border have you ever shut all the open doors? // lurker at the border


Promise me it's gonna be alright
Sep 20, 2022

It had been nothing more than a whim that had seen his paws carry him past the fence line and into the edge of the forest. His meeting with Chrysaliswing and Honeysplash had only served to dredge up old memories and dreams, and as a result he had longed to revel in some lost nostalgia of better times. Days spent with clanmates at his side and idle chatter about nothing. A far cry from a life spent hearing the rumble of thunderpath monsters and constantly looking over his shoulder for danger.

The rough looking sandy tom paused by the base of a pine tree where a scent marker held strong. The distinct scent of SkyClan filled his nose and brought him an odd sense of joy, but it brought with it the warning to not linger for long. He doubted he would be tolerated so close to the fringes, yet he found his heart yearning for just a few seconds more. "I shouldn't... I shouldn't keep coming back here." Ultimately he was only hurting himself by chasing such small slithers of warmth. Sighing softly, then aimed to rub his cheek against the bark to leave behind his own scent. Maybe with luck Honeysplash would find it and know that he was still close even when so far.

Taking a step back he then gazed at the woods, frozen in place and lost in his thoughts. He didn't pause to consider his surroundings in that moment.

  • Love
Reactions: wolfie

Loner scent lay along this border as a constant; it was not abnormal for lingering auras to skim the border. Twitchbolt had no issue with it so long as it didn't drift too closely along; despite the jittering, he was somewhat relaxed. There had been no sighting of rogues for a long while... at least, not the sort who had whirled in and spwaned a whole new Code with their clawtips, one of Blazestar's final acts as leader.

Tranquility fled from him like a frightened bird at the sight of a scruffy sandy pelt, lurking over the border. Olive eyes blew wide, amber-flecked- it took him a few moments to recognise the cat who stood there. Exiled- an uncommon thing for Blazestar to do, and ordered to be chased out under their former leader's rule. Sunstride- now Sunstar- had known of him too- and Blazestar's ringing order that he had told his council, to chase him off with tooth and claw, struck like a death toll in Twitchbolt's head.

"You!" The word swooped from Twitchbolt's mouth like a falcon- hostility sparked bright in wide eyes. White-and-brown rattled into spines, and he strode forward with purpose, straddling the scent-line of the border. "Don't c-come any closer." A twitch of the head on the stutter, a neck-snap to the side. "If you know what's good for you."
penned by pin ✧

sootspritespark & 44 moons & demi-girl & she/they & skyclan daylight warrior

The cat before her is from a time before her own - yellow gaze taking in the stranger impassively even as the bright, sunshine filled smile never leaves her face. She expects to simply warn them off, this cat - or perhaps, find yet another expectant joiner waiting politely to be greeted. But then the twitchy thing they now call their deputy - and hah, isn't that a bit of a joke? - snaps at them, shocking her enough that for a moment, curiosity glints in bright eyes. Who, exactly, is this stranger? A frown crosses her face for merely a moment before her expression drops in favor of something more neutral, though the short and round-cheeked molly makes no move to be defensive, body loose and languid as she finally speaks. " Do you know that cat Twitchbolt? "

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'


// ic opinions she's just awful
( 💫 )
The voices caught the branch-bound molly like a lure catches a fish. Checking over her shoulder, Sorrelsong spotted Twitchbolt's patchworked pelt and paused, her attention shifting to the warrior as the bird she was targeting shuffled and pecked on the ground within jumping distance. Another cat? Twitchbolt was anxious, yes, but she couldn't remember a time he sounded so harsh.

Frowning, the molly flicks her tail tip and shuffles, rearranging her paws so she could jump from thick tree branch to tree branch before hearing Sootspitespark's much harsher voice. She blinks as she thinks, the bird behind her flittering away. Twitchbolt and Sootspritespark are strong warriors, and she didn't doubt their ability to handle something as small as a maybe (?) an annoying rogue. She resolves to eavesdropping, ready to rush in if anyone yells.


-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- The air was cool and the sun beat down with warmth giving way to a rather nice day. Though as they had been traversing through the forest- they were determined to find Flora a piece of prey or something silly for her friend- they paused with a paw in the air. Lifting their head from the ground they furrowed their brow as voices from the distance drifted through the breeze and she wondered who was out here. Though as they kept walking they recognized the voice of Twitchbolt warning someone to stay away- and they could’ve rolled their eyes. Surely it was nothing bad.

Honeysplash first saw Sootspritespark then Sorrelsong before the deputy came into view. “Whats going on?” They asked curiously but their own question was soon answered when a rather large underbite and sandy fur caught their green gaze. Instantly they lit up, their eyes going wide, “Sharpeye!” Though they wished to rush forward and happily greet her old mentor, they knew that they probably shouldnt with Twitchbolt around cause they did not want to make the situation go downhill.

