The moon hung high in the sky that night, its light unhindered by any cloud as the silver hues filtered down through the canopy of the forest to the ground below. The light occasionally caught against the calico pelt of the tom who waded through the foliage that night towards a stretch of the border where three felines had once left, never to return to ThunderClan. However, it was hard to cast a single individual out from his heart.

A first love often burned the brightest, and it truly did in Wildheart's own heart.

Soon he was at the border and he found himself staring out into the landscape beyond, a part of him gripping that impossible chance that maybe... just maybe she would be out there. Watching... Listening... He drew in a shaky breath as he forced his nerves to steady before he straightened up and prepared himself for the private ceremony that he had longed to host for far too long.

"Patchpaw, you have always been a brave and keen apprentice with a honest heart. You were destined to be a vital part of ThunderClan, to be a mighty warrior before you were ripped away. But I know where your heart truly remains, and what you were due by this moon. Alas, I can promise no grand meeting, no mighty words from a great leader, but I can give you one final gift as I say my final goodbye.

So I, Wildheart, call upon our warrior ancestors to look down upon you. May they see you worthy wherever you walk, and I commend you as a true warrior for their eyes to judge. Patchpaw... may you carry with you the noble code to lands beyond. By the power of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. From this day forth may you be known as Patchleaf. I name you after the leaves carried upon the far reaching winds, the very winds who I hope will someday carry this very name to you, my love."

The tears began to fall as he concluded his private ceremony for his now lost love, longing for her to be remembered as a true warrior in his heart. The clan could remember her as Patchpaw the outcast, but he would always remember her as Patchleaf the brave, the most beautiful she-cat he had ever laid eyes on. Never again would he love another. No one could ever fill the void that had been left in his heart.

"Goodbye my sweet Patchleaf."
And with that he made the trek back home to his nest; a nest that now felt far too large, too cold, and too lonely.

//I want to make it clear that this isn't an official ceremony in any shape or form. This was purely for development as Wildheart rides out his grief.​