HEAVENLY HOUNDS \ bickering with elder

"Will. You. Shut. Up," Featherpaw spat, unable to take another second of the most droning story ever told. Lionthroat indulged in his stories, but they were winding and distracted and he never got to the point fast enough. And, and he never seemed to tell them when Featherpaw was in the right mood for it. All told to bright eyes kits that didn't care about what was happening elsewhere, remained stupidly ignorant to it all, and wanted to hear the same fantastical story they'd heard eight-hundred-million times. Featherpaw was sick to death of it. She knew and was better than to strike a Clanmate with her claws, but barbed words didn't draw blood, and were easier anyway.

Lionthroat's gaze gained an odd quality to it. Sorry?

Featherpaw snorted, an ugly and disgusted sound. "I'm already tick-p-p-picking," the word came out with a spray of probably-poisonous spit, "And I have to hear this story again?" She batted a dead tick in the crowd of kittens' direction, a chorus of squeals erupting from them. "I'll start pressing Marigoldlight's ticks into you if you keep b... b... boring me to death."

Lionthroat laughed, and Featherpaw could have bitten him. How about a different story? Featherpaw rolled his eyes, and he worked the mouse bile into his skin with a little bit more hateful force. She hoped it stung or itched or something. About an apprentice I once knew, called Plumepaw. He was a nasty tom who hated fun, and was rude to anyone he saw smiling. Featherpaw scoffed again. What an awful allegory. Plume and Feather.

The chocolate tom made a face. "How c-c-clever." Lionthroat laughed, but otherwise ignored him.

Plumepaw was told time and time again to watch his thorned tongue before it became the very thing he used it for. But he didn't listen- he only talked, and talked unkindly. Featherpaw had no retort. This was his fatal error. One-too-many barbed remarks, until one morning he woke up with blood spewing from his maw, his tongue replaced with a long, thick claw. When he tried to call for help, no one-heard... or no one wanted to help, for he had never helped them.

Again, no reply fled from Featherpaw's mouth. The kits watched in fascination, and for a few long moments Featherpaw looked as if he had been slapped. The walls rebuilt themselves, always quick off the mark, and steely annoyance took usual place on his star-dotted features. She did not look at Lionthroat. "Don't listen to him. Your brain stops working when you're this old." Instead she looked toward the listening kittens, and gave his flank a sharp but painless strike with a paw. Squashing a tick, if anyone asked.
✦ penned by pin
Pinkpaw would find herself among the kits. Because... she basically just became not a kit a few sunrises ago! Why should she be banned from all kit activities? And besides, everyone liked stories! Including very grown apprentices like she was, so... there! She would do what she wants! Screw Scorchstreak! Featherpaw could do all the boring tick - picking, and Pinkpaw would be having the time of her LIFE! Really, she thinks this story gets better every time she hears it. Probably cause she doesn't remember every time she's heard it. That would be sooooo much work if she did.

Apparently, Featherkit doesn't like this story though, and Pinkpaw would gasp in shock. Drama! If Featherpaw wanted to hear a different story, she could've just asked! As poor Lionthroat says, how about a different story?, Pinkpaw huffs. " Aw, but it was just getting good... " Pinkpaw listens anyways though, ears pricked.

Her gasp is even more dramatic this time. " He hated fun? " How is that even possible? Pinkpaw is absolutely RAPT as she listens. When the climax of the story hit— Plumepaw's own tongue turning against him, Pinkpaw could only nod solemnly. " That's what happens to no - fun cats... " She says solemnly. They're soo miserably that they explode, basically.

Featherpaw didn't like this story either apparently, and Pinkpaw has no idea why. " I thought it was a reall good story, " she says consideringly. " It's like, educational too, " she says, nodding to the kits gathered.

  • EZIRq0S.png

    A tiny, longhaired calico she - kit with yellow eyes, ringed blue around her pupils (sectoral heterochromia). While you can clearly see her flame markings on her face, the rest of her body is currently covered by a grey fever - coating. Though the whites of her are still very much visible. Pink-kit bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pink-kit is a very irrational and childish character!​

The sight of kits gathered excitedly near the elders' den was nothing new to Rattleheart, a silent chuckle leaving them as they made their way back into camp with a surprisingly heavy rabbit held in their jaws. They had become a warrior of Windclan well after their kit days, meaning they had never indulged in the pastime of sitting around and listening to their various rambling stories. That didn't mean he couldn't see the appeal though, especially when you were just a youngling with all kinds of extra time on your paws. Camp could become dreadfully boring after a while, making any story seem like a downright masterpiece that warded off all your boredom.

