heart, control, caffeinate | frightkit

Jan 14, 2024
The moon hangs high in the sky, midway through chasing the sun. It is late, and it is the time where most cats, if not all, should be asleep. Especially the nursery, with so many young kittens and tired queens. Unfortunately for Spotkit, he is not asleep, and has not been for quite some time. He had a quick nap when the sun fell in to the horizon but woke up halfway through the night, feeling more than rested.

He shifts and wiggles in his nest, restlessness itching at his skin, itching to move! He tosses and turns again, trying his best to listen to his mamas rhythmic breathing and presses a tiny head against her flank, listening to the thump, thump, thump. It does not lull him to sleep like it normally does and he finds himself beginning to grow frustrated. Its so late, why can’t he just go to bed!? He removes his head from her flank with a quiet grumble, looking around with his head on a swivel.

Two eyes peer at him, gleaming in the low light that the moonlight casts, that the entrance barely lets through. He can make out the color, blue, and a couple of the kittens have blue eyes so he cannot place the name immediately. He throws out a guess in a hushed whisper, his own eyes blown wide in an attempt to see more in the lowlight. “Frightkit? Is that you?” ears swivel back and he shifts yet again in his nest, trying his hardest not to make too much noise. If he woke up Cherrytuft, or another queen, he’d probably get a cuff around the ear.

He crawls out of his nest in his best hunters crouch, long ears pinned back as he peers through the darkness, looking more like a panther than a cat at this point. He waits for the kitten to confirm their identity before he moves to shuffle near them, but excitement prickles at his paws. He doesn’t have to be alone, at least for a little bit! Maybe he can even rope them in to playing…

  • @Frightkit
  • 76245576_FCJi2DzeAxPuyT4.png
    -> spotkit
    -> amab ,, he/him ,, 2 months
    -> kitten of windclan
    -> small & oddly proportioned cinnamon tom with high white
    -> "speech, afd9f2" ,, thoughts
    -> unknown sexuality ,, single
    -> smells like windblown heather
    -> art by meg
  • Love
Reactions: Frightpaw
*+:。.。 Frightkit often liked to wake up early in the night and simply listen. It's one of the few times that Frightkit doesn't feel intensely bored when completely alone. Cricket chirps and a rustling breeze along the grass provide a unique orchestra that she rarely hears when cats are talking and bumbling about in the day, so the night is the only time she can exist with Windclan's natural music all to herself...
Only, tonight it's interrupted by the rustling of a restless kit in their nest.
Frightkit turns her head away from the den entrance, training her gaze instead toward the rather irritating sound. She simply stares, noting from the faint glow of pale fur broken up by odd rounded spots that its most likely Spotkit. She watches him turn this way, then that way, doing his best to make the least amount of noise despite still making so much, saying nothing at all. But then unusually pale blue eyes meet unusually pale blue eyes and another day of kitten interaction begins.
"Morning Spotkit " Frightkit purred, perhaps a little too loud - earning herself a quick bop on the head from a sleepy Nightingalecall. Rubbing at the spot between her ears, she giggles watching Spotkit pull his nest towards hers. She scoots closer to him as well, squeezing past her many siblings to lay down beside her buddy. "Can't sleep? " she asks, this time in a quieter voice.

  • " Speech "
    DFAB— She/Her — Unsure
    2 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Windclan Kit
    Sister to Deathkit, Witherkit, Grasskit, Whitekit and Midnightkit

    Physically very easy | mentally very easy
    Attack in bold #1b1e21
    injuries: None
So it is Frightkit! Spotkit tilts his head, kneading the earth below him as he gives a small nod in response to her good morning chime. "Hi, Frightkit." he properly greets now, long ears perking forwards as he stares through the darkness. A quiet snrrk comes from him as Nightingalecall bops her on the head, trying not to be loud enough to get the same fate as her.

Eventually Frightkit comes to lay besides him and he beams, obviously in a good mood. "I already slept. So im not tired at all, but my mama wants to sleep so I can't play with her." he whines playfully, whip-like tail lashing back and forth behind him. He lets a heartbeat go past in silence before he whips his head to her, squinting his eyes. "We should totally play." he suggests quietly, trying not to get too excited cause then hes gonna get too loud and then Cherrytuft, his mama, would bop him on the head- he begins to giggle, again, at the mental image of Nightingale bopping Frightkit. He doesn't know why its funny- his giggle is interrupted with a snort, which causes him to laugh just a bit harder.

And unfortunately for him, Cherrytuft knows her sons voice too well. His mother stirs in her nest, a paw coming out to hook him back in to his nest (which causes an audible gasp as hes quickly snatched away), a harsh lick on the head and shes out like a light again. Spotkit wiggles out of her grasp and back to Frightkit, embarrassment burning at his cheeks, but the urge to laugh only grows.

  • 76245576_FCJi2DzeAxPuyT4.png
    -> spotkit
    -> amab ,, he/him ,, 4 months
    -> kitten of windclan
    -> small & oddly proportioned cinnamon tom with high white
    -> "speech, afd9f2" ,, thoughts
    -> unknown sexuality ,, single
    -> smells like windblown heather
    -> art by meg
*+:。.。 " Mommies need lots of sleep so they can grow big and strong " Fry hums with a nod, reciting her mom's words so well it's obvious she's heard the phrase many...many times. Not that she's ever listened, being the night owl that she is. She giggles at his suggestion, before quickly clapping her paws over her mouth and shooting her mom's snoring form a cautious look, " What should we play? We can't run, so not tag " she begins, only to let out a little chirrup of surprise when, from the darkness, a paw snatches Spotkit away! " Spotkit no! " Frightkit whisper-yells dramatically, only to cover her mouth again as she fights back a tsunami of titters. It only gets worse though when Cherrytuft adds a sleepy cowlick to Spotkit's look before allowing him his freedom, and she's rolling on the ground, barely able to contain her furious laughter!

Wheezing, she says nothing for a long moment, struggling to compose herself. Before promptly licking her paw and brushing the top of her head, adding her own ridiculous cowlick between her ears and helpfully pointing out, " Now we're twins! " before falling back immediately into a fitful of snickering!

  • " Speech "
    DFAB— She/Her — Unsure
    2 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Windclan Kit
    Sister to Deathkit, Witherkit, Grasskit, Whitekit and Midnightkit

    Physically very easy | mentally very easy
    Attack in bold #1b1e21
    injuries: None