• THEIR STORY: Their story began many moons ago before the clans formally existed. Then just Azalea and Lily they were on opposing sides; Azalea walked with the Marsh Group, and Lily was a part of Rain's group in the pines. Their first meeting was over a mouse, interrupting each other's hunt and parting on bitter terms. Time passes and a war breaks out eventually leading to the formation of the clans. Lily joins the newly formed RiverClan, and strangely, so does Azalea, even at the cost of saying goodbye to the rest of her family. Azalea struggles to adjust without her kin and Lily takes it upon herself to befriend her, deciding the other cat needs a friend.

    Slowly, what started as a rivalry begins to blossom into a friendship, and the two became closer. Lily eventually becomes Lilybloom and Azalea becomes Lakemoon.

    Their friendship takes a small battering when Lilybloom is left traumatised by nearly drowning, but as time passes and the mental scars heal their friendship is renewed. And something else blossoms between them at the same time. As leafbare fades, the two share a walk and confess feelings for each other, declaring their love over the same yellow plant they had become friends over.

    As sickness descends upon all the clans, Lakemoon is summoned to travel to the mountains, during which the pair are separated. Lilybloom worries of course but knows her mate is strong and they depart with promises to see each other again. They both endure many hardships but are ultimately reunited. Having lost a sibling and worrying over Lakemoon, Lilybloom decides that after leafbare that she wants a litter, no longer wanting to wait as the Journey made it clear just how short their lives might be. As the end of leafbare draws near, Lilybloom proudly declares she is expecting kits, and as the forest springs into life again the two happily await the arrival of their kits.

    Alas, this is not to be a happy ending. Shortly after birth, Lilybloom will die from complications, leaving them to be raised by Lakemoon alone.

    SLOTS: May increase/decrease based on interest
    — open
    — open
    — open

  • — Kits will be chosen towards around the 20th/21st of March or possibly slightly earlier due to activity. The birthdate will be the 28th of March
    — Kits will begin at three moons and will age realistically
    — This is not a FCFS litter. Although any activity is permitted (due to both Lake and Lily being more casual) we do ask that you try and keep them active enough to remain on the census.
    — These kits will be born and raised in RiverClan and it is preferred they don't leave.
    — You are welcome to create some sad/angsty characters given that Lilybloom will die shortly after birth, but know they will always be loved by Lakemoon and their other kin.
    — Form is a free-for-all just make sure to include the basics
    — Names should be taken from the naming lists. Please include alternative names in case your first choice name has already been chosen
    — These kits will be nursed by Lilybloom's sister Iciclefang and will be raised alongside their cousins. Please note, Iciclefang will be quite strict and has high expectations of how these kits conduct themselves so feel free to explore that in your character.

  • DAM: SH tortoiseshell (carrying longhair, chocolate, dilute)
    SIRE: LH blue tabby w/low white (carrying solid)

    males can be black, brown tabby, blue, blue tabby, red tabby, or cream tabby
    females can be black, brown tabby, blue, blue tabby, tortie, torbie, blue tortie, or blue torbie
    kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
    kits can have no white or low white
    kits without white can have any realistic eye color barring blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
    red kits will mask black or brown tabby; cream kits will mask blue or blue tabby
    tabby kits will carry solid; shorthair kits will carry longhair; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; kits may or may not carry chocolate

    — nieces / nephews to Iciclefang, Ferngill, Darkwhisker, and Steepsnout (via Lilybloom) and Wolfwind (via Lakemoon)
    — cousins to N/A
    — grandchildren to Icesparkle and Mudpelt (via Lilybloom) and Lily Pad and Tempestmoon (via Lakemoon)
    — great-grandchildren to Howlingstar and Gray Wolf (via Lakemoon), many other extended relations on the howlingfam tree
  • Below we have attached some hypokits for you to possibly use for your application. Names and personality traits can be tweaked if you so wish (the latter less so) but we do ask that you keep the appearances the same!
    BRANCHKIT; SH CREAM TABBY TOM WITH LOW WHITE (masking blue; carrying longhair, chocolate)

