The forest has always been dangerous but with the presence of twolegs on their territory the danger levels have increased tenfold. Their clanmates have been kidnapped, their river littered with trash, fish dwindling, and the dogs that came with the twolegs. His daughter joined the clan at a dire time and he knows in his heart if Ferndance knew what was going on, oh, how she would take their daughter back. His daughter on the other hand was determined. Even if she was given strange looks or was rejected by some of her new clanmates, she still pressed forward. Even helping the clan clean the dump the twolegs had left on their land. He is proud of her. She is meeting her struggles head on and he must do the same. Even if Snakeblink his dear friend much keep an eye on him at all times, mark his words he will prove himself. Lichenstar will not regret giving him this chance.

Green eyes dart around their surroundings, wary. This was a hunting patrol, so on paper it should be a simple task. However, with clanmates chattering about strange contraptions with prey writhing in agony... We have to be careful. All he can do is follow behind Snakeblink, trusting in the lead warrior and the others on this patrol. It is only when they are near their destination does a loud bang resounds. Before he's even aware, he's leaped into the air that could rival a carp leaping out of the river. Sliver and black fur bristling, claws unsheathed. When paws touch the ground, he trembles while green eyes dart between each member within the patrol.

"W-w-what was t-that?!" Before anyone could respond, another loud bang pierces the air. We have to run! It's not safe here! But where do we go?! I c-can't leave without S-s-snakeblink.

// surprise! a bingo thread and the slot is: walleye. can't believe there's a lingering hunter who fired his gun twice. I realized too late that I had the camp prefix in the original thread, and had no idea how to remove it so weeps this is a repost just to be more clear THIS DOESN'T TAKE PLACE IN CAMP!

Troutpaw had never heard something so loud. She made a startled noise but bit back a yelp. Stumbling to the side as she seeks the comfort of her mentor. Her eyes were wide and quickly looking around. Everything in her told her to run. The loyalty for her clanmates was thick. Thick enough to ground her. Still scared but she was scared with everyone else.

“I-Ive never h-eard anything like t-that?” the apprentice takes panicked looks all around her, “Is i-it some kind o-of monster?” Troutpaw imagined some kind of large creature hunting them. Whatever the thing was must be large to be so loud.

  • ooc : — ​

  • apprentice - 6 moons - mentored by npc / a small gray and white, ticked feline with green eyes

[ mentor tag! @LAKEMOON ]

Splashpaw is glad to be given the opportunity to patrol with her father. While she isn't too happy that he must have a sort of... watcher trailing him, it doesnt negate the fact that they are spending time together. All the while, her new mentor is gauging her hunting skills - which while on land fair well, but could use some tremendous work within the waters of the river. She has time, she knows, but she hopes that Lakemoon doesn't deem her a lost cause so soon.

She's stalking behind a bird, the feathered thing pecking the ground nonsensically, when the first shot goes off. Her fur ruffles and the bird flies away - instinctively, she retreats, first to Lakemoon's side as the woman is dubbed her protector and guidance. Her blue eyes look over her father as the tom warbles, and then Troutpaw. Splashpaw does not have an answer for either, but she does offer a, "We should try some place else," to the patrol. "They're - they're gonna scare everything off. It won't be worth it or even safe to continue...!"

.·:*¨༺ ☾ ༻¨*:·. Lakemoon can’t place the exact mood that has seemed to grasp at this patrol, but for whatever reason it is oddly silent. Normally, Lakemoon would enjoy the peace, but she lived in a clan full of chatter-boxes, silence and peace weren’t the status-quo.
In any case, this was not only a patrol but also a lesson-plan for her and her newly assigned apprentice. Since the meeting, Lakemoon had been taking careful notes on what the apprentice already seemed to know, and what she was likely to excel in. Land hunting seemed to be her strongest skill, naturally, her stance was nearly perfect for catching oddly fast, scaled creatures. Not that Lakemoon would verbalize her observations, content to let Lichenstar continue on with the facade that the young she-cat simply came to their doorstep, chalk-full of Riverclan, out of nowhere. Whatever the leader's reasoning was, the silvery tabby had little interest in sticking her nose in business that would only sully her paws with useless problems.
Sharp navy optics flick to her apprentice periodically, almost having half a mind to give the girl a pop-quiz on the wetlands when a loud, explosive noise rips right through the previous quiet, the second that follows feeling as though it might split her eardrums in two. Quickly, Lakemoon ensures Splashpaws place at her side before lifting a feathered tail high in the air. “Quiet.” The warriors' words are curt, ears twitching as she strains to hear anything else, against the static that now has them ringing. Something smokey laces the breeze, laying a metallic taste over the warriors taste buds. “If we can get to the river we follow it back to camp in the reed beds.” Pikesplash looks as though he may faint, so Lakemoon would turn to the other warriors on the patrol for feedback.

  • LAKEMOON she/her, warrior of riverclan, 27 moons.
    lanky blue tabby with low white and navy blue eyes and a slightly twisted right hind leg. A large facial scar stretches from her right brow to her left cheek, and another crosses at her chest and stretches down the length of her stomach.
    daughter of Tempestmoon && Lilypad ࿏ sister to Wolfwind ࿏ mate to Lilybloom & mother to Snowkit, Graykit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Otterbite is suspiciously unsure of what to make of Splashpaw. It was out of character for the scruffy warrior to feel negatively towards outside blood, as his patriotism followed the belief of RiverClan being the best, the strongest. If one would defect from their Clan for that very fact, it would be foolish to deny that truth.

This one though is not just any outsider. Not any defector. Boneripple was a turncoat. Hyacinthbreath was as well. Neither had claimed Riverblood, though, like this one had. Yet no one spoke up to claim her, either.

Otterbite's gait is in tandem with Snakeblinks as he sulked behind, watching through a narrowed gaze as Splashpaw wistfully stared at his father. For whatever reason, he has noticed the lead to act as Pikesplash's shadow and perhaps the apprentice is trying to size up what kind of deed he had done to deserve such a thing. Otterbite did not care to pry himself, as he had always kept him and his father's duties separate from one another. He only cared to know Pikesplash approved of his efforts for RiverClan, of course.

Otterbite's simmering is brought to an abrupt halt, the heat of adrenaline quickly burning his ears. It's a sound unlike any animal he had heard before, and he sought for the other warriors reactions to make sense of it. They knew as much as he, it seemed.

The echo of sound burst faded, Otterbite expected it to sound off again. "You think something... died? Like a monster?" He muttered, unsure how close to source of the explosion was.

  • OTTERBITE he/him, warrior of riverclan, thirteen moons.
    scruffy blue/black chimera with a white tail-tip and green eyes. noticeable kinked whiskers
    adopted son to pikesplash // former apprentice to coyotecreek
    peaceful and healing powerplay requires permission / / underline and tag when attacking or making an action toward
    see battle info here
    penned by beataegonkpilled on discord, feel free to dm for plots.