pafp he keeps growing back like weeds — arguing

Doomguy kind of looks her, mostly white with a few strips of color along his ears and back end. But he is not like her: he's ANNOYING. Cherrykit glares at the other tom, puffed up in some kind of battle stance that doesn't remotely conjure the image of someone competent, like her mother or one of the lead warriors. She hastily licks a tuft of shoulder fur that's drifted up, unaware of the rest of her body beginning to bush out in retaliation. She keeps her hindquarters firmly planted into the soft nursery dirt, the unraveling image of being too dignified to engage with him, and faintly wonders if "holding your ground" is truly just holding onto the ground. "Go away, she huffs, taking another swipe of the tongue at her pelt.

The other kitten persists. His fur is somehow tangled despite its short length, and a few smatterings of dust cling to his pale fur. "I said go away!" she yelps. "You're weird and gross," Cherrykit complains, needle-like tail lashing behind her. "You're stupid too," she adds as an afterthought. Too stupid to go away when she tells him too. Why can't he go bother his actual brother? She doesn't understand why Mama spends any of her attention on him. "Go away, stupid," she repeats firmly. Maybe if she says it enough times he'll finally understand.

ooc: pls wait for @DOOMGUY !​
He’s learned a lot since coming to SkyClan. He’s learned the Orange One is named Orangeblossom. She’s important somehow, but he still isn’t sure how. He hears ‘deputy’ sometimes, but she doesn’t seem to do anything but sit in the nursery and nag him, so he doesn’t know if it’s really all that great. And he’s learned Orangeblossom’s actual kits are the worst. Annoying, pushy, self-important. They think they’re sooo great. Doomguy is just practicing moves by himself when he catches one of the worst ones—Cherrykit, prissy and annoying—glaring at him. He bares his teeth at her. “Your brain is the size ‘f your nose, you know that?

Cherrykit tells him he’s stupid and weird and gross. He is not any of those things, in his opinion. He’s very strong and smart and fast. Las Plagas can’t even catch him sometimes when they’re playing tag. He could catch stupid Cherrykit every single time. “You take that back before I make you sorry,” he growls, lowering the front half of his body. With a spring, he attempts to land on top of Cherrykit and bowl her over. If successful, he will deliver a bite with needle-sharp kitten teeth to her ear. Certainly not enough to do any damage—nothing beyond kitten play fighting—but his attacks are mean-spirited and not born of play.


He is napping when he's roused from his slumber by shouting and kitten cries, the nursery here was loud and bothersome and with Orangeblossom's new litter there was no end to the noise it seemed for the foreseeable future. He had been lucky enough the only menace before was just Las Plagas but now Doomkit had picked up the habit of joining the tussling and he felt his ginger and white pelt prickle with unease.
"Don't FIGHT! Stop it!" Abysskit rises to stand, plods over on heavy kitten steps to swing a paw in a flailing and clumsy effort to stop his brother from picking on Cherrykit, not for any real like of the other kit as he hardly knew her but because the sooner the fighting stopped the sooner he could get back to sleep.
I've been trying not to
Plaguekit looks over his shoulder in time to see both Cherrykit and Doomkit going back and forth practically hissing at one another. His friend wastes no time launching himself at their prissy denmate and he stifles a smothered cackle. Rising to long spideresque limbs, the patchy kit bounds closer as Abysskit tries breaking the pair up. "No, don't stop!" Parting his jaws Plaguekit shouts over Doomkit's brother, leaning on his tiptoes. "Get her Doomkit! Don't let her call you stupid and stinky!" Plaguekit cheers loudly, looming ever closer. It took everything within him not to dive into the tusse himself and have a good romp. It looked like fun to him. Although it was only a matter of time before the adults came to break it up.
Go off the deep end

Insufferable smugness wrinkles her nose when Doomkit is coaxed into glaring at her, nevermind the fact that she, too, is glaring at him. She quickly loses the expression once he opens his mouth though. "Your brain is smaller than your nose!" she hisses, returning the flash of teeth. He threatens to make her sorry, but Cherrykit has never been sorry in her life! Especially not for ugly boys like Doomkit. "No-o," she petulantly meows back.