    + brave, charming, talkative
    - foolhardy, impatient, thin-skinned

    SHELLKIT; LH BLACK TOM WITH LOW WHITE (carrying dilute, chocolate)

    + curious, loving, gentle
    - nervous, naive, over-emotional

    PUDDLEKIT; SH BLACK SHE-CAT WITH LOW WHITE (carrying longhair, dilute, chocolate)

    + intelligent, wise, dependable
    - haughty, inflexible, blunt

    SILVERKIT; SH BLUE TABBY SHE-CAT WITH LOW WHITE (carrying longhair, solid, chocolate)

    + playful, loyal, friendly
    - disorderly, ditzy, lazy
  • LILYBLOOM'S NAMING LIST: — Icekit, Frostkit, Icykit, Snowkit, Mudkit, Claykit, Frondkit, Branchkit, Treekit, Shadekit, Darkkit, Nightkit (family/generational names)
    — Puddlekit, Streamkit, Duckkit, Swankit, Shellkit, Silverkit, Rainkit, Brookkit, Pikekit, Salmonkit, Heronkit, Pipitkit, Ploverkit, Pebblekit, Featherkit(River/water themed names)
    — Stormkit, Mistykit, Stemkit, Petalkit, Blossomkit, Cloudkit, Brindlekit, Dapplekit, Brightkit , Buzzardkit (names she likes)

    LAKEMOON'S NAMING LIST: — Greykit / Moonkit / Breezekit / Stormkit / Silverkit / Tempestkit / Galekit — legacy & family names
    — Blossomkit, Bloomkit, Rosekit, Sweetkit, Pinekit, Honeykit, Flowerkit — after Lilybloom / a representation of their love
    — Houndkit — after her mentor, Houndstride
    — Mistykit, Cloudkit, Rainkit, Streamkit, Poolkit, Fogkit — for kittens that resemble her
    — Pebblekit, Shellkit, Rush(ing)kit, Bluekit, Stonekit, Mosskit, Reedkit, Dawnkit — after the wetlands / the river
    — Oak-kit, Adderkit, Icekit, Sharpkit, Dark-kit, Eaglekit, Badgerkit — names she considers strong
    —Tawnykit, Palekit, Black-kit, Mottledkit, Brindlekit, Redkit, Russetkit, Foxkit, Vixenkit, Ebonykit, Ivorykit, Softkit, Otterkit — appearance based/inspired


They stand at about six inches tall and weighs a little over five pounds. They are rather small and lithe in shape, probably to be a willowy and lanky cat. He has long fur, with tufts at the back of each paw and a long, fluffy tail as well. They have a stark black coat with small patches of white on their face, tail and dot on their hip. They have an angular shaped face that is covered by their longer fur and their coat is always usually dirty to some degree. He does groom himself but he just can’t seem to keep himself clean with how much he likes to dig in the ground or lay in dirt. With almond-shaped, bluish green eyes, he has a narrow muzzle and rounded ears as well as smaller paws. Their paw pads are black in color as well as their nose.

This young cat is known for their pessimistic behavior. They likes to say they are the voice of reason and logical, but really theyre just a mean cat. He is known for always thinking the worst of situations and often overthinks everything to a point of convincing themselves of things that never would happen. They struggle with making friends and relationships, and often as a kit hid behind his aunt, or anyone of his family really cause they dont know how to behave around others. They can be rather honest and blunt, straightforward with their words and never beating around the bush as they hate politeness and rules.