It was also equally expected to have apprentices gathered there, taking care of chores that none of the rest of the clan exactly delighted in doing. However, Rattleheart found themself intrigued when they saw the brief flicker of emotion across Featherpaw's face from afar, wondering what had caused such a momentary break. Intrigue led to them depositing their catch in the prey pile and heading over, tail flicking in the direction of Lionthroat as a greeting to the elder. "Lionthroat regaling you all with stories again? I'm not used to seeing such a sour expression about his tales, though." Their words were pointed towards Featherpaw and his annoyed expression, one that wasn't shared by Pinkpaw nearby. Though, they couldn't think of many times they had seen the new apprentice with a sour expression - besides when she had been made a tunneler apprentice.

Turning their attention fully to Pinkpaw then, they allowed their curiosity to get the best of them as they questioned her. "What story did he tell this time? I hope if it was educational it was one with a good lesson." While they wouldn't specifically disparage the elders, they did have to admit that the older cats did, at times, think of themselves a bit too much as absolute bastions of knowledge. When in reality, Rattleheart had heard plenty of stories from them before that left them scratching their head with a paw in downright confusion over what the lesson was actually meant to be.
──ᨒ↟↟ᨒ↟ᨒ↟↟ᨒ── His kits are apprentices now, and yet Wolfsong cannot restrain himself from...keeping an eye on them, so to speak. He busies himself with checking the elders for any ailments, most of which are general aches and pains. All the while, he listens to Featherpaw's exchange with Lionthroat, his mouth twitching occasionally. The elder has clearly taken it upon himself to concoct a story for the sake of educating Wolfsong's child on etiquette, though the likes of Snakehiss are much more egregious. A pity the young warrior's tongue remains intact, but it is untrue that Wolfsong would not help him, were such a ghastly event to befall him. He has had to treat Snakehiss before, and despite the animosity between them, has managed to do so fairly well.

Clanmates do not have to like each other, but they should not put their disdain above loyalty.

As Rattleheart questions Pinkpaw about the story, Wolfsong circles around to his kit's side. "My Bird's Wing isn't making my responsibilities more difficult, is she?" He murmurs in his ear, eye glinting.
  • ★★★☆☆ WOUNDS: You're (mostly) in safe paws. You'll know if he's less experienced if he asks for your permission to try a treatment. No wound can scare him away from knowledge.
    ★★★☆☆ INFECTION: He can prevent most infections. If you feel feverish, let him know; he'll hum thoughtfully over herbs and sniff your wound before saying, "With your blessing..."
  • ★☆☆☆☆ ACHES & PAINS: If you complain to him of pain, he'll ask where. If it's a headache, you'll likely feel a bit better. For anything else, "Try this, if you'd like, and tell me how you feel."
    ★☆☆☆☆ BROKEN BONES: At best. he can ask you to remain lying down in the den. He may try to distract you with conversation while he considers what herb to feed you.
  • ★★★★★ TRAVELING HERBS: Going somewhere? No worries; Wolfsong knows just what you need to stay hale and healthy during your journey. The rest is up to you.
    ★★☆☆☆ KITTING: Thanks to Starlingheart, he's better prepared for the arrival of kits, but any complications will need a little faith and a lot of luck.
  • ★☆☆☆☆ POISONS: It's best if you avoid eating anything unfamiliar to you— it's probably just as unfamiliar to Wolfsong. The best he can do is offer you yarrow and sit with you.
    ★★☆☆☆ ILLNESS: If it's white or greencough, you'll likely recover. Otherwise, prepare for odd concoctions and the usual request that you consent to a little trial-and-error.
He'd come for the stories, but now? He was invested in the drama.
With each of Featherpaw's words, Whitepaw's posture got better and better. Before, the albino kit was slouching with posture that would make his mentor mad, but now the tom's back was stick straight, his paws postitioned perfectly underneath him, his little tail curled as daintly as he could over his paws. He even moved to lick down some white fur that was ever so slightly out of place. Oh, things had just gotten good. And he didn't even start it!
His little maw curved upwards at Lionthroat's remarks, joy at the thinly veiled allegory bubbled up inside the tom. He watched the interaction with baited breath, and by the time Featherpaw's dad came in? Whitepaw shoved a paw over his mouth to stop the chuffes from escaping.
Mutely, he shook his head 'no' to Wolfsong's question. It took everything in him not to cheer the moody apprentice on.
"Nah, he's being a perfect angel." He muttered despite himself, tail flicking in excitment at the chaos.​
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Halfkit sits close to Pinkpaw, grateful that the calico she-cat had not forgotten her in the wake of her apprentice training. Thankful that she was still going to be her friend despite the change in her name, the assignment of an adult to watch over her and tell her what to do all the time. Sometimes Halfkit thinks she can't wait to be an apprentice, but sometimes she thinks maybe she can. Having a mentor kinda seemed, like, totally annoying. It was like Pinkpaw had her own personal Miststep, except all of her concentration and focus was dialed in to being a know it all to just one cat rather than three. She hopes that if she must be assigned a mentor that its someone cool like Sunstride or Rattleheart. Never mind that one is a tunneler, she does not quite grasp the concept that a moor runner is a separate thing. Her and Pinkpaw would at least be able to go back to hanging out with each other like all the time if they were training together and sleeping in the same space again. That would be so cool.