Too caught up in her moment of self-importance, Cherrykit dodges the attack like a bat dodges the ball. She lets out a shriek as Doomkit topples her over and clamps down on her tender little ear. It's by far the worst pain she's felt in her life, ignoring the fact she hasn't truly felt pain before either. A high-pitched scream of disgust and frustration erupts from her throat. Her kitten rage is only amplified by the nasal cheers of Plaguekit in the background, a scrap of grey and pink hovering near Abysskit (who she normally doesn't find annoying but will be a victim of collateral damage today). "GET OFF ME!" she shrieks, aiming a messy flurry of sheathed paws towards the parts of Doomkit's face in reach and his belly. The thought of mussing up her carefully-cleaned fur is the last thing on her mind—Doomkit must pay.
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Abysskit doesn’t like the fighting, but if Doomkit had to guess, it’s just because he’s sleepy and doesn’t want to be disturbed while he’s napping. He scowls as his brother attempts to swing a paw into his face. “She started it! She called me names outta nowhere. I don’t have to take that from her!” He pouts, but brightens as Plaguekit ambles by, egging him on again. “Yeah—yeah! He’s got it right!

And Cherrykit doesn’t take it back, tells him no in an infuriatingly long, drawn-out mewl. She flails beneath his punishing paws, her own battering his chest and face in an attempt to heave Doomkit off of her. He grins, rolling off of her and then immediately springing back up to try to pin her again.I’ll never stop! Not ‘til you take back all that stuff you said!

Oh.... The sounds of kittens fighting.... He thought kits were annoying. He didn't have the patience for them. He didn't HATE kits, like some would assume, he just lacked the tactfulness and gentleness needed to deal with them. This was one such time. The snowy maned warrior looked towards the nursery with growing irritation. Its not his business. He shouldn't get involved.

And yet. AND YET.

Dogskip couldn't help himself. His irritation got the better of him, and he strode over.

"Enough of this. You're all smelly and pebble brained. Now quit fighting before you hurt yourselves." He says, his irritation shining through. Though he didn't speak particularly harshly.

He might get in trouble with the queens. This only occurs to him after the fact, but they don't scare him. He said what he meant and he meant what he said!!​

chatter between the kits of the clan quickly turns rather... volatile. insults thrown back and fourth and soon enough they are fighting physically. it doesn't seem like regular old kitten play, especially when cherrykit is yelping and thrashing below her attacker. there is no blood drawn though, a detail to which she finds herself sighing in relief. but their voices grew louder, things were appearing to get quite rough. it was only a matter of time, she guessed.

dogskip reaches the little ones first, attempts to smooth things over with an irritated drawl. eveningpaw blinks as he calls them all smelly and pebble brained, those words alone would only fuel the fire. perhaps they would all band together to dogpile the warrior instead. mischievously, her lips tilted upwards at the thought. at least then they wouldn't be fighting each other, they could band together against a common enemy! the enemy of my enemy is my friend, or whatever. eve personally thought that an odd sentiment, but maybe she could see if it held any weight today.

eveningpaw crouched down, real low to the ground and sent a knowing, sympathetic look to the kittens. "how rude of him! i'd say dogskip totally needs a lesson on how to respect the younger generation," she whispered, hushed as if spilling the most world shattering gossip. her gaze flitted over to the warrior in a show of disapproval. "perhaps if you're able to pin him, blazestar will make you apprentices early. who would be the smelly pebble-brain then!"

