HAT TRICK — private

Frostwind had distracted them.

The rest of DuskClan is long gone, slipping into the shadows of the night, undeterred by WindClan reinforcements, but Rumblerain's progress had been hindered by their littermate once more; blocking, seething, seeking answers.

The two cats, star-marked and shadow-touched, tumble over a small ridge in their brief chase. The gorse beneath them cushions their fall, but tangles awkwardly. Burrs catch awkwardly on long fur, three legs not quite adequate to bring Sunstar to stand at this angle. Rumblerain's own wounds sting, bleed anew as they brush by sharp leaves. Their blood would remain until rinsed by the rain, but they would be long gone by then. Would Peonybreeze stay up waiting? Would Privetpaw? Rumblerain knows Granitepelt would not. Bitterness seeps through them.

They have no mocking quip for the mountain king with their claws poised upon his throat, no chortling question of his last words. Ebonylight would.

Their eyes don't soften. In fact, quite the opposite— a desperate attempt to steel themself into the cat who had taken a life in the Twolegplace. they're surprised Sunstar allows their moment of hesitation, as if this is a game played with his kits or own apprentice. Is he as surprised as they, at the position they've found themselves in? It would be so easy, within this tableau, to bear down with bloodstained claws and split his throat like prey for the second time this evening.

Yet ... they can't quite do it.

Why can't they do it?

Sharp claws tug, but do not tear, as Rumblerain transfers their weight and removes themself from atop Sunstar's prone form. Weariness seeps through them.

"Get up."

  • // @SUNSTAR
  • 79339414_HybMrljU7PQTLLo.png

    [ art by antiigone ]
  • RUMBLERAIN ✧ they/them, deputy of duskclan

    — "a lanky, scruffy seal and white point with blue eyes."
    — single ; mentoring privetpaw
    — speech is in #D4882D
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.

His throat is still a violent red. The moon has crept back into the sky as the other clans turn to their beds, but not so much time has passed that this clan could gather itself from the brink of this madness. Each moment has come and rolled past, together, all at once into a grand fall — they lose themselves together, WindClan and DuskClan. They had always been two parts of a whole. This is something he should have seen coming. Surprise is not the word that he knows to choose. Defiant– expectant. A tipped chin, meeting the glint of Rumblerain's own. (A pathetic traitor of a cat, swayed so easily to Sootstar without hope of return. At least he had chosen his side. Snakehiss. Sootspot. The list is too long to recall now.)

Enough power remains in his wearied, wounded frame that he could sweep Rumblerain off of him and find his vengeance in the throat of a cat who had not killed him. As he scrambles to stand, that is where instinct takes him. Bared teeth and a staggered step forward. A dog pulling at its leash. He does not hesitate. With a jolt of motion like a strike of lightning, he takes full advantage of the young cat's weakness and slams his shoulder towards a slimmer, leaner chest. It is enough to send lanky limbs akimbo. He presses his advantage.

And then, abruptly, he hits its end.

What must only be a moment drags on for an eternity. The future plays out before him. "Your mother and father both would bemoan your hesitation." A cold statement of truth. Had he been among the cats exiled in Sootstar's reign, they would have been upon him like hounds after the scent of blood. They would not stop until he was cold. Scorchstreak still might rage for his end had loyalty not overpowered even her grief for Bluepool's death. The wayward child in every respect. Left behind to languish in these diseased lands. Gone from the comforting touch of littermates, or family. Rumblerain had not seen Sunstar finish his sister's training. They had not seen the flames, or the tears, or the truth that was WindClan.

A grim frown weighs upon the warrior, and above the set of his mouth: exhaustion, plain as the stars in glacial eyes. They have lost too much. WindClan. Scorchstreak. Could he put more weight upon her shoulders? The loss of the child she already thought she had failed? Proximity strangles him. A step back, so the leash slackens.


  • ooc:
  • ↟ 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑.  ╱  AMAB  HE - HIM - HIS.  LEADER OF WINDCLAN.    ⋆̴͖̻̌͛⋆̵̼͈̐̿̓̏͝ ⋆̶̬́̀
    ————  a rogue brought to windclan in a search for greatness, one of sootstar's most loyal warriors turned into her downfall. with a mate and kits to worry about, and now nine lives from starclan with a missing limb, windclan's leader has a lot to prove.

    a large chocolate and white rosette tom with seaglass eyes. the first thing many see when looking at sunstar now is not his proud posture or un-windclan build, but the scarred stump that remains of his front left leg. a wound that would have killed most other cats took one of his lives; not even starclan could repair it.
"Shut-" Rumblerain coughs from the moorland ground, struggling to clear the winded ache from their lungs- "up. My father is dead."

Blue eyes are dull, narrow with anger at the comment. Don't you dare speak of him as if you know him well. Scorchstreak is one thing, sitting by the side of Sunstar like a complacent warrior, but the mention of Badgermoon from anyone outside of kin has never failed to make Rumblerain's hackles raise. Not even Frostwind had broached the topic, though their littermate looks so much like him now ...

They roll and rise, shaking out bloodied fur, flecking rust and gorse leaves across the ash-soiled earth beneath. Sunstar takes a step back. Rumblerain does the same, putting a tail-length of distance between them. Nicked ear twitches backwards, promoting a hiss and a wince from the deputy. Their moment of hesitation is rewarded, or maybe even punished, by the sparing of their own life in return. All they know is to leave: even now, with his blood in their fur and nothing fresh spilled between them, Sunstar tells them to go.

Blue eyes linger on the leader's throat. How many lives had Granitepelt taken from him? Rumblerain had only heard his call to retreat. That same bitterness returns. They think that Sootstar, at least, would have ensured a way for them all to escape. Through the tunnels, or a plan otherwise laid. Would Granitepelt even let their warriors lick their wounds? They have no medicine cat. Foregoing the direct line to StarClan, they have no way to heal themselves before ...

"He'll come back for more." They warn before their filter can catch up, attention darting back up to tigerlike features as they finish the thought aloud. The battle-breath seeps from them, weariness tinting glacial eyes as they watch for Sunstar's next move. Why are they telling him this? They don't owe him anything else. Another step back, tensed as if waiting for him to spring upon them. "Until you or he falls."

  • 79339414_HybMrljU7PQTLLo.png

    [ art by antiigone ]
  • RUMBLERAIN ✧ they/them, deputy of duskclan

    — "a lanky, scruffy seal and white point with blue eyes."
    — single ; mentoring privetpaw
    — speech is in #858AC0
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.