he don't wanna be saved [fiery]


bad habits
Dec 29, 2022

Ok, so that had escalated quickly- but not in a bad way, though. Wild had only come here to confirm that Twin was indeed alive, but instead, Wild had ended up joining the group. To be honest, the blond wasn't all that surprised with his impromptu decision to become a Skyclanner. He'd always had an impulsive side, after all, never any good with denying himself whatever small, selfish pleasures could be afforded. And while it was true that a cat like Wild could flourish anywhere he wanted- much like the cocroaches that infested the abandoned twoleg nest he'd lived in- it didn't change the fact that the city had gotten boring for him ages ago.

At least Skyclan would give him something new to do for a bit.

He had a lot to learn about the place and the cats that lived there, that much he as certain of. From what he'd gathered through simple observation this place wasn't at all like what he was used to, not from the group of kids he'd been running with at least. The cats here shared their workloads, shared their prey, looked at each other as equals. Nobody was starting pissing matches or shirking duties, nobody was pulling rank on anyone just because they could. If Wild had to compare it to anything, it ould probbaly be a family, not entirely unlike his own. Sure, his homelife was a disaster- he was born to a couple who hadn't been prepared for kits in the first place, let alone the massive litter of ten they'd ended up with. The stress of trying to care and provide for so many had caused his parents relationship to deteriorate until they were basically just shells on the verge of giving up, but they'd alays done the things expected of parents; fed them, taught them, gave them shelter. For all the problems their dysfunctional little fanily unit might have, there'd always been an unspoken rule of 'take care of each other', as warped as it may have been.

Either way, this 'Skyclan' was something new to do, its cats the current center of his interest. He had half a mind to go find Twin- Quillpaw- and for the other to show him around, but the chimera tomcat hadn't been all to happy to see him, and holy fuck had they grown. Wildpaw as no small cat, perfectly average for a tom of his age, but Quillpaw? The guy was ridiculously tall, and clanlife had been good to him. If the tabby still fought as savagely as he used to then Wild was more than happy to give his old friend space to acclimate. Instead, blue eyes scanned the camp for someone else to target, immediately dran to the flash of red fur on the other side of the clearing. It was the apprentice from the border, the cute one with the nice eyes.

Wild grinned as he made his way toward them, a swagger in his steps that once more portrayed him ith a sense of relaxed confidence, as if he already knew every inch of this place and it's cats and belonged among them. Arrogance, some would call it, but in reality Wild was just that kind of guy; calm, confident, and generally unbothered. Pointless tensions and hesitation weren't his thing, and even in strange land among strangers he seemed able to tell that he was relatively safe and could relax.

"Hey!" he called to Fierypaw, voice just as casual and confident as the rest of him as he greeted the other tomcat. "I was looking for you. Blazestar said your supposed to show me around or something? I dunno."

The words were a complete and utter lie. Nobody had been assigned to show the youth around, and if he was caught he would shrug it off as him just playing around, but he was careful to feign ignorance just the same, easily coming off as confused about the entire thing just as Fierypaw would be. Wild was good at lying, good at manipulating, but seldom did he actually use the tactic with those he liked. If he did, it was always like this, playful and light, no heavy consequences involved. Just fun.

"So, Great Tour Giver, where to first?" he asked with a playful smirk and a quirk of his brow.

Skyclan Apprentice - Male - 6 months - A handsome gold tomcat with blue eyes and black-tipped ears​


After the patrol Fierypaw had retreated himself back to hang out with Jackdawpaw for a while to listen in on their day and how they had been doing. Like a lovesick pup he would watch them with a warmth in his gaze he showed to nobody else. Now and then he would smile and laugh, also a rare sight he seldom did if it was not with the company of his friend. It was like Fierypaw become a completely different person when he was with Jackdawpaw. The two had known each other for the longest time. Both of them had come here to join together as daylight apprentices, and in truth Fierypaw had only done it so he could be with them. Jackdawpaw was the one who had been curious about this lifestyle whilst Fiery had been perfectly content with the life they already had.

