sensitive topics haven't i given enough — bumping into an old " friend " one-shot [ development ]


second chances 08/28/2023
Mar 1, 2023
.don't rush something you ———


——— want to last forever.
———————— ————————
tw : minor domestic abuse closer towards the end

THE CREAM-TICKED FELINE GLANCED UP AT THE DARKENED SKY ears flat against his helm, hoping to protect the inner parts of his ears which grew sore ( throbbing ). He bit back a whine, mismatched optics dancing from one tree to the next, unsure of where he was. Oh, dear. He hadn’t meant to get lost. Originally, wanting to find a few flowers to weave into the nursery before the clouds darkened further. But it seems he’d gone off course.

It looked familiar, but even against the darkening backdrop, Yukio couldn’t make out why it was familiar. Everything looks as if someone copied and pasted.

“I didn’t … t, tell anyone.” Did I?


Yukio wished he stayed inside the nursery. No doubt his ears would agree. The sensitive appendages throbbed, pressed against his helm. Ow. Ow. Ow. He felt a whine bubble up within his throat, eyes screwing shut as paws shifted to rest against them.

He’d never been outside when the winds were this harsh. Even when he’d been kicked out of his twolegs nest. Yukio was trekking through unfamiliar territory it seemed. The way the weather ruffled his fur. Untangling them would take forever. ‘M not looking forward to that. Perhaps he could braid flowers into his fur while he did so. Oh! He wouldn’t mind that. He liked flowers.

Maybe a bit too much.

Yukio giggled at the thought. He doubted there was such a thing as ‘too much.’

The cream-ticked tabby hunkered down against the tree trunk, his compact frame tucked into the crevices of the rough bark, pressed against his peachy flesh. The queen wasn’t sure what to do other than fall deeper into his thoughts, mulling over ways to get back to camp before anyone noticed he was gone or collecting flowers ( what he’d originally left for ).

Heavens. He giggled, reaching to press a paw against his stomach to feel the growing life within his womb, blinking sluggishly. He truly wondered if he’d be a good dam. The thought alone sent terror through his frame, leaving the small feline to shiver against the chilly winds. Yukio wasn’t one to get scared despite the clear shutter, something that hadn’t always been present until he met Kyungmin, the silver-blue tabby snapping at him until Yukio grew uncertain, too afraid to speak.

Oh. He frowned, brows furrowed. He never knew why Kyungmin hated his voice. The larger brute not explaining other than to ‘be quiet, darling.’ If he wasn’t? Kyungmin would threaten to cut out his tongue. Yukio never told anyone. He never planned to.

He didn’t think Quinn would appreciate being kept in the dark, not that Yukio didn’t want to tell his friend.

It’s just … Yukio had been annoying all those times. He deserved it. He’d always been a chatterbox. A trait Kyungmin had hated, often wishing for peace when the cream-ticked tabby would ramble, chirping and trilling with little thought of backlash.

Kyungmin hadn’t always been—The tabby had been sweet, but became possessive and scary the longer they ‘dated.’ Oh, heavens. I shouldn’t be thinking about this. A sigh slipped past his darkened maw. The sound swallowed up by the wind as he stared up at the swaying pines.

Yukio shook his helm, pulling himself to his aching paws, teeth-gritting with the effort. Had it always been this difficult to move? Cheeks puffed out with the effort, Yukio tumbled onto all fours, willowy tail skimming the ground as he glanced around, gaze calculating.


The cream-colored tom knew this place, but he couldn’t put a paw on it until the familiar scent of twolegs danced across tastebuds. Oh! Oh! I know where I am! A cheerful grin graced his features, optics brightening with a cheerful trill.

The question remained: Where did he go from here? Yukio hadn’t the slightest clue.

A twig snapped in the far distance, alerting him of something closing in, fur prickling along his spine, gaze widening until a familiar pair of eyes stared at him from afar, crinkling into crescents.

“Oh, my darling Yukio!” Kyungmin called, padding forward, cheek briefly skimming Yukio’s own who remained stiff, staring wide-eyed at the familiar brute. Oh—What do I do? He needed to return to camp, but…

“K, Kyungmin!” He chirped, whining at the loss of contact as the other pulled away with a disgusted sneer.

“You smell like others—” The male peered down at Yukio’s swollen stomach, sneer curling into a tight-lipped frown. “I see you still have them.” Oh. Yukio flinched, curling into himself with a whimper. “I, I—”

“Oh! Enough of that silly babble! I see you’ve been sleeping around. I should have known you were a no good fox.” He sneered. “You even kept those … villainous things leeching off of you like parasites. I would have hoped you loved me enough to take care of them when they aren’t even my own!” Kyungmin shouted into the wind, tail bristling as he towered over Yukio’s knobby frame, tears welling up within his owlish hues.

“T, They—” A hiss startled Yukio into silence, head bowed in shame.

“You love me, don’t you, my love?” Kyungmin began, ignoring the queen’s distress as he curled around them. At the lack of a response, Kyungmin let out a tsk. A clawed toe pressed against Yukio’s cheek until blood beaded the surface, turning the healthy peach crimson.

“I blame those beasts for putting those thoughts into your head about leaving me.” He sighed, tongue dancing out to lick at Yukio’s wound.

“There. There. Kyungmin is here to take care of you.” He purred. It wasn’t long until Yukio shifted, pulling away from the other with watery hues. “Ky, Kyungmin—” He shuttered. “I, I c, can’t.” He watched, shrinking as the brute’s face exploded in a fiery rage, teeth snapping.

He couldn’t leave them. He didn’t want to leave them. He didn’t want to go back. Where would he go back to? His twolegs kicked him out. Kyungmin had left him, accusing him of cheating when Yukio had been nothing but faithful to the silver-blue tabby.

But..? No!

Shaking his helm, Yukio glanced up at the other, worry pooling into his mismatched eyes. What—A startled yelp escaped his maw, stumbling back as the other lunged, a crazed look settling upon the brute’s face, grinning madly. “Rejecting me, are we? After everything I did for you. You ungrateful brat! I was kind to you, even when your twolegs abandoned you!”

“N, No—” Yukio flinched at the rumbling snarl Kyungmin unleashed, maw snapping shut with a soft clink.

“Don’t.” A sigh slipped past his lips, shaking his helm sadly. Yukio watched with wide eyes as Kyungmin backed away.

The cream-ticked tabby stumbled forward, paw outstretched as a whine ripped out from his throat. “D, Don’t go!” I’m sorry! I’m sorry—I didn’t … I didn’t mean to upset you. He wanted to say, but something kept his maw taped shut. No sooner, he began to struggle to breathe.

Kyungmin watched the other with a pitying look. “You’ll regret it. I know you will. I loved you and this is how you repay me? You did an excellent job at playing the victim Yukio. I’m sure those cats ate it up. I did too. I should have known better.” He grinned cruelly.

He pointed at the other, hissing. “The day you give birth to those things will be the day those cats kick you out and when you come begging me to take you back?

I won’t.

With that, Kyungmin vanished, leaving Yukio to his thoughts. He crumpled to the ground with a sniffled sob weighing heavily on his tongue. Curling up with a shuttered purr while ignoring the throb of his ears as they lay untucked, twitching wildly. Nothing could hurt more than the words Kyungmin uttered, even the wound that continued to bubble sanguine fluid, staining his cream-hued fur.

Would they really kick him out? No. He didn’t think they were that cruel. He was sure of it. Everyone had been so kind to him when he joined.

Just like Kyungmin wanted, doubt swirled in his mind. The seed had been planted, and Kyungmin would wait to pick up the broken pieces like he always did when Yukio grew … brave.

thoughts speech