"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting!"
She had just exited her den alongside Berryheart, Blizzard Fang and Lichenpaw, content and filled with hope. While her clanmates gathered below, she seats herself tall upon the great boulder and wraps her tail around her paws, eyes alight for the first time since Graystorm's death. In today's decision, she is once more filled with optimism that her lost loved ones are looking down on ThunderClan and guiding them still. There is a bright future here in this ravine.
"First, as you all know, tonight is the full moon, and so the cats who will be attending the Gathering are Wolfwind, Killdeercry, Redwind, Badgerstrike, Whitelion, Kindleheart, Spotflare, Silverlightning, Cloudyfur, Pebblestep, and Stormywing." As always, her council knew they would be expected to go regardless, if they were able. "Make sure you eat beforehand; we will leave at sundown."
"I also have some very exciting news to share. Berryheart has decided he's ready to take on an apprentice; he has chosen Lichenpaw. Will both of you come forward?" She waits for the two of them to step to the front of the crowd, smile upon her maw. "Lichenpaw, today you abandon the path of a warrior to train under Berryheart as a medicine cat apprentice. Until you earn your full name at the Moonstone, he will be your new mentor and pass all he knows on to you." She dips his head, allowing them to touch noses, before turning her attention to Blizzard Fang.
"Sandpaw has made a full recovery and is ready to be assigned a new mentor. Sandpaw, your new mentor will be Blizzard Fang. He did well to train Lichenpaw up until today and I have full faith he will pass all he knows on to you." Once the two touch noses, she dips her head once more the the crowd and flicks her tail to dismiss them, meeting adjourned.
// @LICHENPAW is officially the clan's medicine cat apprentice, apprenticed to @BERRYHEART !!
Mentor reassignment: @sandpaw @BLIZZARD FANG
gathering attendees: @KILLDEERCRY ; @WOLFWIND @Cloudyfur @PEBBLESTEP @Redwind @Badgerstrike @WHITELION @KINDLEHEART @Spotflare @Silverlightning
She had just exited her den alongside Berryheart, Blizzard Fang and Lichenpaw, content and filled with hope. While her clanmates gathered below, she seats herself tall upon the great boulder and wraps her tail around her paws, eyes alight for the first time since Graystorm's death. In today's decision, she is once more filled with optimism that her lost loved ones are looking down on ThunderClan and guiding them still. There is a bright future here in this ravine.
"First, as you all know, tonight is the full moon, and so the cats who will be attending the Gathering are Wolfwind, Killdeercry, Redwind, Badgerstrike, Whitelion, Kindleheart, Spotflare, Silverlightning, Cloudyfur, Pebblestep, and Stormywing." As always, her council knew they would be expected to go regardless, if they were able. "Make sure you eat beforehand; we will leave at sundown."
"I also have some very exciting news to share. Berryheart has decided he's ready to take on an apprentice; he has chosen Lichenpaw. Will both of you come forward?" She waits for the two of them to step to the front of the crowd, smile upon her maw. "Lichenpaw, today you abandon the path of a warrior to train under Berryheart as a medicine cat apprentice. Until you earn your full name at the Moonstone, he will be your new mentor and pass all he knows on to you." She dips his head, allowing them to touch noses, before turning her attention to Blizzard Fang.
"Sandpaw has made a full recovery and is ready to be assigned a new mentor. Sandpaw, your new mentor will be Blizzard Fang. He did well to train Lichenpaw up until today and I have full faith he will pass all he knows on to you." Once the two touch noses, she dips her head once more the the crowd and flicks her tail to dismiss them, meeting adjourned.
// @LICHENPAW is officially the clan's medicine cat apprentice, apprenticed to @BERRYHEART !!
Mentor reassignment: @sandpaw @BLIZZARD FANG
gathering attendees: @KILLDEERCRY ; @WOLFWIND @Cloudyfur @PEBBLESTEP @Redwind @Badgerstrike @WHITELION @KINDLEHEART @Spotflare @Silverlightning