
adding to the noise
May 15, 2024

To be honest the brown-coated feline was mentally exhausted, his twolegs had decided that he wasn't enough for them and that they needed a puppy too a few seasons back. At first he had hated the thing completely - it slobbered, it barked, and worst of all it didn't know what personal space meant and refused to leave him alone - he'd grown used to it since then for the most part, though the beast still didn't properly know about space it had gone off willingly into the monsters his housefolk often hopped into and after every trip it had come home with more and more manners. Still he was tired, still he wanted to get away, and so he had begun to travel outside the house instead of staying strictly indoors as he had for so many moons. There he'd seen the cats that traveled into the pines that go into his back yard and upon one of those times he'd flagged one down, asking questions and getting to know what was going on.

He thought at first it was an odd idea, going out to the forest to visit with other cats when there were others here in the neighborhood. They weren't much for talking but they were there, and he was sure there were some that were friendlier than others that he just hadn't met yet. Still he couldn't help but be curious, watching the cats with housefolk move out and chatting away with their friends as they went to their camp where the cats that lived permanently in the forest had accepted them. One of the cats had seen him watching and had come to speak with him, calling herself Edenberry - such an odd name - they'd spoken of clan life and what it was about. He'd shared his own life slightly, spoke of his housefolk and their dog in passing, and when he was informed of there being no dogs in SkyClan something clicked in his brain.

Maybe he could join SkyClan. Maybe he could find friends among the cats in the forest and help them to fight battles, hunt and mark their territory, anything to get away from the dog and not wither away into one of those cats that lie on their sides all day soaking up sun and not moving until it was time to go to bed. It was a miserable life for him, sleeping all day only to move to sleep once more. After a day or two of thought he'd push out the door and move towards the forest, noting the strong scent of those he'd seen along the treeline and stopping - a border it'd been called, and he was making sure he wouldn't cross it.

  • --mentions @edenberry ?!
  • 29560776_fGVPywrvWWSPJWJ.png
  • SH chocolate/chocolate chimera w/low white & yellow eyes
    42 moons old; ages the 15th every month
    bisexual biromantic ; not currently in a relationship, not looking
    currently mentoring none
    in same clan easy to interact with, outside of clan is more gruff
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    excels in combat, hard in battles
    peaceful powerplay and healing allowed

Daisypaw was not present on this patrol, with Dandelionwish’s death she was doing the best she could to be sensitive. The young Tom needed time to grieve, so when he’s taken from camp she prioritizes training rather than dragging him along idle patrols. This wouldn’t last for long, he needed to learn the importance of defending his home, but it is what she was doing for now- for this particular patrol.

She hadn’t intended to draw close to the twolegplace, but through the tree-line she had seen splashes of russet fur. Her heart quickened at first mistaking the figure for a possible ThunderClanner, but even as she approach only twoleg scent lingered and… was that, dog? A pink nose refrains from wrinkling.

Figfeather notices his paws stop at the edge of the border giving her the impression he knows what lies beyond. She looks into his equally orange eyes, ”Do you have business with SkyClan?” she inquires as formal as she always is. She left the bubbly chatter to other cats, she was a lead warrior now and had an image to uphold.
  • » Figfeather
    SkyClan Lead Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Sire to Sangriapaw & Coffeepaw
    » Mentoring Daisypaw
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and to aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
No one would sit there and tell you Figfeather didn't deserve this... she was a great warrior, an ever-steady constant and someone that had proven time and again her priorities rested in SkyClan's best interests. Whatever issues she had with Fantastream, it wasn't really Edenberry's business and so they went about their days with the respect afforded someone like her- which was a lot, to say the least. Padding after the daffodil-shaded molly, the daylight warrior couldn't help but wonder if she was frustrated with the timing of things. To be given an apprentice, just to have that apprentice's world fall apart... it couldn't be easy to cope with, for either of them. The pin-stripe cat certainly knew what a toll their own troubles had put on Hazelbeam as they'd transitioned into a new relationship as teacher and student but-

The pondering is ruined when the lead warrior perks up suddenly, the fur on her shoulders rising in a moment of agitation before quickly settling into a formal greeting- the lanky feline sticks their nose out from behind her, peering around to see who she could be talking to and is, once again, gifted by fate to encounter another friendly face.