He is calculating and hot headed as well. They are quick to snap at the others and overall tend to be a grumpus most of the time. Though they are loyal and strong, with great skills in fishing thus far and would perish at the hands of another if it meant the good for Riverclan. He can be very sentimental, however, and likes to keep things he is given whether it be flowers, rocks, scales or whatever. Though he can also be hopelessly in love and obsessive to a point of never letting this cat out of his sight.
  • Has Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Autistic
  • Likes fish a lot (obsessed)
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hehehe i've been waiting for this... this is gonna go through a handful of edits to add more plots + change appearance and genetics but im on mobile atm + just woke up


Name Meaning: Named after her grandmother | Alternative Names: Icekit, Galekit, Poolkit, Mistykit, Pebblekit, Rainkit, Dawnkit, Ivorykit
Parents: Lakemoon x Lilybloom, Gen 4 | Siblings: TBD
Gender and Pronouns: Cis-Female, She/Her | Sexuality: Undecided
Appearance + Genetics Shorthaired blue tabby with low white and blue eyes (Carrying solid, longhair, and chocolate)

(Made with the full genetics mod for ClanGen, but I might color a base at some point!)

Imaginative | Kind | Calm | Childish | Airheaded
Blurb: Tempestkit is a daydreamer, always having her head in the clouds. She's generally nice, but she is bad at picking up social cues. Oftentimes, she will be off in her own world, finding herself in a fantasy. She has a tendency to ignore others unintentionally. She is a slow learner, and sometimes has issues remembering things.
She is calm in the face of danger, and general doesn't fear much. She also is non-confrontational and will likely just deal with any transgressions against her. What lacks in smarts and wisdom, she makes up for with her imagination.

> Theme Color is Teal #008080
> If she gets bullied, she likely won't realize it or stand up for herself and it may have to be explained to her that what the other kit is doing is wrong.
> Encountering a dangerous situation, she doesn't quite understand the severity of it - resulting in a potential injury.
> Very faithful to StarClan, looks to them for guidance. Sometimes her daydreams involve her imagining StarClan cats that have come to play or help her with her problems. She especially believes that Lilybloom is always watching over her, and with every prayer or question she sends to StarClan, she always says hello to her mother.
> Iciclefang's strictness over the way she conducts herself is not lost on her, but try as she might, she can't overcome her spaciness. This may make her feel like she's valued less, especially during apprenticeship where she struggles to learn. She might confide in Lakemoon and ask if she's good enough, or if she'll ever be a warrior.
> She resembles her deceased grandmother Tempestmoon in both personality and looks - upon learning about her and her ThunderClan family, Tempestkit will be intrigued and want to hear stories about the family she doesn't get to know.
> Feel free to choose one of the alternative names for me if you choose another Tempestkit!
> Potential warrior names: Tempestdream, Tempestcloud, Tempestbrook, Tempestskip, Tempestshine, Tempestsnow, Tempeststream, Tempestwish
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application finished !!

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    SNOWKIT* ; a familial name, after her grandmother and her aunt, though "Snow" conjures up an image that is decidedly softer beneath the paws than "Ice" and "Icicle"
    an ever-smiling prince with a flair for the dramatic, he is an artistic overachiever who thrives beneath a spotlight. she is a boisterous kit with an inflated ego and is light-hearted and silly to a perhaps grating degree. skills seem to come easy to her, and she's quite driven by her ambitions of being a universally-known and all-around adored warrior. with a persona as vain and self-centered as his, he seems to bounce back so easily from any attempts at knocking him down a peg or two. but, can someone really be so carefree all the time?
    ⤷ *subject to change, will be chosen icly
    — afab; genderfluid-nonbinary; he/she pronouns; all gucci with gendered terms
    — kit of riverclan; loyal to the only home she's ever loved
    — unborn ; ages every ???
    — penned by eezy; PINTEREST ; PLAYLIST


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    The child is glossy-pelted and pastel-colored, a lovely blend of Lakemoon's coloration upon Lilybloom's tortoiseshell canvas. Warm orange-tinged cream sweeps across the majority of her pelt, interspersed with a soft blue misting and dappling her body as if splashed with river water. A swooping half-mask of ivory bubbles up from his chest to his cheeks and muzzle, with a couple of charming spots of blue kissing his lip and cheek. Her nose is pink and speckled with a few dots of grey as well. White also creeps up her legs from her paws, as if he had been bounding through inches of fresh snow. Her fur is long-ish, but sleek with a sheen that will come with a steady diet of fish and frequent dips in the water.

