having a tree-mendous time & Greenpaw

Jan 5, 2023

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Deep green eyes scanned the clearing that was Skyclans' camp, a tail twitched beside the figure as they did so. They had an itch to get out of camp but Sharpeye seemed rather busy lately or well she just hadn't talked to him yet today. But- she wanted to do something fun! Something outside of camp and she wondered if any of her fellow apprentices would want to join in on said fun. They could play tag outside the camp or maybe truth or dare? Bananapaw turned her head for a second before an idea popped into her head! She jumped to her paws and headed for the apprentice's den, "Lets go exploring! Lets see what cool stuff we can find in the forest! Surely there was something out there no ones seen before?" She spoke loudly, brightly, and puffed out her chest with excitement, "I know of some cool spots in the twolegplace that could be interesting?" It sounded like a question when she meant it as a statement, but that as besides the point.


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Bananapaw's voice echoes through the apprentice den - a call to explore that intrigues the boy.

Exploring. How long has it been, since he's done just that? His remaining days as an apprentice have begun to blur together, in chores and training, hunting and patrolling. And the forest, despite new-leaf bringing color back to it, has begun to grow dull again - as if he'd seen the whole territory, memorized it as if it were his own paws.

Greenpaw hopes that, in reality, he's far from knowing all of the pine forest's secrets, but who's to know for sure?

But, Bananapaw's call isn't to the forest. No, she offers exploration in the twolegplace. A whole new world to explore, one that the orange tom had really only been to once. There's bound to be something exciting there!

He hops up from his nest, bounding over to his fellow apprentice. "You know some cool places?" Greenpaw asks, repeating Bananapaw's words back to her, "You'll have to show me! Let's go!"
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.°☀ But every time I see you cry

Mossy green eyes brightened at someone accepted her offer of going out and exploring! Greenpaw! She and the ginger apprentice had a lot in common- they where both red heads, friendly and of course unwavering curiousity. She grinned brightly, crouching to the ground playfully, "Well come on then! Lets get going before anyone catches us!" She exclaimed as she pawed at his ear excitedly. Then she took off running.

Bananapaw streamlined it for the camp entrance, and looked behind her to make sure Greenpaw was following. As they got deeper into the forest, she slowed their pace down and heaved heavy breaths, "Think anyone saw?" She questioned him with a wave of her tail. Sharpeye or Alice, maybe even Orangeblossom, would be so livid if they knew they where out here. What they where up too.

Just through the forest line, the grey shapes of twoleg homes could be seen through the trees. Bananapaw felt a trill of excitement blossom in her chest as she looked back to Greenpaw, falling into step beside him, "Okay when we get there stay by me okay? The twolegplace has a lot of loners and rogues in it, and its easy to get lost too," She warned him, "But with me! We'll be back in camp before nights end," She gave a nod and a grin.


With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 11 moons. chatty.
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — overly friend, likes most

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png

Suddenly, she's running, and Greenpaw bounds behind her. It takes a moment for him to catch up, but he makes sure he's quick - they can't be caught after all!

Deeper and deeper into the forest they go, and Greenpaw starts to feel a familiar burn in his chest urging for him to slow down. His own pace begins to slow just before Bananapaw's, his own sides heaving as they come to a stop once they're far enough.

"Think anyone saw?"

Greenpaw shakes his head at her question, wordless as he tries to catch his breath. He understands the importance of leaving with a warrior, but the two of them are nearly warriors anyway! And Bananapaw gets to leave when she wants, doesn't she? So, why wouldn't it be safe to go with her?

"No," he finally says when his breath catches up to him, paws leading him to walk beside Bananapaw, "No one saw. We were too fast!"

The twolegplace finally comes into his sight, and excitement fills him, but he listens to his exploring partner as she preaches the importance of sticking together. He's been here once before and only seen so little of it compared to how vast it was. She mentions rogues and loners, and it brings an odd twinge to his chest. His father. His father lives here.

"My mom brought us here before," he tells her, pushing the thought of the tom out of his mind, "She showed us a special marker with a path behind it to get back to camp! It's... a red nest." He looks to her for confirmation, wondering if Bananapaw had taken that same path before.

.°☀ But every time I see you cry

There was a nod from the creamy she-cat as Greenpaw confirmed they had been too fast for the others' to notice them. She looked to the ginger tomcat as he spoke about being here before and she perked up her ears. He'd been here before? She didn't think any cat would dare come close to the twolegplace since there was a large stigma about it. Greenpaw described this red marker building that had a path to camp behind it, and she tilted her head to the side. She'd never seen a red building before, but then again she didn't tend to wonder too far from camp nor her home in the twolegplace.

"I don't think I've seen that! You should show me while we're there!," she chirped happily and grinned at her fellow apprentice with a wave of her tail, "I was gonna show you my favorite places to find twoleg food, my toys, maybe even the garden!" There was a little bounce on her toes as she bounded further from the forest towards the twoleg dens.

Bananapaw looked up at the tall buildings, she twitched an ear back, before diving from the brush into the open grass strip that conntected the twolegplace and the forest. She glanced to Greenpaw for a moment, "So, got any juicy things to tell me?" She joked with a smirk. She just wanted to keep the conversation going with the ginger tom. Silence wasn't usually something that settled well with her, and she wanted to get t know Greenpaw better. She felt they could be really good friends by the end of this little exploring situation.


With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 11 moons. chatty.
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — overly friend, likes most

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png

He can't help the surprise he feels when Bananapaw tells him she's never seen the red nest. How big was the twolegplace, for her to have never seen it? Bigger than the forest?