At this rate, their glowing recommendations for SkyClan would overwhelm their ranks with hopeful new daylighters- and then Slate and Silversmoke could eat their words, if nothing else. "Oh hey!" Pearly teeth fashion themselves into a bright grin, looking between their clan-mate and this potential acquaintance-turned-joiner. "I've met him before, Figfeather. He was telling me his folks got a dog a bit ago, can you believe that?" They brush past her, dipping their head in a respectful 'sorry, excuse me' before looking at Whiskey.

"Coming to see if I was lyin'?"

  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 12 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back
    -- color #728c69​
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It hadn't taken long before someone had joined him at the border, a question was quickly shot his way and he'd nod his head, "Yeah, I was comin' t'see about joinin' if that's still allowed." He'd answer in quick response, kind tone clear in his voice as he did so. He'd been told that cats could join usually, that it was common for kittypets to join so long as they didn't cause trouble - causing no trouble seemed perfect to him to be honest.

Familiar pelt of Edenberry would cause the tom to smile, eyes lighting up slightly at the sight of the familiar bi-colored pelt as they moved forward, telling Figfeather about his recent addition to his home. "It's a big mutt too, doesn't seem to be too bright either." He'd offer in with an amused chuckle. He didn't think he'd ever met a smart dog, but this one seemed especially dumb with it's tail constantly wagging and it's tongue lolling about. When Edenberry asked if he'd come to see if she was lying he'd shake his head, "Not so much that but you piqued my interest... seems like the kind of home I'd do well in if allowed." He'd hoped he'd be allowed at least.

  • --
  • 29560776_fGVPywrvWWSPJWJ.png
  • SH chocolate/chocolate chimera w/low white & yellow eyes
    42 moons old; ages the 15th every month
    bisexual biromantic ; not currently in a relationship, not looking
    currently mentoring none
    in same clan easy to interact with, outside of clan is more gruff
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    excels in combat, hard in battles
    peaceful powerplay and healing allowed

A white pelt appears in the corner of her eyes, Figfeather merely needs to glance at the pinstripe to know it is Edenberry who has joined her. They note they've met this kittypet before, he lived with a dog. Figfeather's whiskers quiver in disbelief, she knows it happens sometimes in twoleg nests but every time she was re-informed of it's possibility she couldn't believe it. How could any cat live with a dog? "It'll please you to know then dogs that show up in our home are met with a smack." She lightly smiles, a rare show of amusement she reveals to strangers.

"Are you running away from home entirely...?" Figfeather asks, glancing between the kittypet and Edenberry as if they might know. With a dog she wouldn't blame a cat for abandoning their twolegs, it'd be her or the mutt. "...Eitherway, so long as you're willing to learn our ways and swear your loyalty to SkyClan I'm sure Orangestar will welcome you. You'll be given a mentor and have two moons to prove yourself. Fail to do so and we'll have to cut you loose." In all of SkyClan's history they've only had a few cats who met that fate. Whiskey seemed physically strong enough, so long as he was serious about this she feels he'll have no problem.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Lead Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Sire to Sangriapaw & Coffeepaw
    » Mentoring Daisypaw
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and to aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Tiredly, Dogbite walked behind the patrol, his consciousness focused on distant skies. This trek was all too familiar, and had it not been for the many 'walks' he claimed to do, they might have been more concerned about his lingering scent from previous nights. Distant murmurings and Figfeather's vanishing tail piqued his interest. Alas, his nose caught on, and the cinnamon feline put a bit more pep in his step.

Spotting the stranger, Dogbite caught on at the end half of the conversation. So they want to join? Settling near the open side of the brightly colored molly, he cast the tom a curious expression. Why does he... Recognition stabbed the Skyclanner right in the chest, and it took all his willpower not to blurt out, It's you! The kittypet they had a small run-in with hardly two moonrises ago. Such a brief interaction, and he hadn't the mind to even consider this a possibility. Fresh worry crashed over him akin to the calm before a storm.

