wc rebels HAY DAY // barn hunting patrol/lesson

//Patrol team: @Bluepool @FEATHERPAW @VENOMSTRIKE @redpaw @THYMEROOT

The stack of hay bales stood like an imposing beast within the barn, offering warmth and a bounty of hidden prey. Though it held an element of danger for those who failed to watch their step, a danger that especially smaller framed felines would have to be mindful of most of all. The long legged tom blinked slowly as he drew closer to the hay as he assessed it for movement, and sure enough there was plenty in the higher reaches. As tempting as it was to simply leap into the hunt he knew that this was still a lesson, so he turned to the rest of the hunting patrol. "As you know the barn provides a truly unique supply of prey unlike anything out in the territories owned by the clans. The hunting technique that works best here is one of patience, and a well timed pounce. Speed will only get you so far in here, this won't be like racing across open moorland."

Sunnyday gestured towards the hay to begin with. "Mice like to hide in the hay, of course. It's fairly straightforward, listen carefully and use your nose to root out the nests. Just be careful of the holes, it's all too easy to get trapped and hurt." His focus then shifted towards that of some feed bags positioned against one of the other walls. "Mice, rats, and other prey like to raid those bags that the twolegs leave. I recommend working as a team when hunting around them by having one flush out the prey whilst the others chase them down when they scatter across the barn floor." It wasn't overly complicated in truth, though it was a matter of knowing where the dangers laid. It was a terrain shaped by twolegs and it was always changing meaning that they had to adapt on the daily.

"Anything to add, Thymeroot? And... um... any questions?" Briefly he glanced at the other barn inhabitant before he looked to the rebel WindClanners. He imagined that they were far more keen to simply get stuck in rather than listen to him prattling on for a second longer, so he found himself waiting for instruction from Bluepool.

Despite offering himself up to aid the WindClanners that have taken over his barn, the former moor-cat had been surprised that Bluepool actually placed him somewhere in her long list of patrol assignments, a normalcy of the clans he’s grown unused to in his moons in exile.

Still, Thymeroot is grateful for something to do, even if it feels odd to take part in a patrol, to act as part of a clan he no longer belongs to in the form of a hunting patrol around the barn.

He stands beside Sunnyday, listening to the former ThunderClanner as he explains their means of hunting around here. Though it’s something he got used to rather quickly, searching for mice beneath the hay, the oak forest exile explains the task better than he probably could.

Hmm? “ The sudden sound of his name causes him to blink, cornflower blue eyes looking to the older cat. Thymeroot shakes his head. “ None that I can think of. You said it pretty good yerself, there. “ A smile spreads across his scarred maw before he looks to the WindClanners before them. Some are apprentices far younger than him — too young to remember his face, his brother’s place in the medicine den.

Let’s get to it, then, “ he urges, motioning to the hay stacks around them.​
  • 75352399_5bvZug0SOdDSS0Z.png
    ── Exile of WindClan

    ── Daisy x Hare
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A flower-adorned, scarred fawn and white sepia tom with blue eyes.
    ── Mentored by Heathertuft
    ── "Speech"; Attack