Thats my old mentor, Twitch, remember?” She asked the brown and cream tomcat with a small tilt of her head and flicked her tail slightly.

  • HONEYSPLASH she/they, Warrior of Skyclan, 27 moons.
    A lithe, cream tabby cat with high white and green eyes.
    Younger siister to Orangestar, Applefrost and Apritcotflower and littermates with Blueberrybounce and Cloudberrythorn // Former mate to; Quillstrike
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by youwolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Many things could spur Twitchbolt into a tizzy, fluffing the deputy's fur until he looked like lightning had struck him. But few things could pull a dictating tone from the male. Both curious and surprised, Coyotecrest paused his training with Blazingpaw, green eyes narrowing as he cast his gaze over his shoulder. "What in Starclan's name is going on over there..." He murmured to himself, spinning a tight circle to face the general direction of several voices. Wordlessly he flicked his tail, ushering his son along as he trailed closer.

His chin tipped, gaining a better view of a sandy-colored male with a prominent underbite. Memories flooded back to Coyotecrest instantly. Appreciation of past deeds hovered in his mind. Sharpeye had been one of the few cats during his trial period back in Skyclan that didn't think him a spy. That trusted he had not returned for malicious intent. However, caution also flickers across his gaze. This was also the same cat exiled by Blazestar, an outcast for acting out his motives instead of adhering to the late leader's word. This was a delicate situation indeed.

Coyotecrest stands partially in front of his son. "Why have you come back here?" His tone does not carry the venom it should. Instead, it errors on the side of masked curiosity and confusion. "Surely you remember Blazestar's decree..." Sharpeye was toeing a dangerous line. Why risk being caught? (apprentice tag @BLAZINGPAW )
̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   skyclan warrior / twenty-two moons old / he/him  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  

"Sharpeye." Mismatched gaze burned through the newleaf shadow, remembrance painted clear upon Chrysaliswing's gaze, though he made no verbal note of it beyond the reckoning recognition. The longhaired chimaera knew the sand-colored expatriate, more than he would have admitted to the rest of the Skyclanners. Remarked in kindness, as hesitant and reluctant as it might have been, that Chrysalis had once felt alien to. He was much more admirable than many of his clanmates, in that sense. But why was Sharpeye here now? Flame-brushed pelt shone ardent against the sunlight as his tail waved behind him, though it did not lash like an angered serpent but wavered like a windswept banner. Quick glance shot towards Honeysplash - at least she had been excited to see the trespasser, though that did not excuse why he had come where he was not welcome "You shouldn't be here." The tom's voice lie low, subdued almost, like his venomous vitriol had been stripped from his throat, though it still pulsed fervent right at his feet. He felt that Sharpeye wouldn't dare attack the Skyclanners, though his blades still lie sharp and steady within the hilts of his velvet paws.

  • OOC:
  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 23 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.


It started as a trickle and then became a tidal wave of cats, likely a full patrol of SkyClan. In an instant worry gnawed at his gut as he weighed the risks of him being there, a victim of his own idiocy. Not wishing to start a fight he instinctively lowered his head and kept his claws sheathed in a display of submission as he kept his eye on Twitchbolt in particular. "I won't stray closer, I can promise you that much." A single step would likely be a death sentence, and he wasn't particularly keen on being torn apart in front of Honeysplash.

Ultimately it is Coyotecrest who ends up asking the important question; why had he come here? A heavy sigh escaped him as he mulled it over, trying to formulate a definitive answer that could be offered to the crowd before him. Gradually his shoulders began to sink as the tension seemed to ease from his muscles. "I came because I'm an ageing fool with memories of better times. And... well, I wanted to pay my respects to Blazestar. I heard about his passing, and despite our differences I still respected him. He had been my leader and friend at one point, and he was the cat who had taken me in long ago. The border is the closest I can get in which to offer up a prayer."

Hearing it out loud made it seem somewhat ridiculous, but it didn't make it any less true. Though he was unsure how the others would take what he had said. Naturally he found himself preparing to run.


Soon was he flanked by a patrol, none of them bearing quite the same barbs as him- though he supposed the Clan had never been told of the extent of what Sharpeye had been up to since he had been ejected from SkyClan. Or, rather, since he had chosen to throw everything away for a Clan that was not his own. That's my old mentor Twitch, remember? Twitchbolt's beginning-to-boil eyes shifted to Honeysplash in exasperation. "Twitchbolt." It was a boundary he hated to have to set, but he liked Honeysplash, and did not want them to start reminding him of his mother. "Yeah, I remember. I also remember that he's an exile who abandoned SkyClan." He wondered, truly, why Honeysplash was so forgiving- he had in turn abandoned her training. And why now did Chrysaliswing choose not to ignite any flames, instead stating the obvious.

