camp HAZY DREAM | medicine den hangout

ThunderClan had done it, they'd managed to fend off the dogs. His old leader could rest peacefully now knowing that those canines wouldn't hurt the living again, but the final battle had not occurred without a price. Several clanmates lay in dens close to the lilac apprentice, others lay in mounds created by the elders a few feet underground. Pebblepaw's tail felt like fire itself whenever he tried to communicate with it, still, he was considerably lucky compared to one of the other apprentices stuck in the medic den. His tinted paws kneaded uncomfortably into the nesting material below, wishing more than anything to be back in his own den. The tom contributed nothing whilst stuck being fussed over like a kitten, all he could think about was the widening gap of skill between himself and the wildborn apprentices, the chance of being thrown out for incompetency despite Flycatcher's reassurance that the worst would never come to pass. He would have to harass Fawncloud for twice as much training once he could move about properly again, though, he'd heard the other wasn't doing as well as he should be either.

Pebblepaw looked at his tail, the scraggly appendage covered in all sorts of things that the tom wouldn't know how to describe. Through it, he noticed how it seemed to want to curve more to one side than the other, and any attempts of shifting it back reminded the lilac tom of the events over and over again. He realised he didn't mourn the change in appearance though. Through the snapping of bloodied fangs and the stomping of large feet (the cause of the fracture in the first place), Pebblepaw decided that the fear of the dog was vastly overshadowed by the fear of losing those he loved. Flycatcher and Cloudypaw's pain had ignited worries had hadn't considered until he'd seen them dazed on the camp floor, now more than ever, the scrawny apprentice needed to try his hardest to ensure they would not fall before him. Their destinies were intertwined with ThunderClan, his own could be severed at any point with no consequence to his home, an opinion he believed to a harrowing degree. The shuffle of another in a bed caused the apprentice to startle, whipping his head around to face whoever broke him out of his pessimistic trance. "Oh... sorry... I was too loud, wasn't I?" They asked softly, referring to the way they'd been making biscuits like their life depended on it. "I didn't know how else to pass the time other than... shuffle my nest around...."


”Oh, you’re all good!” The other voice speaks with a soft, hoarse laugh, a familiar rumble belonging to Patchpaw. Her eyes had fluttered open from her attempted nap, still dreary and exhausted, and apparently, she had been watching Pebblepaw for quite some time as he kneaded his nest. Moving her own paw was no use, for it would burn as if she put her whole leg into an ant’s hill, and so it stuck awkwardly out to one side covered in the same strange mix of cobwebs and unknown herbs as Pebblepaw’s tail. Curse those stupid dogs.

At least she could share a nest with Wildpaw now…

“You don’t look too hot, Pebblepaw. You‘re like a wound up mouse. What’s going on in that head of yours?” Patchpaw sits up, using her remaining good paw as balance as she faces Pebblepaw curiously. It was only a conversation starter, of course, but at least it gave them something to talk about instead of laying about.
“If you’re bored, I could get… ummm… maybe I could get a kit to bring us a moss ball that we can play with? Skykit loves moss balls, she’d be sure to bring one along,” Patchpaw suggests hopefully, a warm smile spreading on her face. “I’m open to suggestions.” Better than nothing.
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"I doubt Berryheart will want anyone tossing a mossball around in here. Why not play a guessing game or something." Wildpaw suggested groggily as he began to stir where he had been laying. Admittedly he was beginning to grow sore from being on the same side for so long so he started on the careful process of rolling over onto his back where he could still keep his spine straight without agitating it too much. Though it did mean that he had to stare at Pebblepaw from his upside-down position. Though it was evident that Wildpaw hadn't entirely rid himself of sleep's sweet embrace as his eyes began to shut again and his body seemed to go rather floppy.

Reserved as ever, present only because of how populated this den had become, Berryheart had resolved to let his patients get on with entertaining themselves. Eyes running over the arrangement of his herbs, he counted his stocks, olivine gaze lingering on the marigold. Struggling through leaf bare, the bloom would hopefully start to show its face a little more often soon... he was not sure quite how long these current stocks would last. By the teeth of gnashing canines, it had certainly depleted...

A sigh flitted from him as idle conversation snagged his attention, and a lopsided gaze was cast over his shoulder to the small group of den-rest patients that he had accrued as a result of the infestation upon Sunningrocks. The topic of a moss-ball for occupation of time almost had him interjecting, but Thunderstorm beat him to it, correct in his keen observation of how little a moss-ball would be appreciated in this environment. "Correct." he mused simply, though there was no annoyance in his tone. Mild as ever, he cast his attention back to his work.