    She will be displeased to find out as she grows that she will not quite reach the towering heights of his mothers, instead filling out to land on a size that can only be described as extremely average. Grace, however, is an inherited trait spun from both of his mothers and nurtured lovingly by his riverside home. He is nimble and quick upon her paws and moves with the grace and controlled flair of a dancer.

    Her blended blue and pale orange tortoiseshell body is a testament to both of his parents, but her warm and mirthful light brown eyes may be a feature that is all her own. They are as large and round as Lilybloom's are, but the clear hazel-brown of her eyes seem to be taken from one of the stones of the riverbank she called home.
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    As a kit, he is a little bundle of energy, cheerful and inquisitive, and always ready to jump into conversations or drag his peers into games. She seems to lack any sort of shyness and will gladly speak on behalf of any of his quieter denmates, whether they want him to or not. She enjoys wrestling and playing mossball as much as any kitten does, but especially enjoys making up fantastical pretend-games and collecting beautiful objects. She is assertive and buoyant, often self-prescribing herself as a leader in kitten-activities, but also easily floating off to be a "free agent" if someone makes a fuss about needing to be the leader or if he doesn't care for the game everyone else decides to play. He is not easily bullied, and his peers will be hard-pressed to get him to do anything he doesn't want to do.

    She is unfailingly positive, and by most accounts an uplifting presence to be around. Perhaps the kitten has unconsciously recognized the air of grief that hangs over him regarding the circumstances of his birth, or perhaps he is just a spirited kitten by nature. In whatever case, it will soon become difficult for her to acknowledge any sort of negative emotion and will be visibly uncomfortable with confronting difficult subjects.

    Early on, he will become one of the clan's most promising students, with a natural affinity for picking up on skills quickly and enough energy and drive to have garnered a bit of praise from adults. He will find himself addicted to the feeling that comes along with verbal praise and approval and will continue to seek attention to a near-pathological degree. Her carefree and altogether unserious attitude is likely to attract some negative attention as well, but the kitten will find that he doesn't really mind if the attention he garners is positive or negative, as long as there are eyes on him. To put things short, he's a total Ham.

    He is a cat that is prone to speaking his mind, and with that, also tends to put a foot in his mouth. While he does care about his friends and family, he can be inconsiderate of others' feelings, and his easy-going nature can come off as flippant. She is a great wing-man, and will be by her loved ones' sides to cheer them on and celebrate their successes, but he should not be the first one to turn to if you need a shoulder to cry on, and he is generally awkward in moments of sadness or negativity. She's the type to offer a pat on the back, and perhaps a tentative offer of "Well, look on the bright side...!"

    Her lighthearted and easygoing demeanor can be charming, reminiscent of her late grandfather, Mudpelt. This combined with her extroversion leads her to be easily friended and generally fun to be around. However, he is heart-forward rather than rational and is swayed by his feelings in decision-making. Feelings can be fickle, but laws are so often cold and unyielding... There lies a seed of true altruism tucked away in his heart, he wants everyone to be happy, but things are not always so simple.

    She holds onto a conceitedness that borders on self-satire, her vanity is inflated much like a hot-air balloon, yet beneath it is an implication that it isn't something she takes completely seriously. But... is there anything she takes seriously? One has to wonder if there's an insecurity she's overcompensating for, or if there's a reason he works so hard just to avoid being a downer. But, is it so bad to want to enjoy life to its fullest, knowing it could end at any moment?

    — Kitten most likely to say "LOOK AT ME!"
    — Somewhat fastidious about the tidiness of his nest
    — Takes up the mantle of the family Entertainer, will go great lengths to bring a smile to someone's face.
  • zwxv0m.jpg

    LILYBLOOM xx LAKEMOON | sibling to ??? | GEN 4

    NOTABLE INFLUENCES: iciclefang, lakemoon, etcetc
    AESTHETIC: apollo motifs, sunsets over shimmery water, doves, feathers, a knight taking off their helmet to reveal beautiful flowing hair, roses, basking in the spotlight, a grinning GirlPrince kissing your ring in greeting, late 2000s/early 2010s indie sleaze music, carefree days of youth, inflating your confidence so much nothing could ever touch you, creating something beautiful in the bleakest of times.

