heart to heart | blazestar

Her shoulder is killing her as she leads the patrol back to camp, nudges those injured to go to the medicine den- or not, but shes sure Dawnglare would seethe if he found an infection. She had seen it with… Oh, who was that? It was so long ago, and shes not sure if it had been the recent stress effecting her memory, but when she pictures the scene all she can see are their fur colors. Morningbird? She thinks it was Morningbird. Sheep has to take a deep breath to clear her head. The tension never leaves her back, her legs, and for a few fleeting moments the world feels heavier.

Sheep leaves them with a smile and goes straight to Blazestars den, placing herself at the mouth of it and no further. “Hola, Blazestar, you in here? Figured I should come directly to you, sorry to intrude…” and truly, she is, but at the same time shes not. Her patrol deserved to be boasted about with how valiantly they all fought, how they drove back the fox as a team. Greenpaw had been brave, especially brave, and just when she thinks she couldn’t be prouder of the kid he breaks every single bar. “We ended up driving away the fox, it shouldn’t be on the territory anymore. We sustained injuries, but nothing life-threatening. Everyone truly gave it their all out there.” Sheep sits down, favors the unbruised shoulder. “Quillpaw, Bananapaw, and Greenpaw fought very well. Quillpaw especially.” it leaves a weird taste in her mouth to commend the very apprentice that had nearly killed a cat, a clanmate, in front of her. But theres this warm, blossoming feeling of pride and thankfulness that begins, he fought like a Skyclanner, defended his clan with all he had, and perhaps that was just as admirable as any words, any other actions he could take. “Very well, they all did good. Everybody did. I hope Twitchpaw can rest easy after all of this, poor thing…” she trails off, awkward as her ear flattens. Twitchpaw has lost his parents due to the very fox they had drove off, and all Skyclan can do is be a support system, Sheep makes a mental note to keep a little more attention on him now that the fox was gone. Not sure what else to say. And with that she falls silent, waiting for a response.

Blazestar's relief at hearing Sheepcurl's familiar dulcet voice is immediate. He sees her at the mouth of his den, and though he smells blood and the reek of fresh fox on her, he can see that she's standing. She's alive, she's reporting to him, and though she looks exhausted, she looks ... proud.

The Ragdoll pads to her, grimacing at the wound. "You all did very well and helped keep the Clan safe. Greenpaw, Quillpaw, and Bananapaw deserve the day off tomorrow." He gives Sheepcurl an appraising look. "You, too. You go get that looked at and go rest."

He sometimes can't believe how far the curled-eared she-cat had come, but he radiates pride as he looks at her. All of his lead warriors are capable and brave, loyal to their Clanmates. He purrs and dips his head to her. "Go on now... get looked over, please. I can't afford to not have you in good shape." A light teasing tone dances over his voice.