A shudder crossed Twitchbolt's body- against what his head was screaming at him to do, he studied Sharpeye as he spoke, ears angled to undisturbed attention. I respected him, said Sharpeye, and Twitchbolt audibly scoffed- all that whirled around in his head was Blazestar's assertion that Sharpeye was dangerous, that he should not be near SkyClan's borders. If he was in a nastier mood he might have told Sharpeye very plainly that he was not respected in turn, but without Blazestar alive to back him, he kept that thought locked away.

Twitchbolt's heart thumped with a sickening heaviness, one that lurched him a little, but the look in his eye was resolute, protective, with embers of hostility. A kinked tail lashed, a flash of brown and blue-feather; "You can pay your respects anywhere by looking up at Silverpelt." Twitchbolt hissed. "I'm- I'll say this once. You are not welcome here- Blazestar said so himself, and unless Orangestar feels differently- which I expect she won't- you never will be. Leave." Sharpeye's further nuisance to SkyClan after his ridiculous beacon of disloyalty was hardly relevant. He was an exile, as pathetic as he now seemed, and Twitchbolt would not forgive that.
penned by pin ✧

Figfeather takes a stance at the flank of her deputy, orange fur bristling furiously at the audacity the exile showed at the border. Pay respects to Blazestar? Was he bird-brained? Had a rogue knocked him over the head? She feels like a flame has been lit to her tongue, what right does he think he has to pray to StarClan? To Blazestar?

The warrior finds an even higher form of admiration for Twitchbolt in this moment. He offers no sympathy for this traitor, it is again Figfeather is dumbfounded her clan-mates are not making a bigger deal out of this. This cat picked RiverClan over them, he had disrespected- humiliated their now fallen leader. Figfeather was not typically a violent cat, but she does not forgive cats who betray SkyClan easily, especially in the manner Sharpeye had.

"You weren't there for Blazestar in life, he doesn't need your prayers in death." She spat the exile's way, tail rapidly lashing to and through, it's fur puffed out and five times its typical size. "Show your face back here again and I'll shred your ears off myself!" She adds after Twitchbolt sends him away with unyielding authority.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and to aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Silversmoke prowled forward at the commotion on the border, the slight stiffness in his hind limb nothing compared to the blood within him that ignited at the sight of a traitor. So long had passed since Sharpeye's self-exile that it was difficult to have ever conceived the rogue as a SkyClanner, but for those within the clan old enough to remember their home's neutrality and the subsequent fallout, the disgust hadn't disappeared. At least for most of them. A glance with narrowed pupils was offered to Honeysplash and the reminder that many in his home had connections to the outside world became a frustrating reminder. He tried to shake it off unless Chrys' friend protested, his lashing tail close to propelling the large tom forward. The stern-faced Lead Warrior's lips peeled back in a sneer. "You didn't respect Blazestar in life, what makes you think you've earned the right to respect him now?" Tension coiled at his limbs, readying himself like the snake that had struck him half a moon ago. Bristled fur sought to make him look larger but instead, Silversmoke allowed his stifles to bend. No verbal warning was needed, if Sharpeye didn't leave at the latest round of disapproval, then Silversmoke wouldn't hesitate to see to his removal physically


"My beliefs are rooted more so in where the physical body lies, not with the stars." StarClan had never held any weight in his life. In the lands he had hailed from before his time in SkyClan he had been raised on respecting the graves of the fallen. The notion of spirits filling the night sky still seemed... absurd, to him any way. Not that he would ever speak down on those who followed StarClan and the teachings.

"And should you really be assuming Orangestar's intentions? You're not her." Sharpeye looked Twitchbolt up and down with an air of scrutiny at that moment, somewhat driven by his prickling feeling of irritation. They were each too young, and too blind to understand the situation that had occurred or why he had opposed Blazestar on that fateful day. Was it really that easy to forget the aid given to them by RiverClan during their darkest hour? RiverClanners had suffered because of SkyClan's inaction, all because Blazestar had placed selfishness above all else and had closed himself off from the outcry from his own peers. Had they forgotten that their own leader had ignored the pleas of his own people?

Slowly his attention drifted towards that of Figfeather, and finally Silversmoke. How many times was he destined to hear the same words falling from the lips of those who had failed to grasp the wider picture? "You really don't understand, do you?" He only seemed to look ever more tired at that moment. "Blazestar betrayed me first." He added as a quiet whisper meant only for himself as he shook his head. It was time to be gone, so he turned to leave before things could sour further.

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