hate that I'm still hoping & pocket


unapologetic nonesense
Apr 24, 2023

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This was a rather strange set of circumstances. A little twist in the path that was their life it seemed and it was unknown if this was a good or bad thing. Skyclan seemed welcoming, seemed like it would be a good place to be for them, but there was heavy distrust. Soma had said that about the last four homes they had been in and each of them tossed them aside like nothing. Each of them ripped away within week of being there and they knew why, they where not that stupid to believe these humans just didn't want them. It had something to do with Junco and they weren't sure what it was though. They didn't like being smothered and held like a baby or anything like that- but that seemed abnormal they supposed? What was normal then? Allowing them to treat them like some toy or something? No! That was the last thing wanted and it would be the death of them if they allowed that.

Junco sat in Skyclans' camp, over by the shady spot beside the medicine den, and these pale gray gaze moved over cats like they were watching every move made, every step taken. The charcoal cat flicked an ear back and shook their head slightly, this was stupid. Soma has had better ideas but this one really took the cake didn't it? There was a snort from the pale tabby cat as they settled down with their paws tucked under them, surely they would be on their way soon back to twolegplace after they eat and what not. Couldn't possibly stay here as Junco didn't think they'd survive in the wild. They weren't exactly the best at what they did nor knew anything like how to hunt, how to fight or anything like that. Soma did all of that, usually.

A white paw lifted as Junco pawed at their own face with a heavy sigh and looked down at the ground after staring at Pocket for far too long. There was a furrowing of a brow as the pale charcoal cat flicked their white tail back and forth in annoyance. Maybe they should speak with Soma soon about it, or maybe they could give the whole Skyclan thing a try but they doubted that would stick for very long. Junco rested their chin on their front paws softly and breathed heavily through their nose, going back to staring at Pocket as they were just in the field of their spacing out.

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Unlike Junco, Pocket was happier with Skyclan. He did have freedom. His paws got to touch that green stuff called  grass. Like blades of greenery that felt so soft against his cheek and paws. He even ate it! But, it did not taste that good, he admitted.

Though the food here was odd. Instead of dried out pebbles of flavor, there were dead creatures. The first one he tried was called mouse. It had round ears, and it's beady eyes were glazed over. It's body was still like stone, frozen in the fear that it died in.

But pocket didn't understand death. He didn't have a sense of mortality, and was clueless and naive to the world. His tiny brown form was currently pawing at a leaf, throwing it in the air before trying to catch it, claws ripping through the thin material like nothing.

The tiny classic still wore a blue bow around his neck, the bell stripped off now, and his green gaze was brighter than before. Filled with childlike innocence and curiosity.

And then he saw the tail flicking of a cat he recognized that escaped the shelter. He crouched down, his butt wiggling, before leaping on it. A giggle escaped his maw as his tiny paws landed on it.

It was just like those feather toys his no furs had!

He could definitely say this place was so much better than a no furs house.

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It wasn't certain if Junco was happy with Skyclan or not, they were more or less just not one for change. Change could be scary and they liked the way things had been before. The white patch cat sighed through his nose and shook their head slightly, Soma was certain of this place and who were they to question their brother.

Though as they idly sat there, staring and watching cats mingle about, Junco felt something land on their white furred tail. They jumped nearly out of their fur in response and whipped around with a small hiss, before realizing it was just Pocket. One of the other cats from the shelter that had escaped with them. What did they want? What was the point of landing on their tail?

"What're you doing? Don't you know sneaking up on a cat could cause a heart attack," Junco stated rather montonely with a more blunt wording to their tone. Junco never had inflections in their voice as they weren't sure why that was, but it was just how it was. Though suppose they couldn't be too mad at Pocket as they cat was just trying to be friendly and Soma did say they should be nicer to other cats, "Not that I'm prone to it of course," An after thought came through their lips and they lifted their chin a bit at the young cat.


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The chocolate tabbied head cocked sideways, paws still remaining as they were as junco leaped up in surprise. "Playing!" he giggled. "Playing with you."

The cat hasn't played with other kits like him in moons, and the overwhelming feeling that maybe he was too old now wouldn't settle. He couldn't be too old, he was still so tiny especially next to the tom that was about his age.

The blue bow was ruffled against his next as he sat up. His olive eyes bright, examining the other black and white kitten. They seemed very serious, but Pocket wanted to play. So he would try again, a tiny soft paw batting at the other toms chest and a nervous giggle coming from his throat again.

He didn't know what heart attack meant. Was that what he was doing now? Batting at the toms chest? That's where the heart was right? He didn't know, but he didn't care to ask right now.
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Playing? What was playing? That was a foreign concept to Junco as they watched this little tabby cat bat at their chest. They gave a slight offended look at Pocket for a moment before furrowing their brow slightly. Junco looked down at their own white paws for a moment before standing up from where they sat and lifted a paw to swat at Pockets' ears. Was this right? It was uncertain and they gave a look that was unreadable despite the confusion twinkling in them. Soma wasn't one to play really so it wasn't like they had experience in the matter.

"Like this?" They questioned with a slight head tilt before going on to push Pocket with a front paw gently and then put it down back to the ground.


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pocket didn't know a lot. He wasn't very book smart, didn't know a lot of words, didn't know a lot of dangers of the world. He was pure of heart and mind, but the thing he knew most was playing.

Junco seemed cautious. Gently, cuffing the kit over his ears before pushing his paw against pockets chest. Pocket paused for a moment. Did some cats not know playing? He'd let it pass by, pushing himself to the ground. "Yeah! exactly like that!" he purred, covering his eyes with a paw while moving to juncos side to try to barrel at juncos side.

If Pocket couldn't see him, he was sure junco couldn't see pocket moving very awkwardly across the ground before his surprise strike.


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Pale grey hues watched the young tabby cat curiously as he covered his eyes with his paws as he crawled across the ground. Was this some sort of play? This seemed a little silly to cover their eyes and do that too, so Junco just watched for a moment before suddenly Pocket sprung. The pale charcoal cat was taken by surprise as the other suddenly bowled into their side and sent the young cat sprawling across the ground. Junco gave a loud squeak of surprise but it wasn't of pain or anything. They rolled a bit, before looking to Pocket from where they laid on ground.

Junco got up onto his paws slowly and eyed the other for a moment with what seemed like a threatening look before they also sprung forward. They aimed to push the other over with their front paws and this started to become familiar. Soma had done this with him before but it was different and usually Junco hated it. Though Pocket made it seem- fun? This playing thing seemed like it was fun even if Junco hated being touched by strangers.


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