When it was time for Jackdawpaw to go after being called in on duty Fierypaw would wave his paw at them as they left, a stupid smile still on his maw even after his friend had left. In that moment he was in a good mood but that would quickly change when he heared someone call out to him...Fierypaw would shift his gaze around to whoever had been calling out to him and... instantly a frown was in replacement of his smile, and that warm soft gaze sharpened into bemusement. " Oh, it's you. " he didn't even bother to hide his disinterest in this new arrival. Usual he was more friendly to the new ones around here but this one had really pissed him off. Beside, he was a friend to Quillpaw apperantly which made him put both of them in the same boat.

He didn't look any happier that it got confirmed that this guy had been looking for him even worse was that Blazestar had put him in charge of showing this smug bastard around. Ugh. What the hell?!. " You gotta be kidding me..." he muttered to himself falling into the trap Wildpaw had made for him. Just his luck he guess. Not could he really refuse if it was the leader himself who has assigned him this job. He just had to suck it up.

Fierypaw really didn't like the way this guy smirked at him though,,how smug and confident he seemed to be about himself. A real troublemaker. " Right, i guess i will show you where to sleep first." he muttered bitterly as he just turned himself around to show the smileyface around. He would walk under silence as he led them to the apprentice den only then stopping to glance back at them with a slightly lifted eyebrow. " This is called the apprentice den. You will sleep in here until your warrior ceremony. Its pretty cold outside right now so i would advice to find someone to share your nest beside so you don't freeze to death. Any questions?." He gave an impatient flink of his tail, not looking like he really wanted to answer any of his questions. He wanted to get this tour done with as soon as possible.


Wildpaw wasn't an idiot. If other cats chose to believe he was, then that was hardly his problem. He knew that Fierypaw didn't like him, had seen the cold look at the border, and the annoyed look they were currently shooting him was enough to confirm that this guy wasn't exactly fond of Wild. Theblond couldn't give you a reason as to why, though. He didn't think he'd done anything particularly orthy of such immediate dislike, but it didn't bother or surprise him. A lot of cats didn't like Wild, and often it wasn't due to anything in particular he'd done- though that wasn't to say he didn't do things to warrant the dislike eventually.

Wild was a charismatic cat, confident and good at reading people and situations. He was the kind of cat that could slip into just about any friend group and make himself comfortable, the kind of cat that could easily be the life of the party or the voice of reason in rough times. Cats were either immediately drawn to him and the light he seemed to radiate, or they were annoyed and put off by how unbothered he always was by things, infuriated by his apparent carelessness. Fierypaw seemed to be a part of the latter, but being disliked had never stopped Wild in the past he and he wasn't about to let it stop him now.

" Right, i guess i will show you where to sleep first." the other said at last, taking the bait.

"Sounds good." he replied, falling into step beside them as the red tabby led him over to one of the many dens scattered around camp.

" This is called the apprentice den. You will sleep in here until your warrior ceremony. Its pretty cold outside right now so i would advice to find someone to share your nest beside so you don't freeze to death. Any questions?."

He knew it probably wasn't the smart move, but how could he not when Fierypaw had set him up so perfectly for it?

"Is that your way of asking to share a nest with me? Cuz I wouldn't say 'no'." he replied, electric blue eyes meeting blazing green in a playful manner.

Skyclan Apprentice - Male - 6 months - A handsome gold tomcat with blue eyes and black-tipped ears​


" Wh-what..." Fierypaw was found dumbfounded by that remark, and his eyes widened up in disbelief taking second or two for it to 'click' and once it did his whole face burned up. Luck was on his side for having fur and being red on top of that!. This...this stupid dumbass!. The back of his fur startled to bristle in both embarassment and anger at the same time. " Th-there is no way i would wanna share my nest beside you...you big dumbass!." he would scold them before quickly looking away, his cheeks still burning underneath his fur. What nerve this one had to even suggest a such thing out of the blue!. This one was clearly teasing him, trying to make a fool out of him wasn't he?!. Tch. To bad for them because Fierypaw wouldn't let them!.

" Be-beside...i'm not sleeping in here so have no nest." he muttered,and paused to clench his teeth. Since he was a daylight apprentice slept at his twolegs at night and so there was no need for him to have a nest here but If he had...the spot beside him would already have been taken by...by...just thinking about them made his face flush up all over again. In frustration he shook his head before he swung his head back around to give a warning glare at Wildpaw as he approached them to stop right in front of their face. " Contunie to say stupid shit like that and i'm gonna smack your head, you got it?!." He looked dead serious even though his face was still burning.