horseplace Hay is for horses || jumping into hay


It's high noon.
Feb 28, 2023

Sometimes Tickbite longer for family. For comfort. To love and be loved. Then he saw how irritating cats could be and changed his mind completely. He was a loner for a reason, his irritability just wasn't good dating material. Or friend material.

Or any material.

This didn't bother him one bit, the occasional date night with a pretty tom or molly was good enough for him. Laying on a haystack in the barn, he was content to laze the day away for once. Traveling was tiring, and he wanted to rest a bit. Rest, or do something casual.

Pile up as much hay as possible or use one of the piles already there and jump from a high perch into it.

He preferred one of the piles already there. Less work. Now to find a good jumping spot.... Which stacks of hay provided nicely! He climbed his way up, looked down... And jumped, his tiny figure consumed by the hay below.

Yes. He has succeeded. He wiggled out of the hay and shook the loose bits free.

Not as fun as he thought.... But at least it was something.