She realizes about halfway through Lionthroat's story that she has not been paying attention at all. By the time she does tune it, it is nearly over, and a frown is gracing Featherpaw's face. He hadn't like it, the conclusion is obvious by his reaction. But frankly, Halfkit is not nearly as much of a fan of Featherpaw as she was Pinkpaw. In fact, she wishes Pinkpaw would stop hanging out with him entirely. He was boring and kinda lame, always trying to act like he was better than everyone else so when Pinkpaw speaks in opposition to his words, he joins her. "I liked it too, you should tell us more about Plumepaw, Lionthroat your stories are SOO good" was that true? She had absolutely no idea. She had been too busy daydreaming about becoming an apprentice to be bothered to listen, but if Featherpaw didn't like it and Pinkpaw did then she knew exactly how she would feel on the matter regardless of if she had actually paid attention or not.

Rattleheart comes in and asks them about the story (the one she had not heard nearly a word of) and immediately Halfkit is nodding and smiling "Oh it was very educational! I learned so much. I think Lionthroat is perhaps the best story teller I've ever met" her blue eyes flicker to look at Featherpaw for a reaction before they are drawn to the next cat to appear. None other than Featherpaw's dad himself. She snorts in laughter at Whitepaw's comment, but she says nothing herself. Opting to lean closer and whisper "We should totally ask Lionthroat for another story sometime soon this is fun" to Pinkpaw instead

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Rivepaw had also been placed on a round of tick-picking. She wasn't even sure that Snakehiss did it as punishment- no, it was really just because ticks needed picking. She thought elders were stupid briefly- they couldn't twist and turn and get all of their fur, so they made the younger cats do it? Her nose wrinkled as she pressed mouse bile to another elder's pelt, listening to Lionthroat's story.

And in turn, Featherpaw's emotions come into play.

Her head turned, owl-eyes peering through each of the cats there and present. It was nearly a blessing when the sibling's ðir showed up, soft words whispered to Featherpaw. But the statement of Whitepaw and Lark-kit didn't go past her. Rivepaw's nose wrinkled, and she inhaled sharply. The elder in front of her- Rivepaw had already forgotten her boring name- tensed up as Rivepaw picked up her head, turning it towards those who were about to antagonize her sister.

"Could you all shut up?" Rivepaw snapped, her eyes narrowing. No, it wouldn't be like Rivepaw to suddenly stay quiet, or to join the side picking on her sibling. Uncanny blue eyes swept the apprentices and kits present- she really wasn't talking to her ðir or to Rattleheart, or even the elders, but rather Lark-kit, Pinkpaw, and Whitepaw. "None of you are perfect, all you bother to do is pick on my sister. Which is gross and disgusting behavior."

Hot-headed as always, Rivepaw snapped her teeth together, turning back to pulling a tick free from elder's fur.

When Rattleheart appears, Pinkpaw nods enthusiastically to her. She, of course, understood the entire story and the good message in it, and would recite it near - perfectly to Rattleheart. " He told us about, um, this apprentice named Bloompaw who was so mean and no fun that he grew thorns and died! " she explains. " The lesson is um, if you're no fun, bad things will happen... " she says sadly, shaking her head. Thankfully, everyone listening to the story right now was pretty fun. Especially Bark-kit, like, her bestest friend next to Finchpaw and Downypaw and Heathpaw and Featherpaw and not Rattleheart because he's dirty,

Pinkpaw doesn't really understand any of the words Wolfsong says, or Whitepaw, for that matter. " What's a angel? " Whitepaw makes, like, no sense, but her bestest friend Halfkit made all of the sense! Lionthroat was great and probably way better than any smelly ShadowClan elders! " Yeah! he knows like, every story to ever exist cause he's so old! That's gonna be me someday. "

Who here wasn't Pinkpaw's friend? That was Rattleheart, cause they're dirty, and Rivepaw, cause she's weird! Pinkpaw wouldn't mind them being friends, but she's always saying not-very-nice things, she thinks. Telling cats to shut up was very rude, and she would totally tell Rivepaw to shut up if she wasn't making no sense right now! Pinkpaw would try and share a confused look with Halflark, before scrunching her face at Rivepaw. " We weren't picking on anyone! Featherpaw doesn't even have ticks. You're the ones picking, dummy! " Since Rivepaw was super rude telling them to shut up, Pinkpaw should get to call her something rude back!

  • EZIRq0S.png

    A tiny, longhaired calico she - kit with yellow eyes, ringed blue around her pupils (sectoral heterochromia). While you can clearly see her flame markings on her face, the rest of her body is currently covered by a grey fever - coating. Though the whites of her are still very much visible. Pinkpaw bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pinkpaw is a very irrational and childish character!​