    admires many, especially adults whom she can grab hold of attention from. very easy to befriend, but shallow, difficult to reach in serious matters or regarding anything concerning deep feelings.
    FEARS: nothing! (abandonment, being shunned, hopelessness)
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    — has a childhood close call in the river (a near-drowning incident?) that leads to her harboring a fear of water, but more than she is afraid of water is she scared of the shine of pride leaving his kin's eyes, and so she muscles through her fear to prevent herself from becoming a Drypaw.
    — carefree attitude creeps too closely to carelessness, putting either herself or a loved one in an unnecessarily dangerous situation, and perhaps serving as a reality-check that her actions have real-life, potentially dire consequences.
    — longterm friendly (mostly) rivalry with denmates/cousins? she will frequently look toward Iciclefang for approval and may fight her cousins and siblings for her attention.

  • zwxv0m.jpg

    Potential Names:
    • Snow -a familial name, after her grandmother and her aunt, though "Snow" conjures up an image that is decidedly softer beneath the paws than "Ice" and "Icicle"
    • Rose/Flower/Blossom - after his mother, a fitting name for a child born at the dawn of Newleaf, and a living memoriam of the love shared between his two parents, a love he would have witnessed firsthand, had fate been kinder.
    • Storm - a familial name, a force of nature both feared and revered in a clan tied so inextricably to the water.
      Future Warrior Names: Snowdance, Snowbeam, Snowblossom, Snowshine, Flowerdance, Flowerbeam, Blossomdance....

      extras :3
    • character refs: oikawa tooru (haikyuu), tamaki suoh (ohshc), haruka tenou/sailor uranus (sailor moon), miyamura izumi (horimiya), hilda valentine goneril (fire emblem: 3 houses), inigo/laslow (fire emblem: awakening/fates), mr. bingley (pride and prejudice)
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" Plover derives from her brown striping and white spotting, as her coloration is evocative of the wading bird. "


A woman bathed in stardust and woven in soft, plush felts. With the force of a maelstrom and the temperament of a zephyr, Ploverkit is the representation of the wind's versatility and the water's will.

Plush features pair with angular notes to give Ploverkit a somewhat paradoxical appearance. In youth, down clings to her face and fur sticks out in jags and thorns. Gangling legs in adolescence mirror her mother Lilybloom's own growth. As the snake grows into its own skin, so will the growing kitten as she fills into her features. Ploverkit will go through a massive growth spurt in her youth, going from one of the shorter of her brood to one of the taller. Potential of puissant nature lies still but never dormant underneath medium-length fur, thick and rippling just like Lakemoon's. Unkempt in earlier stages, she will slowly learn to properly groom it as she grows older.

Set within the throne of lavish fur is an angular face with sharp edges and unbending vertice. Her eyes seem to be round, though such owlish eyes seem to often squint due to her nearsightedness. Her muzzle is somewhat rounded as well, with her nasal bridge curving slightly and gently instead of harshly and pointedly. Her ears are average-sized, triangular though smooth at the tips, as though they had been slightly sanded off. As aforementioned, a dense coat serves to hide purling muscles, indicative of her heritage and her home. Her tail is long and wispy, like a feather duster or a weasel that went through the washer.

Deep brown notes of her fur swim along with streams of darker browns. Burnt umber makes up the brunt of her stripings, in the fashion of a typical mackerel tabby. White spotting blooms on her lower chest area, hind paws, and tail tip, as if winter's first snow emerging through the muck and roughage of autumn's drawl. Rich amber shines from her eyes, a bright chestnut color with hints of tangerine and molten-sun orange. Her nose is a starkly dark grey, like fallen cinder or a vulturine stormcloud.