Edenberry's vouching and Figfeather's proposition nearly passed him by in his gobsmacked state. Mentions of Dog's, their namesake could be amusing at times, but the tabby was in no mood to joke. Nerves prickled up his paws and straight to his spine. Please. His good eye looked on with intensity, holding out on bated breath. Maybe he doesn't recognize me? It wasn't something Dogbite would place a bet on, but one could hope in the meantime. Swallowing back the desire to ask a mountainous amount of questions, he instead nodded.

I better play along. His throat dried and tone crackling from thirst, Dogbite croaked. "Yeah. Life here can be incredibly challenging." He hoped no one else could pick up on the odd behavior. He wasn't sure he'd have the stomach to blame it on grief. "If you're still with your housefolk, you'll be making a commitment that will take you from them during the day. At night, you are welcome to go home, but your loyalty to SkyClan is a priority over all." His tone lacked its usual conviction. He didn't have the heart to push it further.

  • ✧ LH cinnamon tabby high white blue eye
    npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan lead warrior ; ex-loner
    ✧ 34 moons old ; birthday 07/01
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric

He watched Figfeather's face as she heard of the dog, listened as she mentioned that dogs that ended up in their home they ended up with a smack and his own light smile pressed itself on his face before the question of whether he was running away from home entirely was asked. For a moment his maw opened before shutting as he thought about the question. When another joined the party Whiskey's eyes would widen slightly, a greeting ready to leave his maw before he realized that there was... nothing coming from Dogbite.

Another he had met before yet he hadn't realized that he'd been part of this group of cats, and so as Dogbite did Whiskey didn't greet the other, only a look in his direction when he began talking. He'd be making a commitment during the day to be within SkyClan and then at night he'd be back home... that was fine with him. "I want to stay with my housefolk, at least for now. Even if they wisen up and get rid of the dog I still think I'd like to join." He preferred company of cats who could understand him, who he could talk to and they could talk back. Maybe one day he'd leave his home forever but for now he'd be fine with a paw in both worlds.

  • --
  • 29560776_fGVPywrvWWSPJWJ.png
  • SH chocolate/chocolate chimera w/low white & yellow eyes
    42 moons old; ages the 15th every month
    bisexual biromantic ; not currently in a relationship, not looking
    currently mentoring none
    in same clan easy to interact with, outside of clan is more gruff
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    excels in combat, hard in battles
    peaceful powerplay and healing allowed
"A daylight warrior, then. Like Edenberry." Orangestar's rasp comes from the roots of the pines, surveying the group in front of her with a curious eye. Her rear paw is lifted off the ground slightly, the only sign of her lingering pain aside from the tightness around her eyes. It's been a long time since her hindleg gave her such grief, to the extent where she might need to rest in camp tonight instead of completing the dusk patrol she had been assigned.

At least the sight of a few Clanmates, engaged in a conversation with this friendly stranger, put her emotional state at ease somewhat. She glances him once over. A cat who Edenberry knows, it would seem. They are often a relatively good judge of Twolegplace cats. He is quite striking, with russet fur and a kindly look to amber eyes. Orangestar blinks at him in a friendly manner. "Your name?"

  • // @Springpaw
  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | eight lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — single ; mentoring springpaw
    — speech is in #F18C47
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.


Eyes remained on the patrol for a moment before Orangestar showed and spoke and the tome found his own head nodding slightly as she mentioned the potential rank he'd have within the clan if allowed. When asked for his name he'd blink slightly in surprise - had he not shared it already? In the quick moments it took for him to recall the short conversation at the border so far he shook his head slightly in amusement "My bad, I forgot to share. My name's Whiskey." He already knew most of the cat's names here, whether it be by them introducing themselves to him before or simply hearing it come from a cat like in the case of Figfeather.

  • --
  • 29560776_fGVPywrvWWSPJWJ.png
  • SH chocolate/chocolate chimera w/low white & yellow eyes
    42 moons old; ages the 15th every month
    bisexual biromantic ; not currently in a relationship, not looking
    currently mentoring none
    in same clan easy to interact with, outside of clan is more gruff
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    excels in combat, hard in battles
    peaceful powerplay and healing allowed