pafp he has not a care in the world - stargazing


skyclans therapist TM
Apr 24, 2023

one thing about her sleep was that it was not always as peaceful as she wished it could be. she wasn't plagued by nightmares, but she would be antsy, shuffling and turning in her nest. to be fair, she had slept for a month, even if it was due to a nerve wracking sickness filled with delusional symptoms.

she'd pull from the warriors den as quietly as she could. the large warrior had steps as graceful as a deer, soft against the white riddened ground. she enjoyed this weather, it graced her the ability to actually work, and her thick coat helped with that. during the summer, she was prone to overheat. and during the winter she had energy that was quite needed. she could go hunting longer, and she would always take advantage of this.

there were very few cats in the clearing, those unable to sleep, or those that were just like her; antsy. but night time there wasn't a lot to do but a midnight patrol. perhaps she would join one this time around. she wasn't quite certain.

her gaze would drift from the quiet camp to the glittering stars above. too many to count, filled with mystery and beauty in themselves. not a cloud in sight, and the moon but a sliver against the dark sky.



When Johnny had first joined Skyclan, he was strict about the lines he drew and where he stood with them. In the beginning he'd been steadfast in his return to twoleg place at the end of each day, sunset seeing him slipping through his cat door to join his humans for the night. It was his way of assuring them they were still remembered and loved- that he hadn't forgotten them even if he no longer chose to guard their garden during the days.

But as the season slipped by and he wizened to the world of the warriors, those line he'd always seen so clearly began to blur. At first it was just a single night, back when he'd helped lead the raid on the shelter. Then it was a couple nights here and there after a predator sighting or tension with another clan arose. Then with the rogues he'd practically abandoned his twolegs to stay with Skyclan when they were driven out.

And sometimes, like tonight, he let the guilt get the better of him.

He still didn't sleep in a nest, wouldn't allow himself to take up room in the warriors den or eat the fresh kill meant for the full time warriors- but he'd stick around and keep an eye out, would patrol the woods and bring back the odd mouse or vole.

Tonight he sat in camp, sitting guard by the entrance tunnel, lids heavy but ever vigilant as his clanmates slept. His ears twitched at the sound of gentle shuffling, and he turned to spot Flowercloud staring up at the stars.

"Trouble sleepin'?" he asked, offering a small smile to the shecat- an offer to engage in conversation if she was in the mood to do so.


she hadn't talked to Johnnyflame too much, but she had remembered him coming and going every night. loyal to both- but she watched as he began putting more commitment to his clan. the warrior laced in scars had worked hard for his position. he deserved it.

"not troubles sleeping, just trouble sitting still," flowercloud admitted with a soft smile towards the tortie. "how's gaurd duty? enjoying the full sky of stars?"

she had walked a few daylight warriors home, noticing that the closer she got to the two leg place, it was harder to see so many. but she didn't understand why. did starclan not look over them as well? she wasn't sure, and knowing sometimes others did not look to the stars for guidance, she just didn't want to ask and annoy him.

"care to join me?" she asked him, gesturing with a fluffy tail beside her large form.


Sleep often comes as a struggle to Greeneyes, his nights interrupted with nightmares more often than not.

Such as tonight, as enclosed spaces encapsulate his dreams and dark viridian washes over dog-ridden rubble. Greeneyes finds himself leaving the warrior den again as he so often does in staggered slumber to sit under the stars, to search them for a familiar face. Or two. Or three, or —

He’s not alone tonight though, as the forms of Johnnyflame and Flowercloud come into view. For a second, the lead warrior hesitates to pad over to them, to disrupt both their peace and his own, but his dreams shook him especially so tonight, and he’d probably be better off in the company of others after the strangle of isolation that woke him. Making his decision, frosted paws move to greet the scarred duo with his own scarred form.

Mind if I join you two? ” Greeneyes asks, a small smile tugging at his mouth.​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    ── Lead Warrior of SkyClan

    ── Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ── "Speech"; Attack
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just because i carry it so well doesn't mean it's not heavy .
Another restless night. He sighed tiredly, admitting defeat in the dark of the warrior’s den, brushing past sleeping individuals to face the enormous expanse of the night sky, illuminated by the incandescent bodies, paving the way for their land-dwelling kin, Tatteredlight hummed tiredly.

It seemed he wasn’t the only one, paws coming to a languid halt, expression neutral despite the turbulent emotions that ran rampant through his sluggish mind, still laden with sleep. He hummed, ears angled toward Greeneyes, helm tilted with a soft breath, letting gravity pull him down, hindlegs curling beneath him, shoulders haunched against his lanky frame.

For once, Tatteredlight remained silent, welcoming the gentle speech of his clanmates to lull him into a faux sense of peace, tail wrapped tightly around his bottom half.
thought speech