heaven and hell were words to me | disappearance

Living life as not much more than a shadow, Robinpaw held her own and preferred to stay out from under others' paws. She was not as social as her siblings, partially out of her own stoic nature and partially out of shame for falling behind due to illness in her kithood. The tortoiseshell doubted herself more than she should, cursed herself more than she should, and wished more than anything that she'd be on the same level as her siblings and the other apprentices her age.

It was those frivolous wishes that gave her the idea to sneak out one night to train by herself. She knew it would be against the rules. She knew it was not the safest choice. However, her pride and need to relinquish self-doubt fueled the female into going through with her plan. Robinpaw did not say where she was going to Wagtailpaw, Foxpaw, or Littlepaw - instead the apprentice silently snuck away from them as they slept peacefully in their nests, fully intent on returning before dawn so none would be the wiser of her midnight escapade.

And yet dawn came and Robinpaw's nest remained barren.

Her scent trailed from camp and in the direction of the two leg camp. An uneducated apprentice might think the camp a safe enough place to secretly train in the middle of the night, and logically the lingering scent of smoke and ash would cover her own scent, but it did not occur to young Robinpaw that a live trap belonging to a well meaning two leg would become her downfall. Trapped behind bars and facing a fate RiverClanners could only compare to Buckgait, Robinpaw huddled into a ball in the corner and shivered as heavy footfalls approached and the trap was lifted from the ground and carried away.

As she stared out at the moonlit territory of the only home she had ever known, melting into the distance with each two leg step taken, she suddenly wished she had never made such frivolous wishes.

//well this is robin's first and only post in riverclan! i apologize that i never truly got the ball rolling with her. i did have a big muse idea for her the other day, but unfortunately that involves moving robin out of riverclan. i may bring another character here at some point though! as for robin, she was captured and taken by two legs presumably to be a pet. her scent and the imprint of the trap can be found by a dawn patrol if you'd like (:
Iciclefang's blood had seemed to thicken and freeze in her veins when her patrol lead had caught Robinpaw's scent leading toward the Twoleg camp. "Surely she can't be that mousebrained," the tortoiseshell murmurs, her heart skipping a beat. They'd lost—and miraculously, regained—Ashpaw, and Buckgait is now gone—but the little fool had chosen to walk where she never should have, in greenleaf where Cicadastar had once been slaughtered by the tall, ungainly beasts who infest their grounds.

She looks to the more senior members of their patrol, her eyes glimmering with faint anger. "She put herself in danger for nothing. Even a kit knows how dangerous this place is in greenleaf." She'd been three moons old when she'd foolishly gotten too near a trap and had almost paid with her life. Iciclefang wants to smack sense into the young she-cat, but it's far too late for that now—life has done it for her in its own peculiar way. Frustrated, she lets out a trapped breath.

  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white markings and ice-blue eyes
    — "speech", thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin
Walking alongside the patrol, Salmon could only flick an ear at Iciclefangs murmur. As much as she wants to agree with the torties sentiments, blue eyes only briefly flutter shut in the wake of Robinpaws disappearance. Could it be a mentor issue perhaps- or just an apprentice being a foolish kid? They would not know now that the child had been so careless, so… Her lips purse. Surely the blame cannot be fully placed on Robinpaw? But then again, she feels like apprentices do things just to spite their mentor and for a brief moment she sympathizes with Robinpaws teacher. It dissipates quickly in to slightly worry for the apprentice. Wherever she is now, Salmon hopes it is kind.

Her tail does not hide her mounting frustration and she returns Iciclefangs glimmering anger with her own. “One would think,” she responds evenly, careful not to raise her voice or let her emotions get ahold of her. “There… isn’t much to be done by us, anymore.” her voice is barely audible. Return the information back to camp, perhaps- inform the family, she clamps her mouth shut. It is not her duty to speak here and she respects it, rolling her shoulders back and sending another glance out at the rest of the patrol.

  • -> salmon ,, salmonshade
    -> cis female ,, she/her ,, 30 months
    -> warrior of riverclan ,, former marsh grouper
    -> fluffy & dainty chocolate tortie smoke with low white and blue eyes
    -> “speech, ff91a4” ,, thoughts
    -> lesbian ,, single
    -> smells like warm flowers & freshly cut grass
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Like his sister, Fernpaw was not fond of straying near the Twoleg camp; but the patrol lead there, and they could not help it. Robinpaw was gone, and... regretfully, her scent had lead here. Right into the grasping paws of the Twolegs, thick-clawed and strange-smelling and greedy. This territory of the Clans were plagued by thieves, but... unlike ThunderClan, the Twolegs never seemed satisfied with just one prize.

Fernpaw fixed Iciclefang with a saddened glance, a heavy sigh pushing through his body. "I don't know why they keep doing this," he muttered. His paws felt weighted- but he nodded with Salmonshade's judgement. There was nothing to be done- that powerlessness was frustrating, but Fernpaw couldn't deny it was reality. He wasn't that stupid. Within his heart he'd huddle hope, as he did for every face that had vanished- for Gloompaw, for Ashpaw until she had returned. His blink was long, thoughtful.

He shut himself up, glancing as Iciclefang did to more senior warriors. Fidgeting paws refused to rest, though- he paced, jaw tightening. It was rather obvious he was discomfited, dawdling like this.
penned by pin
It was a warranted frustration.

The ash-toned lead moved amongst her clan-mates with equally antsy paws; though it was evident by the staleness of her scent that they'd be much too late to save the missing apprentice, Lichentail yearned to be wrong with each hurried step. It was well-known, well-informed and intentionally advised against, the fact that she opted to ignore all the wisdom of her elders and this.... this was the painful result.

Families left without any sort of closure... so soon after the loss of her own apprentice's mother...

Iciclefang was vocally furious with the situation, having no small amount of personal experience with these kinds of ill-conceived adventures. Ashpaw had been with her that time too. It was almost as if the Twolegs could just tell who hadn't passed their assessments... or maybe those lacking skills were exactly what made them easy victims. Would that explain Buckgait... no...

"It seems she can be," they respond with a disheartened sigh... It felt cruel to insult the girl when she could not readily defend herself but... it was true. Playing stupid games oft won one stupid prizes. "At the very least.. I don't smell blood." It was not a violent kidnapping at the very least. Not hunted as food... Just... taken.

"Cicadastar will need to be informed... Already so many warnings to prevent this and they remain ignored..."