private HARPSTRING MOON \ sablepaw

When Ravenpaw was not in the den for company, Fernpaw often found himself completely zoning out. He could not have predicted that he would miss the apprentice's den, a place that he should have outgrown a moon ago. And yet, the comfort of his horde and his familiar nest, barren from this place, was a considerable sore spot. Paws absentmindedly tapped a rhythm upon the ground, a soothing motion made only to occupy the wandering part of his mind. That part that kept tumbling down a path paved by his mistakes, by his inability. If he didn't ground himself, he'd crash head-first into a rock with a pattern upon it that suspiciously looked like the word pathetic.

Pawsteps reeled him back in from his stupor. When he turned his head he had been expecting to greet Ravenpaw, but instead that splash of white betrayed the figure's identity as Sablepaw. Neutral-pulled lips curved into a smile as he saw her, tired-looking beneath his gaze and yet shining sincere past the gloom of his demeanour. "Hi, Sablepaw," he said softly. Even if she was just going to be in-and-out, dropping off some moss or something... he was happy to see her.

\ @Sablepaw !!
penned by pin
In every situation you give me peace
Dainty paws tread forth, deliberate in their pursuit. There was but one destination on her mind and that was Ravenpaw's den. Soft pastel blues glow beneath the dim lighting, seeking a certain ginger tom amongst the medicine cats throng of patients. But her search did not last long, for his gentle voice captured her attention and helped her to locate his nest. A small smile, demure in nature, lifted the corners of her lips. Although it stood mostly hidden behind the fish she carried, it reached her eyes all the same. Carefully she lays the meal at his paws, its scales still gleaming with fresh river water. It was a tough fight. Subduing this particular trout took more out of her than what she was used to, but she managed thankfully. "I wasn't sure if you'd eaten yet, but we could share if you don't mind the company?" Sablepaw chirps softly.

Outstretching her neck she aims to touch her nose to his ear briefly to finalize her greeting before pulling back. Slowly she settles in, loafing with her paws tucked neatly underneath her ebony form. Her gaze takes on a softer, albeit serious look as her ivory lined tail brushes against her flank. "How are you feeling? Did Ravenpaw give you a timeframe for clearance?" It might have been silly to admit, but she missed her friend's presence in the apprentices den. Her gaze falls to the fish below, emitting a soft huff of amusement before glancing back up. "It's not the same without you in the apprentice den you know. I nearly came this close to asking Ravenpaw if I could spend just one night here." She chuckled, untucking her paws and pushing them together until they nearly touched to show how close she was to breaking down to ask.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead

He could not deny that his feelings toward other cats bringing him meals were complicated; but when it was a friend, it gave them a good excuse to chat, and so nary a thought of that complication flickered behind Fernpaw's remaining green eye. Noticing the presenting of her eyes with her smile, he returned the look, wordlessly expressing his gladness that she'd come to find him. It was an impressive catch, and as she lay it at his paws and asked if he minded her joining him, Fernpaw's plumy tail flicked to beckon her to sit with him. "'Course I don't. I was hoping you'd stop to talk," he admitted, seeing no reason to hide it from her. Ravenpaw was busy, it was easy to get lonely, and Sablepaw had become a close friend.

As she greeted him with a brush of the nose, settling beside him, he leant to take a bite of the trout. It really was a great catch, and prey seemed to taste a little better in greenleaf. That dreaded question- how are you feeling- settled a little easier in his stomach. It would have been different had a stranger asked, but with Sablepaw he knew it was coming from somewhere caring. "I'm... getting used to it." It was the closest to the truth he could get with words. Saying he felt weird was probably too vague. "Haven't been told anything about clearance, yet... Ravenpaw's being careful, I think." No bitterness slumbered in his tone. He did not blame the midnight-hued medicine cat.

A laugh, small though it was, shuddered through his throat. "Hah- you'd regret it pretty quick! I'm always worried I'm gonna catch something when I come in here," he admitted lowly, though there was a twinge of humour to it. It was a ridiculous fret, really, but one he could't shake. "I do miss the apprentice's den, though. Weird, 'cos... y'know." He shrugged, his thought trailing off. Who would think an apprentice so desperate to graduate would miss a den so tied to his unsatisfactory rank?
penned by pin
In every situation you give me peace
Night kissed paws tuck themselves underneath her chest again as he laughs at her moment of desperation, earning him a small chuckle of her own. "I don't know, the extra room in here is pretty tempting." She jests, playfully bumping a slender shoulder against his own. It was already cramped before Cicadastar's promotion of several newly made apprentices from the last meeting. Now, she felt like it would be better to sleep outside the den most nights. But as he brings up the possibility of catching a myriad of things from the other med den residents she hums softly in agreement. "You know, I never took the time to stop and consider that." Just the thought alone sends a mild shiver up her spine. She wasn't sure how he resisted the urge to scoot his nest a little further away from Ravenpaw's other patients.

