camp HEAVENLY SHADES OF NIGHT ✧ mudpelt's vigil

It had taken the patrol the better part of the evening to excavate Mudpelt’s body from beneath the rubble and take him back to camp. She’d insisted on helping to carry him, stubborn determination flaring icily in her blue eyes. By the time they’d returned, her paws had been swollen with exhaustion, sore and hot to the touch. She wants to collapse into her nest, curl around the kits in her belly, and dream of her father, of Steepsnout, the two of them laughing and frolicking with her children, but she gets to work instead. Alongside her older sister and her littermates, Iciclefang takes the mint from Moonpaw’s storage and weaves it into rich auburn fur that has gone cold to the touch. It’s unnerving to touch him now. But they must.

They will honor Mudpelt tonight, under the rounding moon. Iciclefang sits beside Lilybloom, Ferngill, and Moonpaw, whose pelt is brilliant bone under the starlight. She sits straight, her shoulders set away from her chest. Her eyes are dry; when she speaks, it is with composure, with rationality—but the grief is so raw in her stomach that it feels a bleeding mess of wounds.

Mudpelt came from the pine colony,” she says, her voice solemn, “but he belonged to the riverlands. Not a day went by that he wasn’t soaking his fur in the river. He was an excellent swimmer and fisher, and he passed that onto his kits.” She pauses, flicking her ears forward. “My father was… the kindest, gentlest tom this forest has ever known, but he was one of the fiercest warriors, too. He…” Her voice swells under pressure. “He was a loving father, and I know he would have been a loving grandfather, too.

She approaches his body and kneels before it, pressing her face into cold, mint-cloaked fur. “I’ll tell them stories about you. I’ll make you into the hero you were,” she vows, and then, finally, her voice cracks.

  • ooc: @LILYBLOOM. @FERNGILL @DARKWHISKER @Moonpaw but open to anyone in camp <3
  • image0.jpg
  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 21 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Cicadapaw ; previously mentored n/a
    — riverclan lead warrior & queen. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.

LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.

Lakemoon had done her part silently, kicking away shattered rock and rubble alongside her clanmates in order to retrieve the crumpled body that was Mudpelt.
Mudpelt. An unjust death in an unjust world. Dying a hero to his daughter, however? Morbidly, in a thought that she would never dare to repeat, Lakemoon found it a fitting way for the tom to pass, the tom who lived and breathed for his children, and walked through his day as a proud father. As they carry the body back, azure eyes flickering periodically between Iciclefang and Ferngill throughout their trek, the moon-bathed tabby recalls the time she had accompanied the chocolate tom and calico queen during her first time leading a patrol, how he had practically sang his praises to the neighboring patrol across the river.
It was a fond memory, now forever tinged with a sense of melancholy.
When they had gotten back to camp, Lakemoon’s muscles begun to scream for her to run, to race towards her mate and sweep her into feathered fur, but the warrior takes her care in setting the tom down alongside the rest of the patrol.
Then, then she would rush, unsure if the news had spread back to camp yet.
Not that it mattered, not when either way Lakemoon still sat with her chin rested atop a brindled head if Lilybloom would let her, listening to Iciclefang speak with a guarded expression, though azure optics are glazed with grief.
When the calico queen settles, Lakemoon shifts back to give Lilybloom the room to follow her sisters lead.
“Your kindness and heroism will live on in your legacy, we will make sure of that.” Finally, a gravelly voice would murmur, bowing a stormy-shaded head in order to briefly press her own nose against the tom, settling down to curl her tail around Lilyblooms. Her mate, her mates kin- they would not walk through this alone, Lakemoon would let herself turn away from this one.



Ferngill had been uncharacteristically silent as they had woven herbs into his father's pelt, his solitary gaze somewhere far away. All that had stuttered from him were little sniffs, tears that kept flowing. The pressure of crying thumped his head like lightning strikes; he hadn't stopped weeping since he'd stumbled upon the scene, though he tried his best not to let his tears obscure his already-confined vision. Sorrow stuttered mostly on his breaths and upon his lips now, seated alongside his family, mind far away in a star-dotted meadow.

Up in the stars, Ferngill was sure there glimmered two golden lights, watching his children with the love he had expressed in his dying moments. Now, he would do his best to show even half the love that his father had so readily offered him in life. Mournful eyes watched his sister as she said her piece, her nose pressed into his fur- Ferngill swallowed what felt like a hailstone. It was his turn. And Mudpelt deserved a steady voice.

I'll make you into the hero you were. He met Iciclefang's eye, then- yet another promise rooted itself between them, for so would he. The sunset-painted tabby trembled as he stepped forward, and he found that the only way to speak was to set his gaze to the stars, where he hoped he met his father's eye somewhere in that silver expanse. "M-my father was my idol. I did a lot of stupid things trying to be just like him," and there was a small wobble of humour in his tone, unexpectedly. Part of him knew Mudpelt would not begrudge him laughter, though... in fact, he might have encouraged it.

"He- he was the best dad I could have asked for, and- and he was an even better mentor. Mudpelt..." He had to pause, composing himself, exhaling a shuddering breath. "Mudpelt never... never gave up on me, even when I thought he should have."