  • Haha
Reactions: Marquette

Pale cream paws finally let up, only to spring for her once more. "Never!" she huffs. "I'd rather eat a bug!" This time though, she's a little more warmed up and raring to land an actual hit. The other calico catches her center square, not yet heavy enough to knock the breath out of her, and she raises her paws to hook into tangled fur. Then she attempts to thrash her way into rolling them over until they tumble ears over tails, possibly sending them into the paws of Dogskip on his way over. The warrior's eyes burn down upon the kittens like noon heat, but Cherrykit twists her head up towards him to make a face. Orangeblossom wouldn't take such disrespect, but perhaps the weary Dogskip would.

Eveningpaw comes around at the perfect time, bending down her delicate muzzle to whisper into two sets of influenceable ears. Cherrykit flicks an ear in the apprentice's direction but keeps her moon gaze trained on Dogskip, growing more intent with each word that slips off Eveningpaw's tongue. I wanna be an apprentice, flits across her mind for a moment. Resolute, Cherrykit aims a final kick towards Doomkit, then promptly tries to chomp on one of Dogskip's toes. How rude of him! she repeats in her mind, more than satisfied with how indignant the words sounded, even in the empty space of her head.
Shrill kitten-yowls disturb Orangeblossom from a rare snatch of conversation with Ivytongue, and to the tune of the elder cackling the sun-touched deputy groans, stands up, and locates the source of the noise. At least they're in camp. That's the smallest thing that could go correct right now, but it's a start. Cherrykit and Doomkit rolling around and fighting, again, Abysskit and Plaguekit trying to stop and egging the duo on respectively, and Eveningpaw whispering something to the two ferals shortly before Cherrykit launches herself at Dogskip.

"Right, enough."

Orangeblossom aims to close her jaws around Cherrykit's scruff and pull her off to the side before she can take a proper bite of poor Dogskip's toes. If she didn't need to speak, she'd keep her daughter there as punishment- maybe she'd ask Duskpool, ever stoic and a tom of few words, to do that for her someday before her brats got too big; at the very least, if Doomkit and Cherrykit kept picking fights with each other, she'd very much consider it. Maybe even Dawnglare would tolerate her presence long enough to let him terrorise the troublemakers into behaving.

"If you two keep attacking your Clanmates, we're going to have a problem. Apologise to each other and to Dogskip, right now." With no room for argument in her tone, brown eyes slide sideways to the small audience. She'd hoped for better from Eveningpaw, and expected little else from Plaguekit, yet still finds herself mildly irritated. "Eveningpaw, Plaguekit, don't encourage them. Abysskit, well done on trying to de-escalate."

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3
It’s just like the adults to try and ruin his fun. He remembers the black and white tom from the Bad Place, but he can’t be bothered to conjure up a name. “You’re all smelly and pebble-brained,” he sniffs. Doomkit scowls, flexing tiny claws as he slips away from Cherrykit. “I’ve never seen anyone ‘s smelly ‘n pebble-brained as you,” he says.

A pale tortoiseshell shape intercepts then, and to Doomkit’s surprise, she does not continue to tell them to stop. She has a wicked gleam in her eye as she lowers her head and says, “Perhaps if you’re able to pin him, Blazestar will make you apprentices early.” The small tortie tomkit’s green eyes sparkle with excitement. “Y’think so? Then I’ll get to leave camp ‘nd do cool stuff. Do whatever I want. Not have to listen to Cherrykit thinkin' she’s better’n everyone all day.” The more he talks himself through this, the better it starts to sound. He looks at his tortoiseshell milk-sister, nodding once her way. Despite their differences, they can unite for this goal.

Cherrykit flies at Dogskip, and Doomkit bolts to his other side, aiming to sink needling teeth into his tail.

But the ultimate fun-ruiner comes over next, alerted by their shrill battle cries and complaints. Orangeblossom has a no-nonsense look on her face; she picks Cherrykit up by her scruff, removing her from Dogskip’s chewed-upon toes. Doomkit sits up, spitting out bits of fur that try to cling to his tongue. “I ain’t apologizing to him,” he declares boldly, leveling his milk-mother with a fierce glare. “He called us smelly pebble-brains!