"I am kind of terrified, honestly," Mirepurr says, shedding everything that weights on their heart. It is as natural as anything else for them; whatever happens on the inside can easily seep over to the outside, and it is much better to take care of emotional turmoil and let it run its course, rather than let trouble fester in the dark. Thrasherthroat is definitely used to it all by now. A lifetime spent growing up together — joined at the hip, some might say. Their first order of business is to seek out one of their siblings after such a big change in their life.

ShadowClan's land sprawls out around them. Mirepurr has always been receptive to changes in nature, but that has only gotten amplified now with their new title; they feel compelled to memorize every blade of grass, to take note of dewdrops clinging between stalks in the morning light... after all, that is what a deputy does. They notice, they remember, they foster. That's what Smogstar had done for moons on end; a constant presence.

Mirepurr hopes to be half as good, but... they have big paws to fill.

Fondness trickles into every corner of their face as they regard Thrasherthroat. Despite the joy they feel — a bit hesitant and cautious, yes, but joyful nonetheless —, there is nothing that could compare to sharing your life with family. "Reckon I'll do good? Nothing's gonna be as difficult as herding you back to the nursery when all you wanted to do was explore," they reminisce with humor in the tilt of their voice. The age-gap between the two is barely a few moons, but the point still stands: there had been a time when they were Mirepaw, and he was Thrasherkit, and the difference in rank had felt like being worlds apart. Would it feel much the same now?

Please wait for @THRASHERTHROAT
જ➶ They remember easily the meeting and the large change that came with it. When Smogstar decided up who his deputy would be. The worry that laced their own face when it came to be their sibling. The idea of it, hoisting their family up onto a pedestal. One that is so high up that they feel like they would be so far away from each other. It kept that unease in their gullet for a while now. But at the end of the day they know that Mire will be perfect for the roll. They will foster the clan and to help it grow. It is something that they need in Shadowclan as far as they are concerned. But still, deputy is a lot and the concern that they have is valid. Especially as they talk now as they normally do. They are happy to have these easy times with Mirepurr. To be able to relax and talk with their sibling gives them a moment to just breath and take in their life. "It's okay to be terrified. It's a lot to handle at first. Especially with all the responsibilities that come with it." They frown just a little then as they think. Casually moving forward to press their head against Mire's chest as they lay there. Odd eyes shift to look around camp for just a moment before fixating on their sibling once again.

"Do good?" A light chuckle leaves their throat then, amusement spreading as they shift their paws and turn almost upside down, tail shifting back and forth almost mischievously. "I think that you will do amazing. You've done well as a lead warrior so how can you not do just as good as deputy. Just don't go getting a bigger ego." They know that their sibling doesn't have a large ego at all but they like to tease them anyway as they shift themselves. It just worries them with everything they will have to deal with. The image of Mire trying to get them back into the nursery brings up fond memories of their time together.
✧*:.。. "You'll do fantastic," Wormwatcher's low voice pipes up from behind the siblings as he saunters towards them. He pauses beside Mirepurr, spindly tail reaching to playfully flick the now deputy on their ear. "It's undeniable, Mirepurr, you'll be a great deputy."

Pale eyes look down upon the tortie with visible fondness, it is no secret Wormwatcher admires the lead warrior, both personally and due to how well they serve the clan. When Smogstar announced they would be the deputy Wormwatcher was very pleased, but it was not until now that he'd actually congratulated Mirepurr. His tail lowers and he offers Mirepurr a reassuring half-smile. He murmurs, "I've not heard any doubt towards your new position. I've been..." Wormwatcher raises a paw and gestures, a large ear flicking mischievously. "Suffice to say, I've been keepin' tabs on what the consensus is." The tom offers another partial smile, this time to both Mirepurr and Thrasherthroat before nodding curtly.

"Well. I'd not want to interupt family time..." Wormwatcher mews softly before he turns swiftly and disappears into the undergrowth, he'll hunt some while they speak. Better than witnessing the fondness in their expressions as they speak to eachother, it causes his stomach to twist in jealousy, but this is not to say he's not truly sincere about what he told Mirepurr.

  • ooc–
  • wormwatcher —— ✧*:.。.shadowclan warrior, he/him, homosexual, 28 ☾, tags
Vulturesong has gone unnoticed, but she doesn't mind. It pleases her to know that she can be undetectable with ease, considering she cares little for making friends or being close to other clanmates. Batchaser and Haretooth were the only cats she cared about, but she would never be clear about it. Though, some may be more confused when it came to Haretooth. As it was not too long ago in which she purposely put spiders on her brother. It was more common for her to push him into mud or bat him without any warning. It is easy to mistake his affection as hatred for her younger brother, but she didn't care what others thought. If Haretooth believed she hated him, then he was a fool.

The relationship between Mirepurr and Thrasherthroat was irrelevant to her. However, it would be untruthful to say she would not be pleased to see them at each others throats. Even more so if claws and blood was spilled, but unfortunately they just had to be disgusting. If only I could tear off my ears from hearing their drivel. Soon enough Wormwatcher appears and voices his support, which causes her to roll her eyes in annoyance. Trying to get in her good favor? It is true. No one has voiced their doubt in Mirrpurr, but she would not say she cared who Smogstar appointed as deputy. If it was Batchaser she would be proud, but knowing her older brother... That was not the case. He's always been a lousy sort when it comes to those matters.

As quick as Wormwatcher arrives he takes his bow, only for Vulturesong to take his place. "It is deniable." The white warrior gives neither any time to speak before continuing, "A deputy and lead warrior have some responsibilities that are shared, but they are not the same. Mirepurr, you have only started your time as deputy. Others may say you will do good, but only you will know the truth when your time as deputy has come to a close." She neglects the notion that her words may be perceived as a threat. Perhaps not voicing her support (She frankly doesn't care) first to Mirepurr does little to aid in her wisdom towards the tortie. With a small nod and a flick of her tail, she turns her back to the pair and begins to pad away from them.

Gigglepaw doesn't know too much about the upper politics of ShadowClan, but she does know that Mirepurr is a great warrior, and surely that would make them an even greater deputy - after all, Smogstar had once been deputy, and she'd heard that he'd been a great warrior before that. He wouldn't make the wrong decision now in choosing someone unfit for his right-paw cat. A few of their Clanmates express their opinion on the new deputy, all with a certain undertone that rubs Gigglepaw the wrong way. This should be a happy occasion! Mirepurr should be lauded with congratulations, not doubts!

"Well, I think you're just perfect for deputy! It means that Smogstar trusts you a whole lot, so I do, too!" Gigglepaw declares as she approaches Mirepurr and Thrasherthroat, a big smile spreading across her face. "What d'you think the hardest thing about being deputy will be, huh? I think it could be pretty hard to decide who goes on what patrols..."
  • !
  • 80344329_6S8RlcnnRCmX1ej.png
  • GIGGLEPAW apprentice of shadowclan, six moons
    blinks incessantly & uncontrollably.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    penned by Archivist.archivist on discord.


She had always been neutral on matters of the council, not necessarily indifferent to who was what, but certainly not as bothered as some of the more ambitious cats within the clan. They'd always just seemed like regular old cats to her, beautiful, flawed, given the illusion of power socially but still able to die and get hurt the same as anyone beneath them. It was an illusion she had indulged in once, one that she wouldn't mind indulging in again, now that she had come face to face with pain and lived to tell the tale. Ferndance had met Mirepurr's promotion with quiet congratulations, but since then, she had treated the chimera as she always had - a clanmate.

The tabby felt fairweather upon seeing their struggles, standing at the edge of familial conversation with her serpentine tail swaying behind her. Others moved forward first, even her own daughter, offering their encouragement (sort of, Vulturesong didn't seem so keen). Eventually, a smile formed upon the tawny she-cat's maw, and with her hesitation past her, she moved to Gigglepaw's side. "You'll probably be ok, but if you want extra motivation to not mess up..." She tilted her head, emerald eyes blinking softly. The line between joke and sincerity was blurred with a tone that sounded as if it could not quite decide between the two. "I will eat your face if your ideas hurt ShadowClan." The cinnamon tabby hadn't quite eaten anybody else's face, but a long time ago, she had come close to it with Chilledstar. They never had apprenticed her youngest early after her warning... something bitterly appreciated now.

Her head cocked the other way, her smile broadening into a toothy grin. "So... don't worry about being good or bad, just worry about your pretty face." Having a face versus not having a face was certainly more tangible than good versus bad. That was Ferndance's logic at least, hopefully, it would help ease Mirepurr's worries.