no angst Havin' a good time {shenanigans}

Jun 14, 2022
( ) Deersong had a particularly mischievous glow to her aqua eyes today, and all because she had successfully weaseled her away from Snowpaw and Thistleback who just seemed keener and keener to keep her in camp the larger her belly grew. She knew the protectiveness came from a place of love and worry, and while she adored her family it would be a lie if the molly said she wasn't getting a bit stir-crazy.

So, when the pair weren't looking, the deputy snuck away and slipped from camp, making a shushing motion towards the NPC warrior on duty at the entrance before trotting out into the territory. She wouldn't go far, of course, no need to place herself and her babies at unnecessary risk. But the deep breath she took seemed to bring the deputy some comfort. This pregnancy had been emotionally hard for the molly, not because she was unsure about her abilities as s mother, but because there was now one member of her family who was very much missing.

Her aqua gaze drifted towards the direction of Windclan, and her heart tightened again, only sending a silent prayer to the cats in the sky that he was ok and being looked after. Another deep breath and Deersong would turn away and look up towards the tree she had stopped before. It wasn't terribly tall, and the first branch could be easily reached despite her delicate condition, so with a comical wiggle of her rump, the Deputy would leap as best she could and start to slowly climb the tree.

Maybe she would get lucky and no one would catch her in her silly activity.


Funnily enough, the little tabby squirrel was already perched in the tree Deersong has decided to climb. Everywhere and anywhere the little girl seemed to be when it came to the trees, it was her chosen way of travel rather than treading on the ground, as it was with many other SkyClan cats.

With paws sticky with pine sap, she peers down to see the form of the pregnant she-cat, slowly climbing up the tree. Figpaw still cannot help but feel disgruntled with the new deputy, her mothers replacement, seeing her created a bitter feeling in her heart. Sometimes Figpaw wonders if Dawnglare has any herbs that help with unwanted feelings, she detested feeling this way.

"Umm..." She almost begins to vocalize but shuts her maw, what was she suppose to say? Figpaw was a mere apprentice, didn't exactly have any place to warn the deputy against straining herself by climbing a tree. Or... how exactly far along was the she-cat? Could she still hunt and climb? Figpaw doesn't know and makes the rare choice to just shut her mouth and watch.

He had been out hunting and was returning now, sparrow between his teeth by the wing and its plush feathered body bumping his chest with every step. He saw Figpaw first, a great orange blemish high above him and he was going to ignore her up there until he saw her gaze drawn to the side and followed it to find...their deputy. His beloved mentor. An absolute fool of a woman if he ever saw one. The sparrow was dropped immediately at his paws.

Unlike his sister, Snowpaw had zero qualms with not only calling attention to what his mentor was doing but also disregarding her current authority to make demands, "Deersong are you OUT OF YOUR MIND?!" If she didn't heed his call then surely him blurting it out loud with little care for who heard him would be enough of a determent on its own. Once the entire 'carrying kits' thing was explained to him he had started watching his mentor like she was about to burst with the little hellions at any moment and this didn't seem very wise.
That was saying a lot coming from the king of bad decisions and treeclimbing mishaps. If he fell he sprained something or got a bump on the head, if she fell she was not only risking herself but apparently some unborn kids! And even though he already despised them (he hated kittens) he didn't want them know...go splat.