He looked at me and I looked at him || toad

Grief was a struggle that Rabbit was familiar with, and this time, he had come to push his emotions down and carry on. He had to be strong. For himself, his siblings, and his family. This illness was terrifying, he didn't have time to wallow in misery.

Which is why distractions were very important for his mental health.

And one such distraction was sitting in front of him in a shaded spot of the camp.

A toad. A fat, lumpy toad was content where it sat, blending in with the dirt and seemingly observing the clan as they went about their hot greenleaf day.

Rabbitnose settled down, paws tucked under him. He looked at the toad, admiring it's size. Absolutely rotund little fella. The toad shifts and lifts its head to look back up at him, and Rabbitnose feels an attachment forming. Look at this fuckin guy. Honorary Thunderclanner.

The two are staring at each other and there's no stopping it. A kinship is forming.

".....I'll call you Bumpypelt."

nightbird's patrol had been cut short today. the stress of sickness taking them all and the stubborn heat that hung thickly over them, the mix did not make for much productivity. cutting through camp, she briefly noticed rabbitnose. his pale pelt stuck out amongst the earthy tones of thunderclan's camp, surely it was a blessing in this weather.

her brisk steps were halted by words, at first she thought rabbitnose was addressing her. the lead warrior sent a confused glance to where he sat, but the blue gaze sailed past her. in a patch of shade, a toad sat doing a whole lot of nothing. "why are you naming a toad?" nightbird asked blankly, brow quirking as she looked in between the warrior and the unsightly amphibian.

  • IMG_0032.png
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-four moons
    nightbird is a small black smoke molly with pale silver eyes. a loner turned thunderclanner, her loyalty and drive to provide for her clan is unwavering. however, she is not known for harboring a bleeding heart, instead equipped with sarcastically fueled wit, brutal honesty, and a sharply edged tongue.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


These days, distractions have been much needed for Toadpaw. Something to keep him busy, something to keep his mind off of things. Since the last meeting, however, distractions have usually come in the form of extra training lessons instead of more meaningless things - such as what Rabbitnose seems to be doing; sitting there, watching a toad. But, the brown tabby can’t help but follow the gray warrior’s gaze toward the odd-looking creature.

Toadpaw pads over to the lounging warrior, to look at his namesake with him. A frown starts to pull at his face.

It’s… an ugly-looking thing, isn’t it? Why would his mother name him after something so… off-putting? His memory of his mother is diminished to nearly nothing now - simply warmth in a blanket of gray fur - but since he’s learned ThunderClan’s tales of Cinderfrost, he wonders if there was a purpose to calling him such. Something cruel, something cold. He hopes not, hopes there was a better reason for naming him after the lumpy-looking amphibian he hardly shares an appearance with.

Rabbitnose takes to naming this one. Bumpypelt, he calls it. Toadpaw blinks, his nose scrunching up at the new title. Somehow, an actual toad receives a warrior name before Toadpaw does.

Glad I wasn’t named that,” he notes, his tail twitching behind him, “But it suits it, I guess.
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
Silverlightning trails quietly behind Nightbird, his own dutiful steps slowing once attention is drawn to Rabbitnose and his squat little friend. Grey eyes fall upon the amphibian with a dull expression before flickering back to the bright pelted tom. "Indeed it does." He murmurs in agreement with Toadpaw. The creature was certainly full of different sized lumps and bumps that made the name very fitting. "Although I doubt your...friend, would be very useful in carrying out warrior duties, Rabbitnose." He adds shortly after, glancing back down at the content toad.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road

☼—— he bounds towards his father on sprawling kitten legs, wondering if rabbitnose has discovered another fascinating creature as other cats crowd around—like the big, fat worm he'd once brought for the kits to squeal over or the sparkly beetles that scuttled under the rocks of camp. kithood has left him blissfully oblivious to the panic and fear hanging in the air of camp as disease flowed in like water to drown them; no, to emberkit, his life's biggest concern is finding a mesmerizing trinket or fun game to while away the hours on. he scrambles over, not in the least intimidated by the small cluster of warriors and apprentices, squeezing through a multicolored forest of legs towards his father's find.

"bumpypelt? who's he? is that him?" emberkit crouches to peer at bumpypelt, managing to valiantly resist the urge to swat at him with one white paw. his father appears to be friends with bumpypelt, and he will not swat his father's friend. a dark-furred warrior wanders over and the young tom half-shouts a greeting, "hi, nightbird! a toad? is that bumpypelt's other name?"

a couple other cats are here too, but emberkit is mostly focused on marvelling at bumpypelt's muddy colors and lumpy back (and continously battling the impulse to take a swing at him). he jumps a little when it pokes its tongue out between its paunchy jaws, but then he mimics bumpypelt and pokes his own pink tongue back out at him.


  • ooc: ——
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
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    — emberkit
    — he/him ; kit of thunderclan ; 3 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by dejavu


His mate was something special and sometimes that wasn't a compliment. At times he wondered what went on inside that blue tom's head and he couldn't help but think it was just a bunch of rocks rattling around usually with the occasional actual thought that bubbled up on its own. He's only wandered this way after Emberkit, who was most prone to getting into things than the other kits for obvious reasons. Rainbowkit was clingy and Sunshinekit and Pigeonkit liked sleeping a little too much to be problems most the time. The big red tom pauses among the cats surrounding the toad, or Bumpypelt as it had been dubbed, and he watches in amusement to his son's mimicry among a slew of questions that bubbled out like rain pouring from the sky; endless and constant. The greeting from the cream kit was to Nightbird but he took over for the questions so the she-cat was not buried in them.
"This is called a toad, they don't normally have names like ours but I guess Rabbitnose thought it deserved one." It was going to end up on the freshkill pile at some point but that was a thought for later and it seemed a little too small to be worth eating as it were. "We don't eat these often, but I heard ShadowClan does. " And frogs and lizards and other things that seemed like they would go down uncomfortably slimy and rough. "Silverlightning is right though, they don't really work like we do. Sort of just sit around." Like he was...the thought immediately makes him want to reflexively leave and he fights it down.
He's so happy with this toad. Just look at him. Unbothered. Maybe a little dry looking but otherwise healthy. In the zone. As far as Rabbitnose knows, Toads have easy lives. All they do is hop around, sit in water, and eat bugs. They got it made. His tail thumps happily as he watches the newly dubbed Bumpypelt live his best life.

And now he has company that gets to perceive this chubby guy too! Why is he naming a toad, Nightbird asks. Well, why not??? Now Bumpypelt has an IDENTITY. He is an honorary member of Thunderclan!!

"Because he looks like a Bumpypelt." He answers her, chuckling at Toadpaw. He's right, he wondered what trait would spur someone to name their kit bumpykit. To be fair, he shouldn't talk. He was ready to name his kits Squishkit and Squashkit at a moments notice.

"He doesn't have to carry out any duties... He can be an honorary Thunderclanner by providing emotional support!" He says to Silverlightning.

He is absolutely delighted that Emberkit has come to join them. "This is Bumpypelt!" He answers, gesturing his head to the toad. He smiles as Sunfreckle joins them, following Emberkit and now a member of Bumbypelts adoring public.

"He does deserve a name! Look at him, what a perfect example of a toad. The toadiest toad I've ever seen." He says in defense of himself with a smile. "Frogs and toads are commonly eaten by Shadowclanners...Maybe Bumpypelt came here because he knows he's less likely to be eaten." He says.​
  • Haha
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