Damn this is awkward. Sasha knew that she had to say something. After all, she was the one who went after Frond to ask to speak with her privately. It would be bizarre not to say anything and just drag poor Frond to some random location. In fact, if somecat did that to her... Honestly, I'd think they were messing with me. Without being aware, she had let out a sigh while guiding Frond further away from their colony. It seemed like they would pad along for hours (they'd only had been walking for a few minutes), before Sasha would suddenly stop. "Frond. You better have your ears cleaned, I'm not repeating myself," she mews. To anyone else it would have been rude, but with the time they had known each other and by how patient Frond was... Sasha would be lying to say she didn't treasure Frond. After all, the other cat would reign her in. Sometimes in a rough manner, but not once did Sasha hold it against her.

Had Sasha been as brave as she appeared to be, she would be facing Frond. Telling her feelings directly towards the cat in question. Alas, she was not a brave cat. Her frame began to tremble slightly, despite her best efforts not to. Even as she tried to focus her attention at the tree in front of her, it wasn't doing much to ease her worries. Nevertheless she would start, "Thank you. I know I'm not the most liked cat, and I have a history of the elders scolding me. And that I can be mean, pretty sure you know that though. After all, you're the one who usually has to calm the situation down and tell me off privately. I don't ask you to tell me where I went wrong, you just do it. You're... A good cat Frond. I. I appreciate you." Ah, there go her paws. She had wanted to stay in place, but it seems her paws had better ideas. Thankfully she didn't run off from Frond, but she did begin to walk away from her.

Some might say she did it to look cool, but Frond knew better. Frond would know that these sorts of things were terrifying, that they were out of Sasha's element.

/ @Frond.