"You've really never seen it?" he asks, head tilting as he keeps pace with the apprentice. "If I see it, I'll show you! There's a muddy path behind it and everything!" Splashing in mud, that would be fun! Though, they're here to explore, and splashing in mud isn't anything too new.

She speaks of twoleg food and toys, and a garden too - all things much newer than mud puddles. "I've never had twoleg food before," he hums as he bounds after her, through the forest and towards twoleg nests that were almost as tall as the trees. "Is it any good? Does it taste like bird? Or... Or squirrel?"

The boy learns quickly that Bananapaw likes to talk, a request of juicy things to share as he follows behind her. Greenpaw blinks. He doesn't really have much to share, does he? "Oh!" he quickly says, "Sheepcurl got me this feather..." His tail flicks behind him, an attempt to show her the colorful feather, before his ear twitches to show off the accessory nestled beside it.

"And... Fi got me this clover!" He wears both with pride, of course, careful not to lose either. "I think it was really nice of them! Maybe we can find you something neat too?"

.°☀ But every time I see you cry

The twolegplace had a lot of buildings, a lot of them red, so she couldn't quite place this building Greenpaw spoke about. She probably has seen it but it was far into her memories. Though she couldn't help but agree with a nod as he offered to show her when they get to the twolegplace! She grinned and bounded a bit forward in excitement, before Greenpaw told her about the clover and feather. Also catching the bits about not having tried twoleg food before, and she knew he'd like it! Chicken was probably the best thing out there besides of course a good rabbit.

"Twoleg food- is interesting. Its flavorful like prey but its been like- altered in a way? Not in a bad way of course, but-," Bananapaw responded to him with a slight shrug of her lithe shoulders. She didn't know how to explain it really as it would be impossible to compare a mouse to fried chicken or beef. Both where delicious in their own way! "I think you'll like it once you try it,"

Those mossy green eyes of her shone brightly, "Quillstrike has feathers in his fur too! I'd love something cool like that!" She bounced excitedly in place. Bananapaw never thought of putting stuff in her fur like the warrior or now her new found friendship in Greenpaw. Maybe dandelions or daisies? Or maybe something else? She wasn't sure but the possibilities are endless~!


With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 11 moons. chatty.
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — overly friend, likes most

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png

He listens carefully to Bananapaw's words, ears twitching as he tries to understand her explanation. "Altered? How?"

Why would they even alter their food? What was wrong with a mouse, or a bird, that twolegs had to go mess with it? Such odd creatures, they were, with their giant nests and weird monster pathways and altering of food.

But, Bananapaw thinks he'll like twoleg food, so... maybe. Maybe he will. He's sure it won't be as good as the prey they've got back home though, if they're messing with it.

She brings up Quillstrike's own accessories and he nods his head excitedly. "Oh! I've seen those!" He thinks back to the warrior's recent appearance, the feathers jutting out of dark, swirling fur. "I think they suit him. Match his fur nice."

And Bananapaw too says she wants accessories. Isn't that funny, how everyone's getting their own feathers and flowers, weaving trinkets into their fur? Maybe it's just the nature of newleaf, wanting to look as colorful as the forest around them these days.

"Maybe we can find something in one of those gardens for you!" he says cheerfully, "It'll be like... a souvenir from our adventure!"
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Reactions: Honeysplash

.°☀ But every time I see you cry

Maybe her explanation of twoleg food was a little askew, but it was the best she could do to explain it. The tawny and cream she-cat waved her tail back and forth as they trotted along the forest and she looked to Greenpaw as he declared this a chance to remember their adventure. She grinned widely and nodded in agreement, "Red head duo supremacy!" She crowed with her chest puffed out proudly.

Their trek into the twolegplace went without a hitch, nothing seeming to stop them yet! Bananapaw looked up at the buildings as the tree thinned out and the brush became sparse. Those fences rising up from the ground so familiar to her yet so strange at the same time. She looked over to her ginger companion and gave a tilt of her head to the side, "Think we'll meet any interesting creatures while out?" She asked curiously. Surely there would be a stray cat or two, maybe even a dog at best, but she didn't think it'd be the end of the world.

Though things might take a turn, one would never know really.

Bananapaw slowed their pace as they came up to a fence, then bunched up her hind legs to hop onto the fence before looking down at Greenpaw, "C'mon then! Adventure awaits!"


With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 11 moons. chatty.
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — overly friend, likes most

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png

How odd, the structures that twolegs make. Walls around each of their nests, like the ones around camp. Weren't their large nests strong enough? Certainly, no other twolegs would be able to destroy them! So, these walls, were they used as borders instead? Did twolegs not know how to mark their own borders with scent? Odd creatures, them.

Greenpaw looks around as Bananapaw asks if they'll see any interesting creatures. Bright gaze turns back to look at the apprentice, humming as he tilts his head. "Like a dog?" he asks, "Maybe! I've seen one of those before. Fought it when I was a kit!"

He remembers the strange-looking, cat-sized creatures, how they stuck their nose into the nursery, and Greenpaw and his siblings had to protect the rest of the kits from the intruder. Much older now and with more knowledge of how to actually fight, he's sure he can fight another if one were to get too close.

He hopes one doesn't though!

The orange tom watches as Bananapaw nears one of the twoleg walls, as she hops up on it. Adventure awaits! she chimes, and, oh! Greenpaw's supposed to jump up too, isn't he? Kind of... Kind of like a tree, how he'd climb one of those? Stars, he hopes its easier than climbing a tree!

He follows her lead, mimicking the way she'd jumped up on the fence. His jump is short of making it, though, front paws clambering to pull himself up. Eventually, Greenpaw does and he's able to sit beside Bananapaw. "Adventure awaits!" he repeats back to her.