private Hearthstone | Heatherpaw

Firefang doubts she will ever grow accustomed to how apprentices are handled now, to her they're weak and coddled the nursery dulling their senses. It was a mistake for that code to be enforced, but her snide comments are kept low, growled beneath her breath. They were in peacetimes now, the youngest of their apprentices likely not having even been in a true fight that wasn't against a hare or in one apprentices case a literal chicken. She doubts that one's mentors is teaching him anything or use and it bothers her enough to stir some sort of motivation in her. Firefang couldn't stomach just standing back and watching one of their apprentices flounder instead of prosper. They were the future and if Heatherpaw's mentor wasn't making sure he was staying on track on his combat training then Firefang didn't care for sticking to protocol and keeping her nose out of her clanmates business.

It's early; the stars still shining in the sky when she pads her way over to the young toms sleeping form wherever it lie. She nudges him with a paw until his body begins to stir, "Wake up" her words are hushed but forceful. "You're coming' with me to train. I ain't gonna let you get beat up by any more chickens fuzzbrain" it's been moons since she's been out on the moors showing what she knew to an apprentice.

Her heart pangs thinking of Harrierstripe, her first and only apprentice.

  • @HEATHERPAW and @SUNSTAR to watch/later!
  • wiki_firefang_1.png
    Firefang She/Her, Warrior of Windclan, 22 moons
    Black tabby she-cat with amber eyes. former-loyalist of Sootstar, Moorunner.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Kedamono@legmeatt on discord, feel free to dm for plots. ​
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