oneshot Heart of Darkness || Molewhisker




His beliefs were not shared by most others.

The tunnels were a winding network of secrets, secrets that he had been allowed to keep. The darkness offered comfort, reprieve, solitude, while the sunlight offered judgement and pressure, stress and anxiety.

The sun shines it's light on them all, exposing them to the world around them. Secrets laid bare for all to see and judge. The shadows offered succor. Free from the sun's judgement, one would be clouded in forgiving darkness.

But the abyss must feed.... It is why when one dies, there is only darkness. The body is claimed by shadows and the soul is taken by the stars.

Those who died in the tunnels were as sacrifices, to die in the maw of the abyss was a privilege. One that he was lucky to have. When he died, his body would feed the earth and his soul would dance among the stars.

Those who dwelled in the light were bound by society, by the sun's judgement as well as the judgement of other surface dwellers.

But down here, who you are didn't matter. Your sins, your crimes. None of it mattered here. The shadows did not judge.

If you open your heart to the darkness.... You will be free.

Listen to the part of you that you sought to push down..... And you will be free.