GENTLE GIANT WITH A HEART OF GOLD. The first thing that most notice of Ploverkit is her undyingly prominent altruism. She refuses to hurt someone, to the point where she often overanalyzes her her own actions in order to avoid as much harm as possible. Always doubting herself in the way of social interactions, Plover beats herself up if she does not perform perfectly. It is apt to describe her as a perfectionist, a pedant only to the realm of the self. She also tends to be quite observant at times, nosing in between unsaid lines and often deriving conclusions from perceived intentions. Though, she often derives the wrong emotions from speech, magnified under the lens of her own worries. Anxious of taking up too much space and asking for too much, Ploverkit has a tendency to dumb herself down in order to relate more to her peers.

Her kindness extends even to her enemies, as her squeamishness with blood and violence persists well into adulthood. A dove in the garden of adders, her disgust in a society built upon blood and bone sticks out like thorn in a pawpad. In some manners, her conscientuousness sees past the blinding wool of differing allegiances and past actions. Redemption is her ideal, though not always her reality. She is incredibly considerate, though self-sacrificing to a fatal fault. She tends to every cat before herself. In some ways, she enjoys being in a position of power - if cats depend on her, then she certainly must have use.

Prying eyes look at the world as though it were a bundle of new opportunities, a world of wonder and a sea of honey to swim into. Everything is interesting to the gaze undulled by concrete-hued world of adulthood. Though, sometimes her nosiness gets her into trouble - and it likely will in her adolsecence. Likewise, she shows some intolerance for the incurious, believing those that cannot see the everyday beauty of the world are not worth listening to. Although understanding and willing to play mediator, there are some cats she cannot relate to. Those that inflict pain without reason are those she finds she can never get along with. Those that cause pain are regardless looked down upon, but she is deigned to find rhyme in chaos and reason in madness.

Ploverkit is clumsy, not only because of her lanky frame and too-big paws but mentally as well. Awkward and ungainly, she often stumbles on her words and fumbles with her paws. In a clan of adept hunters and virtuouses, she finds herself faltering in the field of fishing, hunting, and stealth. She is no lummox or oaf, though - despite how she may appear, she is quick to pick up on new concepts. She makes mistakes quite a lot, and is often cowed from doing so due to her own anxieties. Patience and kindness are essential to allow this little flower to flourish to her fullest.

── Ploverkit is transfem and will likely have already socially transitioned by the time she is first played. I do not intend for it to be a central focus of her character, though may shape the foundations of her personality and/or mindset. Her dysphoria may be mentioned in passing (it will be appropriately tagged and likely will only manifest in developmental / sensitive threads). I am not cis, so I am comfortable with portraying dysphoria in characters. However, I am not transfem, and appropriate research will be done to make sure I do not do harm!
── Ploverkit is nearsightedness (myopic) to a higher degree than her peers. This is due to the presence of a refraction error in her eyes, and light does not bend in her eyes properly. I plan to explore her difficulties with this in regards to hunting, fighting, and navigating her world.
── She will be incredibly squeamish with enacting any sort of violence on any cat, regardless of if they are friend or foe. She will for sure be conflicted on this.
── No pressure for this but IF she gets picked, I would love for her to be the eldest sister. Regardless, I plan for her to be incredibly protective of her siblings. Them being in danger may be the limit to her pacifism and a driving force in her character arc.

── Future warrior names include: Ploverheart, Ploverbreeze, Ploverdawn, Ploverbloom, Plovermoon, Ploverflower (not in order of preference)
── Alternative prefixes include: Frondkit, Stemkit, Blossomkit, Bloomkit, Otterkit (in order of preference)
── Just a fair warning that although I certainly plan on being active with Ploverkit, my life also tends to get hectic with no warning! Just in case I go inactive for brief bouts of time.

