| haus of holbein |

She had seen many a cat fall in her short time on this earth, from loners slain by rogues to infighting within groups, to two-leg intervention; none stung so sharply as one you trusted turning on you without warning. It was a pain she was familiar with, if she closed her eyes she could imagine the smell of stale smoke gushing forth like dark clouds high above the city skyline at her old hauntings in the stone heart of two-leg place, the kingdom she once loved shattered into pieces and the shard spilling blood so thick one might drown in it. ShadowClan, she thought, might be different because despite the oddity of some of its inhabitants there was a kinship to be had in this dark and loamy hollow of the forest; the wretched and the broken gathering to try and form a piece of something one might call whole. Halfshade was rather fond of her clanmates, from the gruff and prickly to the sheepish and timid, there was not a cat present she could say she hated in any way up until today.

Today was different.

In the bowing limbs of a tree she had been sleeping when a piercing cry rocked her from her slumber, eyes the color of the sun and moon honed down on the source to see a blur of motion and cats rolling on the ground. Her immediate impulse was to leap down from her perch and assist but just as quickly as it started it ended and only once the two were untangled did she realize who it was. Chilledgaze. The other....Hawktail? The words spat hateful from the other she-cat's mouth made her flatten her ears and she waited for the deputy to retaliate only to admit defeat and bow their head and her heart broke for the words she heard. To struggle so much under a weight like that without telling anyone, to suffer in silence for the good of their clan. It shocked her enough to hold her silence, keep herself hidden and when the two parted she made a deliberate glance to ensure she knew the direction Hawktail was going before leaping down to go and make sure Chilledgaze made it home alright.

Now? Well now she was hunting as she said she would, but her prey was much larger than what she considered the norm in ShadowClan. A frog or lizard would not sate her in this instance, she required something heavier. "Hawktail, dear! There you are!" The tortiseshell responded to her greeting as she expected, wary caution and unease, "Halfshade, what do you want?"
The bicolor queen smiled, ignoring the obvious aggression in the tone and dismissal of her presence, " "I found a dead deer! Can you imagine what luck that is? I need help dragging some of it back to camp!" The other she-cat's eyes lit up. Not a ShadowClanner alive would turn down such a feast, such a gift. A dead deer would feed the entire clan for several days and with leaf-bare approaching it meant they would have ample time to stock their stores better with this extra padding. Hawktail was a good, dutiful warrior. She would not hesitate to follow the torbie out to gather this prize. "A deer! Of course I'll help, lead the way!" Whatever caution, whatever hesitance clung to the she-cat after her bought with the deputy was long gone and Halfshade flicked her tail in delight before strolling onward. The path she took was one well familiar to her, she had roamed this area nearing the two-leg place many a time in her wandering even long before joining ShadowClan-when it was called the Marsh Colony, before she even knew it was here. "There's a shortcut this way, but we'll have to drag the deer back the long way!" She called cheerfully, moving to squeeze herself between the slats of a broken fence and her mismatched eyes honed in on the pile of junk slanted in the corner of the yard where a long silver chain rattled gently with faint motion. With a flick of her tail she beckoned the other ShadowClanner behind her, creeping toward the assorted two-leg trash before the silence was broken by the wind shifting and the scent of dog hitting them both. Hawktail was on alert immediately but Halfshade was quicker, moving forward with a spring she leapt upon the pile and then up onto the fence as Hawktail yowled in surprise; the dog burst from it's makeshift den with a sound like thunder.

By the time Halfshade regained her footing on the fencing behind the beast's lair it was already over. Her dual-toned gaze drifted lazily to the battered form and bloody pieces that used to be Hawktail, the other molly barely had time to cry for help when faced with such ferocity. The torbie knew the dog was here, it had chased her once, long ago but she also knew it seemed hard of hearing and only the aggressive rattle of the tin over its den being pounced upon would've awoken it from its slumber. With a disinterested final glance she turned to make her way back to camp, pausing to retrieve the frog Hawktail had set down when she was approached.

No need to waste good prey, she would give it to the first cat she found with a light laugh, "Hawktail left this laying in the marsh! It's fair game! She'll be quite cross I took it when she gets back!"


Loam's mother had always told her that she is a clever kit. Sometimes Loam wonders if she said that only because it's what a mother is supposed to say, but most of the time she knows it to be true. Loam notices, and when she can think close enough to her own head to catch her thoughts, she can even put her cleverness to words.

Loam notices, she knows, and today she notices this: Chilledgaze and Hawktail had left together. Chilledgaze came home alone. Loam hadn't seen Halfshade leave, but Halfshade must have left and seen Hawktail while she was out. Halfshade came home alone.

Hawktail hasn't come home yet.

There is an itch somewhere in Loam's head, but her thoughts aren't in her head today. Details are ants leading to a hill, but they've stopped walking in a line for Loam, and she is left instead to stare at a frog with a face stuck on perplexion. Wasn't Chilledgaze hurt when they'd come home? Shouldn't Hawktail be hurt too then, if they were together? The ants don't walk in a line anymore and despite her confusion, Loam doesn't have suspicion enough to try and find the hill.

Loam's stomach growls. Her mind focuses instead on more pressing matters.

