pafp HE GOT SEVEN OF THEM | prompt, interjecting

Thornmask, who usually loved nothing more than to splay their limbs out in every direction like some sort of Twoleg aberration, had found themselves unable to do it comfortably as of late. The cold was uncomfortable, it seemed the chillier it grew, the hotter that tempers rose in their dingy little home - his own included. Loafing against the reed brushes and refusing to budge had given the tabby a front-row seat to the drama that came with RiverClan life, that day, the hot button issue seemed to be between two young Warriors, seemingly arguing over a piece of food. It was funny for a time, but much like meetings, it dragged and dragged until Thornmask's ears flattened. "Oh for rats..." they hissed beneath their breath. Thornmask didn't think he'd ever understood when it was and wasn't ok to take food from the freshkill pile, they'd figured out that doing anything with enough confidence made others less likely to doubt you, but these two young warriors seemed nervous. Perhaps he was just misreading the agitated energy coming from them both as they tried to figure out who got the piece of prey.

The ticked tabby leaped up from their seat and strutted closer, attempting to snatch the food from under the pair's noses as they talked to each other. Unsheathed claws dragged it further away until he felt confident tossing it towards the reeds he had just flattened. He'd been confident in the wall, confident some one else would snatch it up, what he was not expecting to hear was the plop of something heavy hitting the water. Thornmask looked over their shoulder and, sure enough, the prey was nowhere to be found, sunken to the bottom of the frigid river. They hid their face from the crowd as they winced, already they could feel the scorching glares from others who hadn't even been involved for 'wasting' prey. It'd have been wasted going to one of the young warriors anyways, they thought; when the clan obsessed over feeding the weak and vulnerable first, it hardly seemed like Catfishleap and Hazewish had room for choice. "You're all yap yap yap, it was getting on my nerves. All you had to do you greedy gits was split it but nooo, had to make a big fuss over... whatever that was. Now neither of you get it, well done." he mewed sardonically as they turned back around,

@Catfishleap && @Hazewish