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Spoiling for TW, it's just building on the topic of Lilybloom's passing and how it relates to the kiddo but better safe then sorry <:)
tw: not meeting her mom ever and having people that expect alot of you kinda mess you up. IDK how to describe it without describing it sorry. Mom trauma?
Also, apologuies for any misspellings, i'm so sleepy but the idea for her slapped me int he face and i got excited lol
general info —— ☀.°✧
River Clan ** Kit
Female | she/her
birthday (will be added when/if she does the whole being born thing)
actions, thoughts, "speech"

✧°.☀ —— fun facts and other bits

physical details ——— ☀.°✧


[fullbody ref]
Though her personality is more akin to Lakemoon, Puddlekit looks similar to Lilybloom. She shares her mother's lanky limbs and gangally form, time will tell if she will grow into like her mother did. She shares Lilybloom's eyes but has stolen Lakemoon's angular face and length, making her one of the larger kits and the most unsteady on her feet. Her tail is a bit short comparativley, so the kit still wobbles a bit when walking or running, it's unclear if her odd gait will ever go away.

✧°.☀ ——— personality

+ intelligent, wise, dependable
- haughty, inflexible, blunt

Seemingly always the odd one out, Puddlekit is more like her mother Lakemoon then looks would have one believe. She is blunt and honest to a fault. A trait that sometimes earns her respect, but more often then not it pushes those away she wishes to befriend. In emotional situations, she treads with heavy, curious but not clever paws. She has keen hearing, and often enjoys evasedroping on conversations in camp - especially those she shouldn't. Her ability to overhear isn't a well kept secret though, not because she gossips excessively, but because she often does not bother to fake surprise if something she's suspected is true. In short, she doesn't see the point in lying - unless it's to get more knowledge.
Despite apperances, Puddlekit is very naive and insecure. Her greatest want is to make friends, and she is steadfast in her belief that the best way to do that is wow the other cats with her intellegence. Her near uncanny ability to overhear helps her listen and see tips and tricks from other cats, her unsatable curiosity does the rest. And when she hits a road block? Medicine cat won't buy her story about a sprained paw to let her see the herbs? Well, she's not above sharing the things she's heard, you just didn't hear them from her.
"Talking to other cats? About the weather? What kind of weird advice is that? Cats want to know the five diffrent ways to catch a mouse with your tail. Dumb mom"
A defender through and through, Puddlekit is always there to stop a fight between the apprentices, or even warriors. Size doesn't matter to her. A bully is a bully. She's yet to spill anyone's secrets in the heat of a fight, but she does hold grudges and has a list of cats she... takes particular intrest in if there is a story or rumor about them floating around. She's yet to win one of these fights though, and baffelingly hasn't really improved her image with other cats. How strange.
She fucking loves the elders. They're often blunt and full of good stories. She loves it there. She's only 2 and already she talks like an old timer.
roleplay —— ☀.°✧

allow powerplay?
ask first?
willing to throw down | will not run away | will show mercy
attack in something
roleplayed by meee
☀ Other:

- plotsss
  • I have so many
  • I think her need to fit in and understand everything will really stem from Lily's death. She saw how the community railled around th epassing of her mother, and she so despratley craves their love. Her personality just isn't the most warm despite her attempts to be friendly and she truly doesn't even think about lying to fit in. She'll look to Lakemoon for examples of how to deal with everything, and will more then likely misunderstand Lakemoon's emotions, leading to more confusion.
  • She'd want so badly to be a medicine cat so she could meet Star Clan. Simply just to see her mom.
  • Listens to everything, but if it's about her mom she just can't listen or process the info. She has a version of her mom in her head that's built up to be proud of her, she can't handle outside info even if it would support her thoughts.
    • could also be extra angsty and like,, this version of her mom could be her imaginary friend okay bye
  • idk she's a little dude i hold in the palm of my hand and pet
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  • G6PP6Wz_d.webp

    GRAYKIT ; only half the man he’s expected to be
    the weight of expectations weighs heavily on his shoulders and he will fall short of them every single time. In everything he does, there is always someone so much better than him at it so why should he even bother trying, right? This is not to say he is lazy but rather he is unmotivated. No one ever gets recognized for averageness and he will never achieve greatness so what’s the point? He is content to fly under the radar, to let everyone see him as nothing more than a failure if it means he can just be left to his own devices.
    ⤷ named for his uncle and his late great-grandfather
    alt name. Fogkit, Houndkit
    AMAB; he / him
    kit of riverclan
  • G6PP6Wz_d.webp

    Unfortunately for Graykit, he inherited the plush pelt from both of his parents without any of the sleekness that was meant to come with it. As a kit, his fur will be wild and untamable, sticking up at odds and ends until it starts to grow as he gets older. He will always possess a bit of a disheveled 'rugged' look but in time grooming will at least improve it a little. He also unfortunately inherited their height, putting him in that ugly kitten stage as he grows into his awkwardly long legs.

