camp he has no intention to return } moving + prompt

Jan 7, 2024
I'VE LEARNED LOVE IS LIKE A BRICK — She had put it off for as long as she could. Pushed herself probably beyond where she should have, dug her claws in stubbornly at the thought of giving up her warrior duties for even a moment. Yet as time had continued forward relentlessly, Swiftfire had been forced to accept the inevitable. Her stomach was getting too big, the occasional waves of nausea while out on patrol too much for her to reasonably handle while trying to actually bring prey back for anyone to eat. Not to mention the looks she had been getting, a fair few of her superiors having their own experience with both kitting and the toll that it could take on others. It wouldn't be long until she was forced into the nursery against her will, and she didn't want to turn the entire affair into a grand spectacle. So she had finally decided to throw in the towel, trudging back from her last border patrol and heading straight towards her own nest within the warriors' den. It wouldn't take long to pick apart for a base, even in her current easily tired state.

There was a certain hesitance in every step she took towards the nursery, feeling like she somehow wasn't supposed to be within its comforting walls. Like she was somehow intruding even as life grew inside of her. Yet she managed to push through her fears, bits of moss clenched in her jaws as she found one of the few unoccupied corners of the den. The chimera offered a small, slightly uneasy smile to each pair of eyes that focused on her, belonging to her fellow queen and kit alike. Perhaps part of her worry was just because of how crowded things were, feeling like she was being an unnecessary burden on her clan that was already running on limited resources. Yet still, she felt joy about the coming of her and Hush's kits. Really, she only wished that they could spontaneously manifest into the world, without all of the fussing and waiting and childbirth. An experience that still haunted her dreams as of late, even if she knew Moonpaw would do everything she could to help her through it.

It didn't take long for her to make her nest, the plush circle of moss carefully arranged so that it would be easy for her to get in and out of - at least until basically everything was hard for her to do. However, there was still something a little off about it. A missing piece for it to truly be perfect. Which was exactly why she had told asked a couple of nearby apprentices if they would venture out for her, eventually returning with what she needed. A carefully delivered bundle of daffodils, their bright petals brightening her own attitude as she carefully wove them into her nest. Swiftfire had never been one much for flower language - even after joining Riverclan. Yet, she could recall how someone had once told her that daffodils represented new beginnings. And considering the little ones that she would be welcoming into the world not too long from now, she hoped that they would represent a new beginning for her as well.

Maybe even a new beginning for Hush, if Starclan smiled down on them both.

Once the flowers were carefully arranged in and around the edge of her new nest, the chimera stepped forward and settled herself into it, a relieved sigh slowly leaving her. She hadn't realized how exhausting being on her paws had become until now, chin slowly sinking down to rest against the lip of moss and daffodils that she had created. "I think... it's finally perfect." Swiftfire was unsure of who exactly she was talking to, but it wasn't as if she hadn't gathered an unintentional audience. Kits were prone to being so curious whenever their environment changed, a fact she would have to grow used to very soon.

  • ❀ RiverClan has its own flower language, but what flower best represents your character and why?
  • 76635829_9N4qhCxavM25hPX.png
    shorthaired blue and red tabby chimera molly with green eyes
    41 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; secretly mated to hush
    daughter of lilou and germaine
    formerly of the ripple colony; loyal to riverclan
    easy to befriend; desperate to improve the former colonists' reputation
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed