"Listen. Listen. I dreamt today... I did." He is where he is most at home– light on his feet as they tread towardstwolegplace. They were not here on trivial clan business, marking borders, making sure everyone knows who you are and that you're here. Newleaf was when the parasites resolved and revived. And the housefolk– they in fact encouraged their lecherous growth. He knows it is no malintented thing. They are blissfully ignorant, unaware, placing their things wherever they please without knowing of any ramifications. He would not blame them for the inherent lack of mind.

"I was stretched in the sun. The first good sun of newleaf..." His voice slips into something trance-like, and his eyes, too, fall shut, never mind the fence he carefully trod upon. Experienced soul, guided by the breath in Her lungs. and push of Her claw, he had no need to see. Any forest dwellers unused to the narrow fence lines would be left without care. "I was surrounded by sweet blossoms, and in front of me was something more mouth-watering than any of you could hope to think of–!" He imagines the porcelain fixture, placed ahead of his nose and piled high with edible treasure. The red flesh of a fruit, pale meat parted by those skin-crested paws of theirs, but better than the bloody, furry mess that was wild-caught food.

The aroma is nearly there, still. His nose twitches as if it is. But he knows the tragedy that follows– the horror. "And yet, when I went for a bite..." Wistfully spoken, wetness threatens his eyes. "Each and every last tooth..." Claws click against the fence, to imitate the sound of a million little things falling out from your gums. "Spilt, slid free before the feast may even begin. The feast itself– impaled, teeth-studded."

They encroach further on the destination, now. He would momentarily pause to peer lopsided into the yards of twolegs, moving along when not spotting his so-saught bloom. The others were useless in the endeavour, and that was... fine. He tries to keep things educational, to not so completely waste both his and their time. He would not deny the satisfaction their subserviance brings him, either. "Tell me, what does this mean?"

[ SkyClan herb patrol, open to anyone who may be in twolegplace as well! @Fireflypaw @BEARHEART @eveningpaw @Bramblebelly @Dandelionwish ; note for myself that he's looking for chamomille tehe ]
Listen. Listen. I dreamt today... I did. It begins with the high priest's voice that snatches him from his daydreaming stupor, his day long with uneventful moments. Similar smells, typical routines; nothing seems to be different on this herb patrol. His mentor rambling on, and on.. Until he realizes that he's being spoken to- asked a question. He takes a moment to think back on his mentor's words. I was surrounded by sweet blossoms, and in front of me was something more mouth-watering than any of you could hope to think of!.. And yet, when I went for a bite... Each and every last tooth split. Fireflypaw's eyes open momentarily to look at the ground, gaze squinting and harsh. These riddles always had some meaning to them; some rhyme that led to some lesson that Firefly soaked up like an acolyte should. While his expression might seem bored, the way his ears swiveled and twitched with every word his mentor spoke was evidence that he was paying attention.

"Wishing flowers," He hums aloud, eyes upturn and squinting at his mentor. He was sure it was this. It had to be! He's seen pretty flowers that look like cotton balls. From the way his mentor explained it, it had to be the wishing flowers. He didn't know the exact name for them, nor their use outside of wishing on them.. But he'd bet his life that it was the plant he was thinking of. "It smells sweet, but flutters in the wind if you touch it. It's gotta be the wishing flower!" He chimes, grinning up at his mentor- awaiting praise or a similar grin in return. The cats present might look at them weird, but Fi looked up to the high priest, even in times of mayhem. Everything Dawn did was graced by Mother's touch, so it couldn't be wrong. After all, Dawn had chosen him. Didn't that mean that Fi was touched by Her paw as well?

Turning to the patrol, he shakes out his fur before smiling. "You don't think it's something else, do y'all?"

// he's thinking it's dandelions!
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eve listened idly to the ramblings of skyclan's medicine cat as she walked with the patrol. he spoke of a dream, one that began with basking in the sun and ended with a graphic example of teeth falling out. she didn't know how the story had devolved so swiftly, honestly the tortie had tuned out. it was the weirdest dream she had ever heard about, never did she ever have a dream about her teeth falling out. however, fireflypaw seemed to understand despite her remaining dumbfounded.

the other apprentice responded with an answer to whatever riddle dawnglare was speaking. wishing flowers, he said. the confusion was evident on her face. they were talking about flowers? how did fireflypaw get that from teeth? eve tried to justify it, but it wasn't long until she gave up, decided to leave the healers to their thing. even if their thing was confusing beyond belief. she just trotted along, unsure whether she was meant to be looking for teeth or flowers, until fireflypaw turned to the rest of the patrol asking for input. they would only be met with a wide eyed stare and silence. she looked around to the other warriors accompanying them, waiting for their answers. however, they never came. she felt abandoned, tossed to the wolves. "no, um wishing flowers sound good," she agreed halfheartedly, tail flicking behind her. eve didn't even have an idea what wishing flowers were, but was quick to trust the judgement of the medicine cat's apprentice. he surely was more educated than her on this topic, it was much safer than throwing out her own suggestion.


"Means ye talk to much." His teeth flashed wide into a pearly white grin, mismatched gaze sparking with mischief and delight. Dawnglare and he would never see eye to eye but he certainly enjoyed picking a bit of fun at the odd tom, but it was in good fun and not malicious. Though he was sure the other would simply take it as a ruthless attack on his person. Ah well.

Fireflypaw made a guess that caught his attention and he glanced to Eveningpaw who he had taken up walking alongside because frankly SkyClan's medicine cats were better regarded at a distance.
"Wishin' flowers...?" He mused at the odd term and then gaze a sincere laugh of amusement, "Dandelions! They got them little fluffs all along'em-give'em a puff and they go flyin! They say if ye make a wish on one and blow all them lil tufts off in one breathe it'll come true!" Didn't sound like the answer to the others curious little riddle though and the chocolate limbed tom grinned.
"Mouthwaterin'? Means its got a sweet smell, plenty o'flowers do. Lavender's my favorite." But the scent also reminded him too much of burial vigils, because it was often used to mask the scent of death and stars knows its all he associates it with anymore now. A shame.
) Yeah, no, he still hadn't a single bloody clue what Dawnglare was on about. And why had he been allocated to this headache of a herb patrol? He didn't know the first thing about plants! And not only that but they were heading for twolegplace in order to find... whatever they were needing to find. But he had to admit that being so close to the uprights again made him feel... well, it made him feel the tickling tendrils of grief once more. Old familiar memories, then of course the nightmarish end that had forced him to become a feral. He would have to endure.

"I swear you're all madder than frogs." Bearheart grumbled under his breath as he stalked after the others in the patrol. Once again he had to question as to why he was there, other than perhaps to be the muscle to guard them. He was still big and strong, though certainly not as fat as he had once been. Leafbare had seen to that.