a few moons ago, you couldn't even catch a leaf.' A ghost of a smile appeared on the maine coon's face before he caught himself and forced neutrality back onto his features. He didn't think he could've been proud of a Daylight Warrior before, none of their achievements had mattered to him based on the simple fact that they were half-loyal to the clan he loved. So... why now did he feel his heart thrum the same way it did when Crowpaw had caught his first mouse? Tufted ears began to warm as the other asked if he'd survived - 'StarClan, you remembered that?' Silversmoke glanced to the horizon, then back to Eggshell, noting where the sun was in the sky. Eventually, he nodded. "You did... well done." Even if Eggshell failed his assessment, the bird he'd caught would be enough to feed the Queens, he was sure of it. His tail gestured towards a patch of earth on the outskirts of the clearing. "Bury it, we have one final assessment." He imagined Eggshell knew what it was already, likely the one he'd been dreading the most - he'd answered questions Eggshell had about SkyClan, he'd helped the Scottish Fold try and stalk, but he'd never seen him practice combat before.

Eggshell's skill in battle was a mystery to the tom. Often, he associated anxiousness with poor fighting skills, if only because of cats like Butterflytuft who would lose a fight against a shrew because its gaze made her cry. Gut instinct told him the Daylight Warrior would be the same, and the thought made any pleasure he'd had in seeing the other succeed seem hopeless when the final stretch of the run might just break him. "Your final test is a spar against me, we will fight until one of us pins the other." He gave the skittish tom a once-over, before silently adding on, 'before I pin you.' "I don't expect you to win, but I expect you to hold your own - StarClan knows when you'll be called to fight for real. Do what you need to to make things fairer." Cheat, in other terms. It was something he often encouraged in spars, if only because he didn't want to see his clanmates dead due to their own codes of honour. Silversmoke began to pace in a semi-circle around the other. "Begin."


Squirrelly and self-conscious amber eyes darted to and fro as Silversmoke looked over the kittypet’s kill, so much so that Eggshell missed the tiny smile that appeared on the other’s face. However, that might have been for the best, as even the modest amount of praise he received seconds later was enough to mentally off-balance the Scottish Fold.

“O-Oh! Thank you. It - It’s nothing really, I just got l-lucky, so - “ A running mouth was quick to cease as Silversmoke ordered the carcass concealed. Thank Starclan Eggshell hadn’t noticed the grin, or he might have undercut his own accomplishment even more.

Instead, the sparks of pride in his stomach and bashful blush on his face were snuffed out as yolk-drenched paws - trembling with increasing intensity - quickly buried his catch before shuffling back to Silversmoke. Maybe it was a misunderstanding? Maybe “combat” was just a Skyclan phrase for sharing tongues or collecting herbs. But as the imposing warrior began to explain the rules, Eggshell’s heart sank into his stomach.

Instinctively the coward backed up a few paces, anxious mind running like a freight train to try and come up with a solution to the scarred problems that stood before him. He’d never been in a fight before, and any combat training the kittypet had was gained by pouncing at leaves instead of peers. Still, all his time failing at hunting had provided strength of its own. Eggshell had the muscles to put up a decent fight, but the mentality was a different story.

Luckily, he was thrown a bone. A mind so accustomed to reading between (often invisible) picked up on Silversmoke’s hint, and the perpetually-terrified tomcat responded with a nervous nod. Still, socially anxious as he was, a small and silly part of him was worried that Silversmoke would be annoyed by dust in his pelt or teeth on his tail, so he preemptively pleaded. “O-Okay, just don’t be m-mad at me, please.”

There was nothing else for it. Eggshell tried to expunge his nerves, gritting his teeth and bristling his fur to look like a large plate of scrambled eggs before beginning to circle as well. After the starting gun fired, Eggshell shot forwards, trying to wheel around to Silversmoke’s flank and shove him over with sheathed paws.

There was hesitation in the Daylight Warrior that confirmed Silversmoke's suspicions without Eggshell ever needing to admit it - the other likely had no clue what he was doing. Claws unsheathed and flexed into the earth as a weakness was discovered. When his conscience caused a dryness in his throat, a reminder that he was dealing with a clanmate and not an enemy, the black claws quickly disappeared back into their sheathes. When the blood started pumping in his ears and his body moved, sometimes, it could be difficult to tell the difference between friend and foe. The experience of most rogues taught them to fight anything, his story had been no exception. When no one was a friend, everyone was an enemy, even if it was no longer true, instincts died hard. For a moment, he paused in his wolflike pacing to listen to what the other had to say. Don't be mad at me, please. He tilted his head upwards at the other's request, fire burning in the odd eyes of the Lead Warrior. "Don't fail then." Easier said than done.

He squared his paws as the Daylight Warrior charged towards him, his lips curling back in a sneer. His lashing tail fell to an uneasy still like a rattlesnake who'd given up with warnings and was prepared to strike. Eggshell disappeared into a blur of yellows and whites for a split second. The tom spun himself around like a dancer until the other came into focus again, dropping his body weight to the floor on instinct as a pair of paws went careening towards his side. Before the Scottish Fold could find stability again, Silversmoke aimed to push up right into the other's belly, paws tilting back as he aimed to haul Eggshell over his head like a raging bull.


Anxious amber eyes had a front row seat to see the change in Silversmoke’s demeanor as the battle began. To call the lead warrior cordial would’ve been a stretch even on a good day, but now it seemed that the very meaning of the word had been cast from the other’s mind as he focused on the fight. It was scary.

Still, the skittish Scottish Fold pressed on, not sure how to proceed but determined to try nonetheless. There was a brief flash of joy as he felt yolk-stained paws connect with their target, confirmation that Silversmoke wasn’t indestructible giving him the slightest taste of confidence, but it was snuffed out in the next instant.

A pained grunt left the feline as he felt paws slam into his stomach, and terror soon enveloped him as he felt the ground fall away beneath him. A mind so inexperienced with battle had trouble processing what was happening, but all Eggshell knew was that a few moments latter he was skidding across dirt like a stone skipping over a lake.

He was quick to his paws, at least. The spineless whelp stood up, wincing in pain. His stomach was sore, his side stung, he was terrified. Eyes were like dinner plates as the boy hastily backed away until he was at the edge of the clearing; and a terrible thought entered his mind as he felt a buttery back paw brush against a bush.

He could run.

He could run away. Away from Silversmoke, away from the fight that had him so scared. He was going to fail anyway, so why prolong the suffering? Eggshell began to spiral, and a few tears escaped terrified eyes as he thought about it. He wasn’t going to win, he wasn’t even going to hold his own. The coward might as well cut his losses and get away now, right? All the boy’s instincts were screaming at him to flee. He’d done it before, after all. As a kittypet at the border curious about the ways of wild living, Eggshell had turned tail twice, scared away by cats like Silversmoke.

“But if I fail here, I won’t be part of Skyclan.” The boy’s voice rang inside his head. “I won’t be able to come to camp anymore. I won’t be able to hang out with everyone. I won’t be able to see my friends.” More tears fell as the boy imagined that terrible future. All alone in his nest, the sounds of the forest permanently replaced by the dull hum of twoleg machines. “If I fail…” Amber eyes refocused on Silversmoke as he took a step forwards, away from the edge. “…I won’t be able to train with you again.”

“I…I’m not g-going…”
Eggshell spoke softly as he padded forwards, pace quickening into a trot and then a charge as his voice gained both confidence and volume. “I’m not going back to that life!” The coward proclaimed as he came at Silversmoke again, this time stopping just in front of the other, kicking up a front paw to spray their face with dust and dirt before diving down, attempting to knock Silversmoke’s legs out from under him.