Leaning over with parted jaws she takes a bite of trout, chewing quietly as he admits to missing the apprentice den. "Wierd, 'cos...y'know." Sablepaw's chewing slows considerably, a frown pulling at her lips as she swallows so that she may speak. "Hey," Although soft in tone, a mere whisper, it remained commanding in nature. Spoken in a way to snap him from his trailing thoughts. "Don't worry about that." She could sense it, the rabbit hole of despair these past few events were trying to mentally lead him down. The intrusive thoughts that dimmed those shining emerald eyes and wiped clean his infectious smile. "I know what it's like, to feel like you can't do something." She admits slowly, blue eyes trailing down towards the silver fish at their paws in remembrance.

The length of her tail curls around her flank as she breathes a lowly sigh. "I hid...that time windclan stormed our camp. I didn't even try fending them off. Cindershade told me not to blame myself, but there are times where I still do." Her attention drifts back to her friend as she continues to unravel unspoken failures. "I nearly drowned trying to catch a fish for Cindershade. My progression was...horrible to say the least, for so long. Cindershade and I even had an argument where I told her to get a new apprentice. But she never gave up on me." He was the first one she ever dared to admit this too, but she hoped that her story could bring some comfort and encouragement to Fernpaw. "I said all that to say this. If a shadowclan blooded mutt like me can finally start progressing in her training, then I know you can. And I can't wait to see it happen."
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead

In the back of his mind, Fernpaw wondered where Sablepaw got all her wisdom from. It was likely simply kindness of the heart, but still... her words rang very true, struck their target and echoed in their ringing resonance. More than he realised, Fernpaw needed the encouragement she gave him. His remaining emerald eye lingered upon her intently as she recalled her own failure, surely a moment of vulnerability that could not be easy to remember. His brows knitted together in concern as she spoke, his face still and thoughtful.

He did not blame her for hiding during that invasion. Did that make him weaker than other Riverclanners, who would encourage her to step forward before the enemy? Being a warrior was about putting your life at risk for your Clan, after all. But even if he had wanted to tell her that she should have fought, which he didn't, it would have been hypocritical. He too had been too scared, too weak, to fight that day.

His ears flattened a little more against his head when she revealed that she had almost drowned. The river was one of Fernpaw's great loves, but it was equally cruel. Not all could take to the water the way he had, the way he did. Her encouragement, her belief in him despite all he'd ever done to prove her wrong, warmed him. His smile grew a little more genuine, taking back a fracture of its shining occupancy. But- a ShadowClan-blooded mutt- the words struck a sharp stone through his heart, and he could not ignore it.

"You're not a mutt," he said, shaking his head. "Don't let people say that to you. You're an amazing Riverclanner. And you always will be." She was a better Riverclanner than he- her ShadowClan blood did not matter, anymore. He affirmed his words with a nod, before adding, "I hope," on the end, a good-natured joke. Morbidly, he thought of StarClan when he said it- thought of the faces that had faded into the stars, or were presumed to be there.

"But- thank you. Really," he said, his smile returning to his face in its fullest, even just for a moment.
penned by pin
In every situation you give me peace
"You're not a mutt" Those words and the ones that followed soon after struck a chord within the realm of her own heart. As willing as she was to pour positivity into Fernpaw and lift him up to a place he deserves, he turned right back around to do the very same to her. She had to remember that not everyone in the clan looked at her, Boneripple, and Stalkingpaw with a sidelong glance. Wordlessly questioning their loyalty. She had Fernpaw, Cindershade and a handful of others in her corner. They helped to keep her grounded. The wavering smile she held before brightens as she nods her head in agreement, his smile infectious as he tacks on. "I hope," Pushing past the lingering ache of her personal failures she releases a soft chuckle. "I will be. I don't plan on going anywhere." She murmurs in response, placing a single dark paw upon his own.

She blinks, clearly startled when there is sudden movement at the front of the den. She half expects it to be Ravenpaw coming back but instead its a warrior poking their head inside. Apparently they've been looking for her. "There you are. Cindershade is looking for you." They utter hastily before retreating. A low sigh escapes her maw, leaving her ears to droop slightly. "Well, duty calls..." She jokes half-heartedly as she pulls her paws from his own and moves to stand. "I'll come back later okay?" She whispers quickly, then trots off to join the gathering group.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead