camp HEART TO HEART ✦ oakfang vigil


I SEE A SONG OF PAST ROMANCE — Berryheart was unwell so the snowy tom took it upon himself to hold the vigil for Oakfang and that way his mentor could rest, Hailstorm had some help getting the warrior out into the clearing of camp so all of their clanmates could share tongues with the chocolate tom one last time. With rosemary on the body of the lifeless form of Oakfang, the medicine cat apprentice releases a soft breath from his parted jaws and a cloud of white follows, Hailstorm hopes that the warriors final moments were painless and it had been in the company of his closest friends so perhaps it had been peaceful. He would join the rest of the warriors that passed from sickness, fighting valiantly for their clan, or getting picked off by desperate predators that lingered in the territory growing hungrier from leaf-bare that even the taste of cat flesh would likely satisfy them. Beasts that continued to take and take... But that was life and it could be unforgiving especially during the colder seasons. But now, Oakfang would no longer worry about famine nor predators where he is. He would rest at last and hunting within Silverpelt that hung over their heads with the rest of their clanmates.

With the moon in the sky and knowing that after everyone had their final moments with Oakfang who was ready for burial, Hailstorm lifts his head up to speak "I hope you rest well." A soft, gentle murmur that slips from his maw before speaking with a nod of his helm "Now is the time to bid Oakfang farewell and share tongues with him for the last time." The large medicine cat apprentice steps back to allow those much closer to the warrior to utter their last goodbyes to him, he had done the first part of his job and the next it would be to bury the tom for his last slumber underneath the earth. He feels a little bit of the cold slip into his plush coat but he can only imagine that the corpse in the clearing of camp is colder and those most dear to Oakfang.

    ✦✦✦✦✦ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✦✦✦✧✧ INFECTIONS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ACHES & PAINS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ILLNESS
    ✧✧✧✧✧ BROKEN BONES
    ✧✧✧✧✧ KITTING
    ✧✧✧✧✧ POISONS
  • dge7u2t-148923d9-4a3f-4c3f-b8e7-4e97c3a4cb2b.png
    longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    51 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    bisexual demiromantic; mates with little wolf
    currently being mentored by berryheart
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
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Marigoldpaw never expected this. His mentor, dead. The news arrived to him quickly of course, but instead of processing it, he angrily stormed off and screamed as much as his lungs would allow. How dare he die? How dare he leave him, just like his mother, just like Wrenflutter? Who was next? It could be anyone, anyone. He might have not liked Oakfang all that much, but that didn’t mean he wanted him to suffer. Was this all his fault?

Well, his feelings didn’t matter. He will never know what his future holds, and who else close to him will be hurt. Marigoldpaw stands quiet at his vigil, feeling guilty. As Hailstorm drones on, he imagines a world where everything was perfect, and he has not experienced so much loss so soon. But that can only be made up. He’ll lose more and more he cares about until he’s finally dead himself. And who knows when that will happen?

When given permission to share tongues for the last time, Marigoldpaw reluctantly steps up first. He’s not entirely sure what he could say to make himself feel better, much less what’s adequate as his final words. But he has to say something. “Thank you for all you taught me, Oakfang. I’ll carry on your legacy as best I can. May you find peace in StarClan.” He licks the still pelt gently, before turning back to the small crowd, trying not to cry.​
Howlingstar watches as Marigoldpaw approaches his former mentor, a solemn expression weighing down her features. It isn't fair that any apprentice is re-assigned to a new mentor, but at least when Marigoldpaw had been given to Moonwhisper, it wasn't due to Oakfang's death, only his circumstance. But the injuries he had were too devastating, too much so for any herbs to fix. She closes her eyes as the apprentice says goodbye to his first mentor one last time, and pads towards Hailstorm. "Thank you for preparing his body," She murmurs softly to him when she reaches the large tom's side. Typically it would be a job for queens and elders, but ThunderClan does not have any of those right now, leaving the duty to her own son and his apprentice. "I will help you carry the body for burial when the vigil is over." Again, normally a job reserved for elders and those closest to the fallen.

When Marigoldpaw steps back from the body, trying to hold back his tears, the leader's face becomes pained as she herself steps forward. "You defended your clan well, Oakfang. May you finally rest." She lowers her head in a show of respect, her nose pressing into his fur as she inhales her clanmate's scent for the final time, before finally backing away to allow those who had been closest to him to crouch at his side.
to be reborn , you have to die first .
He stayed silent, tucked against his mate’s bulky frame, ears angled flat against his helm with a swelling bitterness deep within the cavity of his chest, spreading like thorns to grapple at the fragile muscles that made up his heart and lungs. A whisper against his ear drew him out of his despair, urging him forward on robotic paws shuffling forward, shortening the distance to Oakfang’s wilting body, wishing it was a practical prank the smokey warrior always played on him. This was real, as real as the dirt rubbing against calloused paws or the deep, shaky inhale and exhale of each breath rattling his bones.

He grinned something bitter, helm tilted, pinkish hues downcast, oh so afraid of something that he could not touch. Not even death can tear us apart. He hummed, vision blurring around the edges at the forgotten memory, late at night when his daughter woke up from a nightmare, offering simple words of comfort, because he would fight death tooth and claw to keep them together. Not even death could touch it, not even the great StarClan could rip that one thing away from him when life had already been cruel to tear Koa and Tsukiko from him.

With a deep breath, Spiderlily turned, pressing deeper into Whitelion’s chest, welcoming the aromatic scent that bled comfort, safety, love. “I’m alright.” He muttered, keeping the tears at bay, he pressed forward, leaning down to press a warm nose against a frigid body, laughing quietly for only Oakfang’s ears. “Don’t be a fool.” He muttered. “We’ll walk these stars together in the future.” He glanced at Whitelion through his peripheral, humming sadly. “You were one of my dearest friends. Stupid idiot.” He chuckled warmly, rasping a tongue against Oakfang’s cheek, nose pressing against the tom’s jaw. Until then, old friend. He thought, pulling away, letting Whitelion have a moment with their remaining friend, now long gone from the living plain. I’m sure Honeywish has been lonely without your grand tells of the great waters.
thought speech
She was there for Marigoldpaw only, a silent show of support to the apprentice she was now seen fit to mentor as he said his farewells to his former teacher. Moonwhisper sat quietly just behind him, long plume of a tail folded over her paws and her spotted face dipped into a low bow of respect. She wasn't close to Oakfang, though to be fair she was hardly close to any cat in the clan, but he had been a dutiful warrior and was worth mourning the loss of. She does not move to share tongues, that was an intimate gesture for only his closest confidants in life, but she does lift her head enough to give the young cream point a gentle nudge with her forehead in awkward, quiet comfort before stepped back once more to resume showing respect in her own, stoic manner.
Her mind is already buzzing with training the fallen warrior's apprentice, quietly bothered she never got to speak to the tom on what they had reviewed and would now have to rely on the apprentice's memory entirely.


  • dgk9va7-e404f34c-d42a-4934-8360-235d0834d2d4.png
    —⊰⋅ Warrior of ThunderClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH Tortiseshell point w/ice blue eyes

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