"Thanks!" Loam chirps after what is an inappropriate amount of time to remain silent, "but Hawkt-tuh-tail can't be cr-cross with me! I-eee-uh'm t-tuh-too little still!" She grins and snatched the frog. Stupid Hawktail shouldn't leave frogs laying around.

tags ∘ shadowclan kit ∘ solid black with hazel eyes ∘ curled front foot ∘ 5 moons​
pitchstar watches his clan from the shadows of his den, copper eyes gleaming in the darkness that engulfs his frail frame. cats laughing, sharing tongues, passing around gossip with a lightheartedness that the leader envies. why couldn't he do that as easily as they could? why was it so hard for him to simply get out of his nest in the morning, let alone socialize? why wasn't it as natural as breathing, like it is for everyone else?

how could they be so happy, after chilledgaze came back to camp covered in their own blood?

a part of him wishes that someone would come to his den, offer him a smile and ask him if he's alright. the other part knows he would glower at them and tell them to piss off, because he doesn't need their fuckin' pity.

pitchstar doesn't know what he truly wants.

it's when halfshade comes into the camp, giving a frog to loam and telling the kit that hawktail had left it lying around. for any scavenger or, god forbid, rogue to come snatch it up. a frog that would feed the queens, kits, and elders. a frog that they wouldn't be so lucky to find once leaf-bare settles in at full force. pitchstar bristles at that, rising to his paws so fast his head swims from the sudden movement. "hawktail did what? in the middle of leaf-fall?" he glowers at halfshade as he stomps over, as if the dual-toned warrior had any control over another warrior's stupidity. "where the fuck is she?"
there was a long list of things that chilled was... but an idiot wasn't one of them. could they say for sure they knew what happened? no. but it could be implied and honestly... they didn't care. hawktail deserved to be exiled for putting her paws on them in the first place, but acting to being attacked would be like admitting to the entire clan that they'd been weak. they weren't doing that. not even if it killed them. sighing, chilledgaze laid outside of the medicine cat den. it had been way too strongly scented with herbs. maybe it was just because their nose was a bit more sensitive when surrounded by something for a bit. they didn't like being in that den, and they were doing their best to stay the hell out of it.

lazily their torn ear flicks as they watch the exchange between halfshade and loam. hawktail apparently had left a frog all by its loansome and disappeared... how interesting. especially for someone who screamed and yelled at them about how she could be a b3tter deputy and how she would take care of the clan way more than they would. suspicious, it was, but chilledgaze didn't care. halfshade wasn't harmed, and that was all that mattered. their ears swiveled towards the brutish voice of their leader, and they only sighed.

"your tail is gonna fall right off with all of that anger of yours, pitchstar. who cares? at least halfshade brought it back. i'm sure hawktail just thought it was a bit of... dead weight."

an assumption. they hadn't known what happened to hawktail and why she hadn't come back, and they didn't care. one less problem cat in shadowclan meant better warriors suited to be within their ranks.

They materialize out of the shadows, eyes glancing wildly between each cat present before they go to stick alongside Chilledgaze like glue. Apparently Halfshade had 'found' the frog, but as the pieces begin to come together, their eyes narrow in jealousy. No matter, he doesn't say anything in the moment, rather softening his gaze and stealing a glance at the black cat besides him. "How... useless." he'd muse quietly, loud enough for anyone to hear them, but the barely concealed growl is just slightly audible.

Careless, careless Hawktail was, didn't she know how 'important' it was? Despite his own selfish nature and his decision of only feeling himself and Chilled, a sneer appears on their face. Useless mutt, he'd decide despite the hypocrite song in his mind. At least she would get a scolding from Pitchstar, thats about right.

Little indeed! "You are! If she's mean to you when she gets back you let me know and I'll give her a good scolding!" She watched the apprentice pluck up the frog with a warm smile and took a seat to groom her paws in quick neat strokes of her tongue, it was always a struggle keeping them clean when the very ground seemed to swallow them up with every step; the soft earth was both a trial and a benefit when it came to hunting. She was partially through cleaning her left one, on the final toe, when Pitchstar's grouchy tone rang out and the dappled tom approached with eyes blazing and his usual fiesty expression-they really did need to make him take more naps! He was always so disgruntled! Her nearly clean paw pressed to the side of her cheek thoughtfully, a cheerful hum escaping her as she genuinely considered his question, "Oh goodness, which direction did she go again? I think it was towards two-leg place!" Her gaze turned in the direction of said area, mismatched eyes peering into the treelines as if expecting the calico warrior to step forth at any moment as though summoned by the sound of her furiously hissed name. Halfshade's sweeping glance moved from the bowing trees to the medicine cat den where Chilledgaze rested now and Spectermask was not too far away themselves, "They're right, Pitchstar dear! If you keep getting so mad you're going to lose fur and the bald patches will be so inconvenient when its cold!" She laughed, bell-like chime rising up and she moved to the freshkill pile to grab herself her own frog since she had gifted Hawktail's to Loam.
"If you do go bald you can come share a nest with me if you like~ I'm very cuddly and warm!"

Honeysong was clueless as to what had happened. She only heard something about Pitchstar losing his tail and fur from anger.

Was that possible!?

Oh no!!

Time to play into it.

She bounced over and smiled brightly. "Halfshade is right! We can't have you losing your wonderful fur in the middle of leaf bare!!" She chimed in with her sing songy voice. "You simply must grace us with your smile again someday! Bald or not!"

A hairless cat..... can you imagine!? Such a fate COULD NOT befall anyone she knows!