pafp HEADSTRONG || Training


It should be no surprise to anyone that Sparkwing was an odd mentor. Today, he is practicing headbutts with Pigeonpaw. Why? Because a good WHACK IN THE HEAD can discombobulate your enemy and leave them open for further attacks! Sure, it hurts you too. But like, If you're good at recuperating, you can take advantage of the time it takes your enemy to put their marbles back in place. Sparkwing has also taught his little brother other important things, like digging for truffles, identifying which mushrooms are bad as well as poisonous plants, and how to climb trees. He's taught him how to fight too, of course. He HAS to teach him all the SICK MOVES Wolfwind taught him.

But today, they are focusing on dispensing brain damage to their enemy. Sparkwing is, after all, one of the hardest heads in this clan. Who better to teach this move than he?

He stands ready, head low like a buck preparing to spar. Deer were the inspiration for this, after all. The way they charge at each other and lock antlers was always fascinating to watch. Cats may not have antlers, but learning from the world around you is important! He grips the ground with his claws to hold himself steady, ready to receive Pigeonpaw's headbutt excitedly.

(( @Pigeonpaw ))​

"I call this one the SKULLCRACK OBLITERATOR BRAIN SHREDDER MANEUVER!" If Pigeonpaw felt any particular way about Sparkwing's training then he didn't say anything. As far as he new this was just how you taught a cat how to fight and he was going to embrace it wholeheartedly. Sparkwing was a warrior and Howlingstar obviously wouldn't have made him one or even assigned him an apprentice if he didn't know what he was doing so he would follow his older brother's lessons and training with as much enthusiasm as he gave to eating his meals - every last ounce of his energy and delight.

Dropping to a crouch, hindquarter wiggling in the air as he prepared to move, the blue smoke launched himself forward with his head down and his paws carrying him as swiftly as he could directly into Sparkwing's lowered crown, the resulting THWACK was hard enough to make him bounce in the air back where he flipped over his paws and tail and rolled to a stop with vision of black dots springing before his eyes.


  • 62602527_Rj6et8vCTd63fvT.png
    —⊰⋅ Apprentice of ThunderClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ LH Blue smoke w/white & blue eyes.

" - BRAIN SHREDDER MANEUVER!" Was all that Martenmask could hear as he navigated through the snow-dusted woods. His long, dark tail, which had been swishing behind him as he walked, went still. "Pigeonpaw'sfh doing a brain fshredder maneuver?" he asked of no one around a mouthful of dead starling, equal parts amusement and concern motivating him to turn towards the Sandy Hollow. Whatever Sparkwing and his apprentice were up to, Martenmask wanted to see it - both to satisfy his curiosity and because he would never turn down the opportunity for a good show. The Ragdoll scooped out a small divot to bury his starling before descending into the training grounds. What he saw was...well, it probably should't have surprised him, but it did: Pigeonpaw ricocheting off of his mentor's skull, executing a backflip before crashing back onto the sand.

"Stars above." said Martenmask, though without urgency. "What's, uh, what's going on? Combat training?" Was else could it be? Brotherly bonk-your-brains-out bonding time? Has Gentlestorm approved this? Has Howlingstar? They might as well be running into trees, right? Perhaps it was some sort of special ThunderClan move he had not learned due to his kittypet origins. For once, he hoped he was out of the loop, and this wasn't among the silliest things he'd ever seen.