pafp Heaps of green | herb patrol




"Hemlock! Hemlocksight!" The woman's voice rang out through the camp as she went in search for the ivory hued tom. She figured since he likes to play with bones so much he won't mind coming along with her to pick some plants. After all since her ghastly dive into her own sorrows and pains she tore up a lot of the plants that they had so she needs to go out and get some of the plants they will need. Already she has a list of things she needs to get. Molten hues whip around camp and she charges toward the warrior's den, poking her head in. The medicine cat doesn't intend to startle anyone but the yelp is audible and a flash of embarrassment heats her fur. "Sorry." Bone mumbles quickly before she backs out just as fast. It takes another moment before she finally finds the tom she has been looking for.

"Hemlock, finally, I was looking for you. Can you come with me? I need to do some restocking and I need a gentle paw with the herbs." Of course she doesn't mind if others come with them but she doesn't think that she will let anyone else handle the plants. Especially if they don't know how to pick them.

Any hope of spending his day hiding away from duties was firmly shattered when Bonejaw began to call out his name. The tom wrinkled his nose and gave a half-snarl as he heaved himself to his paws so he could slink his way over to the she-cat. He folded his only ear backwards as he regarded her with an irritated expression, though his features seemed to soften when he was informed that he would be assisting with collecting herbs. Well, that was something he could do. Just as long as it didn't involve hunting or fighting, then so be it. "Very well, I will help you."

As they began to set off he couldn't help but ponder what exactly they would be gathering. "So, what herbs are we looking for? Describe them." He had some recollection of some of the more common plants, though he wouldn't go as far as to say that he was confident with his ability to identify them on sight.

❝  It is pointless to be playing with leaves when cats are hungry. He has not forgotten. The despair of that moment had curled around his ribs until it began to crush them. Until he could not offer anything, not even a word. With his head pressed between his paws, ears flattened to the earth as if this poisoned ground might whisper to him– Rookwhisper had heard nothing. But it seems that Bonejaw must have. Try as he might to be grateful for this, he does not succeed. Tired, apathetic eyes settle on the duo as the medic's words sweep through his fur. A gentle paw with the herbs. Something that Bone herself does not have, it would seem. He swallows this bitterness like medicine.

With his body crouched and his head ducked low, Rookwhisper approaches the duo. "May I come along?" he whispers. "Perhaps there will be prey along your paths." The words strain his tongue, and he swallows against the discomfort in his throat to smother a rising cough.

  • 50833871_qVNGBDP7EV0dgd9.png
  • rookwhisper. named for his dark pelt and quiet voice.
    ──── uses he - him, will accept they - them or it - its.
    ──── around four years old.  a warrior of shadowclan.
    ──── single; sexuality unknown. presumably pansexual.

    a tall black smoke tabby with high white mapping the entire right side of his body. though his fur is thick and dense, it covers a rather lean, nearly gaunt physique that suits him despite its typical discomfort. his right eye is blue, while his left is a warm orange.
  • "speech"
the felidae twitched their ears at the sound of cats leaving to go on a possible patrol. they needed herbs, it seemed, and chilledgaze had no intentions of sitting and doing nothing all day. they never did. standing, they stretched out their body, giving a firm nod to the three felines who had gathered.

"i'll go too. be it prey or predator... it's always good to have other cats around."

espeically with the amount of.... friends that pitchstar was making. there was no telling what waited for them behind the hidden walls of the shadowclan camp. that was their saving grace for sure. since no one could find them, no one could attack them. that was the last thing that they needed, anyhow.


Well, she did not expect such a crowd to want to come along with her but she supposes tbe more the merrier. Frankly she is not one to shy away from company unless it is a certain tom that lingers around camp. Just the thought of him sours her expression for just a moment before she glances to Hemlocksight. "Well, I'm going to be looking for marigold which is a yellow orange flower. It grows close to the ground so I'm sure we will find some close to drier places. I need more moss and cobwebs too. Some honey and dandelion would be nice too. Some dandelion has yellow flowers on thick stalks while some might have puff balls on top." Fluffy little things that she finds interesting. Shaking her fur a little she looks too Rook then and nods lightly. "Come along. I don't mind as long as we are all being productive."

Visibly she relaxes as Chilled also speaks of themselves coming and she gives a small smile before turning to follow Hemlock out. The pine forest is quiet currently and she breathes in the cold air before she gets to looking. Surveying the area with ease.