She kind of can't stand Marblekit.

Well — okay, no, because how much of an asshole would she have to be to say she can't stand a literal kit. Really, what she can't stand are her eyes. Those big green things always on the edge of things she should be far, far away from. As much as they wanted camp to be a safe haven, it wasn't really. A hawk could still spot Gigglekit, high in the trees. Marblekit could still see cats die; she could still see argue. Sharpshadow thinks its... unfair, or something like that, even though his kithood had been the exact same.

And here she is, on this precipice of real world and not. He wonders how she feels about it all. If she was already sick of ShadowClan or not. If she's ready to go from watching the corpses be dragged in, to being the one doing the dragging.

It's a coincidence, that she finds the opportunity: the tawny she - cat sitting alone in camp, not too far from watchful eyes whether that be the queens or... she supposes Starlingheart. A few moments pass where he says nothing. Just — probably very visibly — has the mental battle of whether she should say anything or not. At some point, she decides that she's stood here too long to have the option of keeping her mouth shut anymore. Sharpshadow cranes her neck at the kit, at an awkward stand beside her. " So... uh, " the glances sideward for a moment. " ...You ready to be an apprentice? "

On the cusp of her sixth moon now, Starlingheart has begrudgingly allowed Marblekit to stay near the cave that will soon become her residence with more frequency. She's slowly getting used to the idea that she will separate from Sycamorekit, from Gigglekit, Branchkit, Morelkit, Owlkit, and Stonekit. Before long, it will be the spice of herbs settling in her nostrils, her moss gently scented with greenery and nectar. She finds herself straying near Starlingheart's den today when a pair of silver eyes pins her in place. Marblekit half-turns as Sharpshadow approaches; the lead warrior is silent for several heartbeats, for so long, in fact, that they aren't certain he is going to speak at all. She pulls a polite half-smile as she waits.

"So... uh. You ready to be an apprentice?" Marblekit blinks, her eyes round and thoughtful. "I think so," she mews. She bows her head just slightly, so that she's looking at the white tips of her paws. "I'm ready to learn how to help the Clan." With a jolt, she realizes she will soon sit on Chilledstar's council, just like Sharpshadow does... is that why she's chosen to speak with Marblekit? The tawny she-cat blinks curiously up at the warrior with the bladed pelt. "What is it like? Being on the council?" Of course, it will be different for her—she's not there to make decisions, to aid the leader and the deputy with matters of war. Her purpose is entirely different from Sharpshadow's, Forestshade's, Mirepurr's, and Lilacfur's.

  • ooc:
  • pcAn1D5.jpeg
  • Marblekit . Marblepaw, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 6 moons old, ages realistically on the 1st.
    — mentored by Starlingheart ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — shadowclan medicine cat apprentice, formerly a rogue. siltcloud x lilacfur, gen 3.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh fawn tabby with dull green eyes. courageous, curious, introspective, observant, judgmental, snarky.

Ah... the little soldier mindset is taking root early. (The one that Sharpshadow still abides by; the one that tries to make her think her position was like, important, or something). Sharpshadow pulls a little grimace, one that she hopes sthe kit wouldn't see while her eyes lingered by her paws. Did she think that because of everything she's had to see already? The fighting? The bodies? She's convinced already that ShadowClan is in need of saving? And well, it was... but that shouldn't be on her mind. Not for a few more sunrises, anyways. " Well, remember to take care of yourself too... " his fur is already on - edge at the thought of Marblekit — or paw, he supposes — being cornered by some beast in the midst of the swamp....

The kit asks a question so that he does't have to think about that, but it's a weird question. Well, maybe not if you're a kit. Maybe he seemed a lot cooler to her than he actually was... The thought is vaguely uncomfortable. " It's nothing special, really, " Don't aspire to this, honestly. He himself was still a joke. Lilacfur hits Medicine Cats. Chilledstar attacks leaders. Forestshade is ugh and Smogmaw is ugh-er. " Being on it doesn't make you any less stupid, I'm afraid. " ...Marblekit wasn't the loudmouth sort, right? The sort to walk up to others and say Sharpshadow thinks you're stupid? " But, uh, I probably shouldn't say that. " And then for some reason he asks, " Why? "
Marblekit blinks up at Sharpshadow with the very eyes she is disgruntled by. "Remember to take care of yourself too..." She thinks of Starlingheart, her black pelt deeply scarred, her missing eye, tattered ear, mangled leg. The little fawn tabby dips their head. "Lilacfur said she will teach me how to defend myself," she mews, though there's marked hesitation in this sentence. She's still unsure if it's a medicine cat's place to draw blood—her claws, she's convinced, are made for other things, for shredding herbs and plucking leaves. I'm not Siltcloud. I don't hurt other cats.

Sharpshadow's assertion that being on Chilledstar's council is nothing special has the little kit furrowing her brow. "You think cats on the council are stupid? How come?" Childlike innocence sparkles in her green gaze. Then Sharpshadow hits her with why?, and she shrugs. "I will be sitting in on council meetings too. I just wondered, is all." She tries for a smile; it's too-toothy, off-kilter, uncute by every measure.

  • ooc:
  • pcAn1D5.jpeg
  • Marblekit . Marblepaw, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 6 moons old, ages realistically on the 1st.
    — mentored by Starlingheart ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — shadowclan medicine cat apprentice, formerly a rogue. siltcloud x lilacfur, gen 3.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh fawn tabby with dull green eyes. courageous, curious, introspective, observant, judgmental, snarky.

Right. Being taught how to defend herself by... the very Lilacfur that was under her care right now. " Uh - huh... " Sharpshadow doesn't try very hard not to look or sound dubious. Maybe Marblekit sounds kind of unsure right now because she's having the same realization. She'd probably say more if she didn't remember at just the right time that Marblepaw is Lilacfur's kit. Maybe it'd be better just to keep her from leaving camp altogether... or posting a not - Lilacfur guard with her at all times. Or would Lilacfur wizen up if Marblepaw was right next to her?

You think cats on the council are stupid? Yikes. " Not if anyone asks, I don't. " It's like... a joke, or something. Her face gives a little twitch, as if it wants to smile but can't quite commit. StarClan, who knows what this kit would go blabbering about to Starlingheart or Lilacfur, though... " Uh, no, I – I don't, though, " A lie. She never said she was exempt from that very dissertation... " Just... y'know. Remember that they're cats. Not perfect. " Including your mom. Especially her mom, probably, but of course she can't say that. Her ears flatten and raise again with Marblepaw's word. I will be sitting in on council meetings too. I just wondered, is all

" Oh, " Sharpshadow says, as if that made perfect sense and it just answered all his questions. The thing is, though: surprisingly – it didn't. He's the least qualified guy to judge someone's face too, but, " Whuh? " intelligently, he questions.
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