Haven’t I Given Enough? [Berryheart]


Ever since her frosty slumber party outdoors, the apprentice had felt herself growing weaker, the fatigue that grasped at her was easily disguisable when it came to her training, as Flycatcher was still receiving the infamous cold shoulder, but how it was becoming difficult to even speak without a cough interrupting her sentence.
She knew it was time to drag herself to the medicine den, even if the thought made her sicker than she already was.
She had known it was time for two sunrises now, but the fear that she could have something contagious outweighed the sliver of rational thought the apprentice had, so… she put it off.
That is, until now, half buried in a pile of moss that she was trying to scramble together to make a new nest when another coughing fit broke out.
This one rattled at her chest, and an icy feeling seized her throat strings.
She knew a bout of no-breath was bound to come, her breathing was mere rasps once the coughing had come to an end.
Sluggishly, she stumbled towards the medicine den, ears flattened and eyes low as she leaned into the entrance.
"B-Berryheart? I need your help… I… it’s getting hard to breathe again." The apprentice managed to rasp. She didn’t want to see him where her mother used to be, so she opted to squeeze her eyes shut, it helped with the pain anyhow.




Studying the herbs as they were, simply sat before him... it was beyond useless. Long before he had settled in here he knew these plants by name, but how could he know what they do? He was no pessimist- hopelessness would not cross his mind- but he could not deny how overfaced he felt with this opportunity. Plants scattered at his paws, stashed in stores, all of them simple decoration until he could commit to memory their use...

A call. A small voice, and one he was frankly surprised to hear addressing him. Fawny earned his glance, but did not offer one back- and that wheezing pulled through her throat, inhalation and exhalation, was an alarmingly familiar sound. Ah- he had seen her struggle with this before, but the most experience had come from his own ailment. The fire had taken a lot out of him at the time- and with the cold months approaching, he knew rest would take up more of his day than it already did. Taking a few steps toward her, he paused for a moment, glancing over his shoulder- mint, lavender. Good.

"Focus on taking deep, slow breaths." Direct as always, he knew panic would be the worst trap to stumble into. Gathering the strong-smelling herbs in his paws, he shuffled them toward her, remedy offered. "Crouch, and inhale those scents." He could only hope this would aid her in the same way that it did he.

She smells the herbs before they are shoved to her paws. The sharp scent of the mint makes her want to gag, but she takes the risk of trusting Berryheart and does as she’s told.
One…breath… two…breath
She opens her eyes, but they are facing the ground as she struggles inhale on the third beat, the smell becoming too much for her to handle.
Shakily, she shoves them away. "I…can’t" she insisted with a shake of her head, the trailing scent of mint making her throat feel icy. She struggles to recall her past attacks, and what had been used to soothe her clamped chest. "Worse.." she haggardly tried to communicate, pressing a paw to her chest to indicate the growing pain.
She blames Robinpaw… and herself, she should have fought harder to get into that apprentices den.