it was easy enough to round up a pawful of warriors and their apprentices for a group training session. it was far harder to imagine something worthwhile to train them — something unlike the usual spar and crouching practice, a mindless drone of noise and instruction. when she was growing up, she learned best by having her attention caught and harnessed into intrigue ; something that got her blood pumping, something fast and exciting. so what if she’d gotten the idea from running down a mouse for the freshkill pile earlier that day, the cats awaiting her instructions were none the wiser.

it was a crisp leafbare day, the sky a bright saturated blue overhead and gentle wind tugging at her fur. the ice is slick underpaw, thawed slightly by the midday sun and crunching under her paw where she shifts her weight to and fro, warming her chilly toes, ” warriors, your goal is to hunt your apprentice down before they reach the sandy hollow. apprentices.. “ a bellowing start, voice trilling with an elaborate dramaticism because this was supposed to be fun. her head swivels to look at the youth lined near the gorse entrance to camp, scuttling and hoping on their paws in anticipation. her teeth flash in a mischievous smile, ” your goal.. is to survive. “ to run and fight, or maybe hide and skulk their way across the territory until they reach their destination — or get caught.

” whoever gets there first gets pick of th’ freshkill tonight. no claws, no bitin’. if’n you get pinned, you’re out! use any means at your disposal t’ get where you’re going, but do it safely — we’ll have our eyes on you, obviously. y’get a ten second head start, but we’re never far behind. “ simple rules with a spooky lil’ tone and a wink, yadda yadda yadda. freckleflame steps to the side, flourishing her tail enticingly towards the canopied path towards wind clan’s border. after a brief, tense pause, she whips it away, ” now go on, get!

  • i. pairs roll a 1d20 in the thunderclan server to participate! whoever rolls higher determines whether an apprentice escapes or is caught, and how quickly! training stealth for apprentices, tracking for warriors.

  • Untitled262_20231202152333.png

    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large, fluffy cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. larger than life! each and every part of her is broad ; wide in everything from her face to shoulders to her feathered tail, something reminiscent of her father’s kittypet heritage in the square of her chin and hulk of her figure. she appears illusionarily fluff - ridden at first, thickly pelted in shades of fire and soot, long & tangled, knotted with undergrowth — seeming soft and pudgy, and she is.. that figure curving into hard, hidden bulk along heavyset flanks and well - muscled limbs. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers.
    prone to bouts of explosive emotion. all opinions are solely in - character and during these times, often untrue or said only in anger.

Pigeonpaw happily joined the other apprentices when his older sibling called, trailing along behind Sparkwing as he sat and listened with wriggling impatience to the instructions for the...game? It sounded like a game, this was obviously for fun and not to be taken seriously at all; his ears flicked upward at the way she said 'survive', a challenge if he ever heard one but he was hardly a coward. Pigeonpaw did not skulk about in the darkness like a ShadowClanner, he was a proud ThunderClan cat who would face all opposition head on directly.
"You'll NEVER take me ALIVE!" He screams shrilly, turning to his mentor with his long plume of a tail held up high behind him and he pivoted around to race screaming into the forest, his clumsy paws catching every limb and tangled fine through the muddy slush of the still slightly frozen earth; his voice a rising echo the further he got but his presence still very blatant regardless of the speed with which he would be followed. As the seconds ticked on he hollered still, caught in a bush he had hurtled into as if he could easily burst through only to find his blue fur matted and caught within the thin twisting branches of its confines; he struggled with flailing white paws and a series of growls that occasionally sputtered out into muttered curses of 'foxdung!'

  • Ooc- So I rolled a 1.

  • 62602527_Rj6et8vCTd63fvT.png
    —⊰⋅ Apprentice of ThunderClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ LH Blue smoke w/white & blue eyes.

Sparkwing thought this sounded fun. Group training with his sister and little brother! He was so excited, he was ready for whatever Freckleflame threw at them. Pigeonpaw was going to do SO GOOD, he could FEEL IT. So, he sits tall next to his apprentice and waits for Freckleflame to explain to them what they'll be doing today. His eyebrows perk at her explanation. He was to chase his apprentice and catch him, and Pigeonpaw as to make it to the sandy hollow without getting caught.

"SOUNDS FUN! HOPE YOU'RE FAST, PIGEONPAW!" He teases his little brother. He was gonna GET HIM.

And off goes Pigeonpaw, his shrill shouting piercing Sparkwing's ears but he still smiles regardless. Sparkwing crouches and gets ready to sprint into the forest after him, and when the ten seconds pass, he bursts into action and rushes into the forest. He can hear Pigeonpaw yelling still, and for the moment, Sparkwing is doing a good job. He's gaining on him. Everything is going normally.

"I'M COMIN FOR YA PIGEONPAW!!" He shouts as Pigeonpaw comes into his line of sight. Just little faster, he'll catch him-

Snow from a branch too weak to hold it any longer plummets on top of him and causes him to stumble and fall, tumbling to a halt. Shaking his pelt and quickly getting back to his feet, he shouts. " THAT WAS JUST A SETBACK. I'M STILL COMING FOR YOU!" Before clumsily breaking into a sprint again.

Will he catch Pigeonpaw? Who knows???​