Dec 18, 2023
Things felt messy now. Before Smokestar's murder and Sasha and Deacon's exile, he never had much reason to doubt his place in Riverclan. Sure, there were the occasional snide remarks or derisive comments whispered softly behind his back; there would always be one or two amongst them who looked down on his Ripple Colony heritage. Now, though, it seemed everywhere he turned there were eyes filled with hate and anger, glaring at him openly and without remorse. They were scared and paranoid, and honestly, he couldn't blame them. His former companions had done something terrible. He only wished the others could see how hard he was trying to prove himself, that he wasn't like them at all.

Would it always be this way now?

These feelings of despair threatened to consume him, like a wave crashing against a rocky shore. He didn't have many clanmates that he felt comfortable turning to with these darker emotions, and his parents hadn't been around since he was a child. Where else could he look for comfort? In true Riverclanner spirit, Wavepaw had always felt a certain connection to the water. He'd learned how to swim at a young age, like all Riverclan kits, and there was something about the cool power of the river rushing through his fur that soothed him. It wiped out any and all thoughts from his mind, forcing him to focus on keeping his head above the water and his paws paddling forward.

The water was frigidly cold now in these leafbare months, dangerously so, but he was starting to feel suffocated and the river called to him. He stood on its banks, his paws already submerged as the waves lapped at the shore. His body already shivered from the cold, but the urge to jump in was too great to ignore. He drew in a massive breath and, before he could chicken out, sprang forward into the icy depths. His eyes stung as soon as the cold enveloped him, biting at his skin, uncomfortable and yet, still somehow peaceful. It wasn't more than a few seconds before his body went numb, and he felt the tension of the last few days slowly melt away. The minutes ticked by and he soon ran out of breath, kicking his hind paw against the bottom of the river to propel himself back to the surface. He broke through with a gasp, water streaming down his face and into his eyes. As he blinked the droplets away, a distant figure slowly came into focus on the shore.

Who else would be mousebrained enough to be out here in the cold with him?

[ please wait for @Silverbreath (: ]
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