The Oberried Altarpiece
Jun 7, 2024
While Haretooth and Vulturesong were both warriors, she found the need to train her brother. After they had graduated, she was dismayed in her brother's lack of keeping up their regiment. How did she train him? Sharpen his senses? That much was simple. While he was out and about making friends or getting up to whatever foolish things he desired, she spent her time collecting spiders with the aid of a sturdy stick and a glob of cobwebs (in the wild she was no thief) attached to it. When she returned it was late into the night, most of her clanmates would be fast asleep. With ease, she slinks through sleeping warriors to reach her own brother. How pathetic, I could have ended you right now. Be grateful I am showing you this mercy.

And so, while her brother remains in the slumbering world, she meticulously places the plethora of spiders she had collected on his pelt. A wicked grin curls from her lips watching as the little creatures scuttle along white fur. He does not wake, yet his face shifts into discomfort and whiskers twitch. Barkdusk would be ashamed. Looks like I'll have to whip you back into shape. The stick of cobwebs is left beside him, as she returns to her own nest. Stormy eyes watch the spiders the entirety of Haretooth's slumber. She is unsure if the sun has risen by the time he rouses from his deep sleep.

However, the expression on his face is priceless when he realizes what has happened. The screech that follows is nothing short of melodious. A frown curls from her maw, "Haretooth. I would trust a turtle to wake up faster than you. You have grown sloppy, it is no wonder why you've been struggling these days. Worry not, I will whip you back into shape."

// please wait for @Haretooth


The relationship between Haretooth and his sister could only be described as strange. While they were both rather off-putting and kind of volatile he would be one of the first to admit that Vulturesong went to extremes that he personally didn’t tread. He would say this with pride for his littermate of course but the fact that even he found her a little extreme spoke volumes. Things had been fine for a while now, he found that as he became more confident and self assured as a warrior he didn’t cling to his sister as much. When in a setting together he did find that he preferred her to speak on both of their behalfs but it wasn’t often that they were in the same social situations.

He sleeps fine that night, no different than any others. Curled up in his nest in a tight ball and snoring softly, the feeling of something skittering causes him to stir. Haretooth presumes that there’s some stray weaving in his nest brushing up against him in his sleep so he doesn’t try to pull himself from slumber. It is the bustle of morning that wakes him up, the sound of rustling from other warriors getting ready for dawn patrols. The feeling of the increasing warmth as the sun set the once cold skies ablaze in its unforgiving wake.

As he rises he notices that the itch beneath the flesh doesn’t disappear, skin ripples as he shifts in his seat. The feeling of something falling atop his white paw is what further brings that doubt that this was something normal. A shocked screech acts as an inappropriate wake up call “What absolute imbecile thought it would be funny to do this!?” The rage is palpable, rolling off the tom like the heat waves from the sun.

That fury dies much like the spider that he squishes beneath his paw when Vulturesong speaks. So it was her who did this? “What- Vulturesong? Whip me back into shape?” Jaw sets tight, teeth grind as the sleep that clings to his brain hinders his usual sharp wit. This was to be seen as a mercy then? Had he really fallen back into sloppy work like he did as an apprentice “there are other ways to send that message, dear sister. The spiders were not necessary” she should know how he didn’t like his fur messed with like that. He supposed she remembered, that’s why she did it.
Him and his relationship with his younger siblings was one of the stranger topics. It could only be described as otherworldly and off-putting, he would be the first to admit that both of his siblings are kinda out there. It doesn't really bother him personally when Haretooth and Vulturesong go to the extreme with each other. The littermates were an odd duo, but he shouldn't be talking like he also wasn't also the strange one.

Batchaser was curled in his own nest, his pale whiplike tail wrapped around his lanky, bony figure. Flank moving as he dreamt up random things to enjoy in his slumber. He sleeps fine that night. He twitches as he hears the rustle of other warriors, getting up to be ready for dawn patrols. The feeling of warmth, as the sun sets the once dark, cold skies ablaze in its waking hour. He was enjoying his snooze, until... he heard the shocked screech of one Haretooth.

The black smoke opens an eye, a few strands fall away from his eyes while tilting his head up. He lets his half-lidded gaze roam over to one of his pale - touched siblings. What a frightening way to wake up. His skin ripples and shifts, as he lifts his head from his nest letting a yawn escape his jaws. Smacking his dark lips, as he turns his head towards the pair he sleepily hums. "Haretooth, Vulturesong." Voice raspy, as he sighs out their names. Clicking his tongue, He lifts himself up from his own nest stretching out his body before he drifts over to his brother's nest with a hum. An ear flicked to Haretooth's words.

He clears his throat, as his long tail sweeps along the den's floor. "Now, now. You two." Lifting a dainty pale paw to swipe a skittering spider away from his younger brother's coat. Knocking it down to the ground, then squishing it beneath his paw. He will always never know, what goes on in his siblings little minds as they torture each other. Mostly Vulturesong. "I agree with Haretooth... Though, there are other ways to whip others back to shape little sister." He lets a grin curl upon his maw.

  • ( THAT'S ONE ENEMY DOWN! ) ⋆⁺₊ ☾ ⁺₊⋆ BATCHASER.shadowclan warrior.
    cismale ; HE / HIM, fine with gendered terms. ; 34 MOONS & AGES EVERY 10TH.
    pansexual / not actively looking / open to crushes & romance
    a tall, shorthaired curly black smoke mix with gold/green heterochromatic eyes.
    battle notesthoughts ; "Speech, 7077A1" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like rain-soaked pavement, mist & sweet leaf rot
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone