

moon . moonrabbit

↳ named moon for her pointed markings, face resembling the surface of a full moon; given the prefix rabbit for her speed and stature
— warrior of windclan; former loner
— cisgender female, responds to she / her, will accept others with amusement; biromantic asexual
— created 9.19.2022 at 42 moons / ages every 1st
— penned by floppie.

small, shorthaired lilac tortie point with low white and steely eyes in every way, moonrabbit takes the appearance of something delicate. Her cheeks are full and round, framed with short, but cotton-tufted cheeks. The cream on her tortoiseshell form is scarce, only manifesting in small flecks concentrated around a firecracker tail. Her face is a lavender-lit moon, the transition into her paler features nearly nonexistent - a stark contrast. White blends in with the natural paleness of her fur at her ears and paws, leaving only her face and tail truly shifting in color. Though she packs lean muscle beneath her fur, a well-fluffed complexion often gives her the appearance of a walking cotton ball.
↳ carrying longhair

( + ) moralistic, friendly, perceptive, flexible ( / ) sporadic, easygoing, whimsical, playful ( - ) distant, judgmental, aloof
moonrabbit’s philosophy revolves around enjoying life - though her achievement of this could be considered unorthodox. Strange, is an act she puts on commonly, not really caring to busy herself with deep thought and response, she would rather communicate through vague musings and humor. Under the light-hearted exterior though, she’s fairly perceptive, and can shift her behavior on a whim if she sees it is needed. It’s a frequent skill she puts to use in windclan’s environment; carefree when she chooses to be, and toning things down when consequences loom overhead.

Often times, she comes across as aloof to any outside of her family. She’s someone you can be friendly with, call an acquaintance, and little more. She’ll always avoid a situation that involves speaking deeply about herself, will rarely put herself in a position to hear the woes of others. Feelings get in the way more often than not, and so she chooses to keep herself distanced from them. An unfavorable character may be met with a frown - one or two hushed words behind the scenes, but at the end of things, she does not dwell on them, she’ll continue to act as she always has, whether her opinion of you has changed or not.

mannerisms: her body language remains relaxed whenever she isn’t hunting, eyes half-lidded - sleepy, her tail lazily hovering over the ground. Her expression rarely shifts from a placid smile, a slight quirk of her lips.
— after a life in the tunnels, moonrabbit does not care to return to them. In times of need, she may - her dark-vision is sharp and her nose is keen, but she much prefers the open air of the moor, the stars and the moon glimmering overhead. Freedom is important to her, even if she achieves that freedom in odd ways.
hare x rose, sister to brightshine, emberfang, &. pollenfur
— Admires
— Friends with
— Likes
— Dislikes Sootstar
single; biromantic asexual, monogamous / crushing on no one, never really looking
hardly trusts those outside of family, friendly with most she meets
— physical health [ 100% ] | mental health [ 80% ]
— will not start fights / will not end fights / will flee / will show mercy
excels at speed, can achieve impressive heights with powerful hind legs, formidable night-vision though she’d rather not put it to use
poor swimming, strength
— sounds like a feminine, medium-low drawl with a slight rasp
— smells of heather & sun-warmed dirt
— healing & peaceful powerplay allowed.
— speech is #C6C2CB
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer fermentum nulla turpis, at blandit erat hendrerit eget. Donec viverra facilisis ipsum, ullamcorper fermentum est. Vivamus tincidunt enim euismod erat iaculis semper. Maecenas accumsan leo neque, sit amet tincidunt nibh convallis et. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut varius fringilla egestas. Quisque at elementum lacus, maximus tincidunt eros. Suspendisse sollicitudin blandit justo eget viverra. Duis scelerisque mi purus, ut venenatis lacus molestie vitae. Vivamus finibus elit vitae volutpat molestie. Cras mauris tellus, fringilla in mi a, ullamcorper varius felis. Vivamus malesuada mi eu lacus rutrum euismod. Sed vel volutpat massa, at euismod ex. "Duis tincidunt ligula id sapien consequat, quis blandit ante porta. Proin et quam ante."

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