    His pelt is reminiscent of his sire's, albeit a darker version of hers. Blue tabby is rippled by darker stripes that swirl and swoop across his pelt and engulfs the entirety of his almost too fluffy tail. The white that adorns his front feet can also be found on his back legs as well, running up the sides and continuing onto his belly. On one side of him, it sweeps upwards and creates a look reminiscent of a crescent moon reflected in the water and on the other it resembles waves crashing against a shoreline. On his face, it pools around his chin then flickers like fire up his muzzle and above his eyes as well as in his ears. His eyes are a pale green like a mossy stone, like his late mother's if they had been dulled down some.

    Genetically LH blue tabby w/ low white carrying solid dilute and chocolate

  • G6PP6Wz_d.webp

    Charismatic and charming, the facade he puts forth on display for others to see masks his true persona. On the surface, he is polite, he is carefree and go with the flow. But deep down, his go with the flow attitude masks a deep rotted insecurity that he will never be good enough so what’s the point in putting his hundred percent into anything he does? Why try when every single time he does he just falls short anyways? It’s difficult to crack Graykit out of his shell, and every attempt to actually get him to try anything new will be like pulling claws. His stubborn attitude making him relenting a near impossible task unless you are someone who is either incredibly determined or just more stubborn than he is.

    Not all of his behavior can be blamed on his lack of motivation though. Some of this comes from a fear of death instilled upon him at a young age. What if he goes into the river and it swallows him whole? What if that mossball has a thorn in it and he cuts himself then the cut gets infected and he dies? Every situation and interaction Graykit has a tendency to overthink. “Was what he said weird? Why did he say that? Why did he do that?” Are some of the questions that often run through his mind as he thinks of scenarios that he could have done differently, he spends too much time thinking about things he wishes he could undo rather than worrying about the stuff that actually matters. Like just being a kit.

    At his core, he’s loyal to the ones he loves though this is almost to a fault. The few he actually trusts and cares about he can have a tendency to latch on to. Fear of loosing them and the need for validation from someone he trust making him hold on just a little too tightly. “Do you still love me?” Is something he more than likely asks them on a regular basis. He loves his family and friends though and can be extremely protective over those he cares for.

    Seeks verbal validation often, unmotivated to do most things but praise can move him into action if it’s genuine. Of course, one day he may become more confident in himself and more motivated but his development will be left solely to IC
  • G6PP6Wz_d.webp

    doesn't trust or open up about 'real feelings' easily
    SOUNDS LIKE: description. voiceclaim if you have one
    SMELLS LIKE: description.
    speech is #876f69

    LAKEMOON xx LILYBLOOM sibling to tbd
    mentored by none
    Mate to none | Parent to none
  • G6PP6Wz_d.webp

    JUST LIKE ME - The Amity Affliction
    MAKE ME FEEL - The Paramedic
    THE MEASURE - Sycamour

  • G6PP6Wz_d.webp

    ○○○○○○○○○○ HUNTING: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
    ○○○○○○○○○○ CLAN SKILL: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.

    ○○○○○○○○○○ TRACKING: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
    ○○○○○○○○○○ COMBAT: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.

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LH black tabby with low white & icy blue eyes
a large black tabby with a a strong build and large paws. named both as a legacy name and for the arching moon-shaped white marking that cusps his face, and his icy blue eyes that are more reminiscent of frost than of the river that nurses the clan in which he was born.

  • has a sort of thing against starclan b/c of the loss he + littermates suffered
  • happy kit but has a whole thing and then he becomes cold and bitey. not the worst guy ever but he's got an ambitious streak
  • critical and a little cruel with it sometimes
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