Another breath. Ferngill bowed his head, then, finally able to look at his father's face, peaceful-looking despite the pain he had been in only hours ago. No longer could he keep the crushing grief out of his voice- his tone took a tearful thickness. "You're a hero, Mudpelt. You were always mine, and now you're everyone else's, too. We love you so much." Beads of tears peppered his father's pelt once again, and he buried his nose into Mudpelt's mint-dotted fur, breathing in his scent for one final time. "Good- goodbye, Dad."
penned by pin

Death is confusing to Twinklekit. She knew of StarClan and the kind, powerful warriors of the past who now roamed the skies watching down on RiverClan. Twinklekit knew StarClan is where everyone went one day, but… still. The frozen form of Mudpelt was scary and he looked unsettling. Despite seeing the Tom plenty of times before in her adventures around camp in death he somehow looked… different.

Being… lifeless is scary, it doesn’t look good on any cat, Twinklekit decides.

Turning her head past her shoulder she seeks @hazecloud , or someone to guide her through this confusing time. ”…So… Mudpelt won’t wake up then?” She seeks clarity, confusion shrouding her eyes. ”…He is… he is in StarClan now?”

Twinklekit turns her head to look at the grieving warriors Mudpelt has left behind. She tries to mimic their sorrow with a frown and droopy ears, not yet fully understanding death made it difficult to feel the same emotions they had.
  • » Twinklekit
    » RiverClan Kit
    » She/her . AFAB
    » A pretty blue lynx sepia with blue eyes
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A meager kitten, defeating her is no boastful feat.
    » Excels in hiding, running from danger.
    » Fights defensively to survive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Moonpaw wouldn't admit it out loud, fear of being judged if she were to say the thing she was sure many of her clanmates were thinking, but she was tired of vigils. Tired of losing those close to her and her clanmates and having to bury them deep within the ground, using herbs to mask the scent of their death instead of using them to save them so that this wouldn't happen. She wanted so badly to have been able to save Mudpelt, to fix his broken bones instead of seeing him crushed beneath that boulder but she knew that there was nothing she could do, nothing any medicine cat would have been able to do in that situation, but yet it had still left a poor taste in her mouth. Silently she'd given Iciclefang the mint that would need to be weaved into the fur of the warrior, showed the family how to weave it in and make it look nice before stepping back and allowing them to host the vigil themselves only to come in when needed, when a quiet question was spoken her way and quickly she'd answer before stepping back once more, eyes looking down at paws before the queen finally spoke.

Quietly the apprentice moved closer to the family as they spoke of their father, looking to each of them as they did so and when there was a moment of silence she would speak her own words, words she'd heard too many times these past couple moons. "Tonight, StarClan will welcome a brave warrior into it's ranks-" She remembered these being the words Ravensong had used, the words that she knew she need to speak because it was true, "Mudpelt was honorable until the end, and he will be missed." She had few words to say yet so many all at once. Silently she'd sit as the vigil moved on, eyes flicking to whoever spoke after her.

  • 76563872_jZr368yA5Er3eOs.png
    ꕥꕥꕥ ACHES & PAINS
    ꕥꕥꕥ ILLNESS
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥꕥ BROKEN BONES
    ꕥꕥꕥ KITTING
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥꕥ POISONS
  • 76807578_J7HAFb99CicY51c.png
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    speaks softly & often found humming
    9 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    currently being mentored by ravensong
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
    peaceful powerplay allowed
⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆
It felt wrong.

The camp is absent of his laughter. It mourns softly to miss his ever-present smile. No more good-natured jokes only a father could find funny.

Lichentail's tail tucks awkwardly around her feet, staring in silence as his children decorate him with flowered words of admiration, of loss, of how much he would be missed. How much he was still loved. They lost their father and for the cats whose paws had founded this clan with him... they'd lost a long-term ally. A great friend. There is a consistency of his presence that makes his stillness all the more agonizing.

The soft peeping voice of one too small to understand drawing shimmering eyes from the vigil and its hosts, turning towards her little look-alike with a small, forced smile. "Yes, little sparkle... He's resting now. He has family waiting for him in StarClan.. and clan-mates who missed him too."

What else was there to say...? That Snowflakekit was there too, eager to have such a kind face to play with? That Lightningstone and Oxbowpaw in all their gruffness would be relieved to see he'd been guided to Silverpelt safely? Steepsnout had been there... She would've made sure of it. A miserable twist in her belly reminds her there may come a time she'll see him again... If Smokestar really got his wish, maybe someday she'd get to say hello again.

"Would you like to share tongues with him," she asks quietly, leaning down beside her daughter while her gaze travels towards Moonpaw. "It's how we say goodbye."


Lilybloom never imagined she would find herself here. Or, if she ever did, it would be many moons from now. Mudpelt had been part of her life for all of it, the thought of going on without him, the thought of him not being here to greet his grandkits just broke her heart.

She sits close to her siblings, but pressed close to her mate, letting Lakemoon rest her head atop of her own as they listened to the soft words of her siblings. Even Lakemoon speaks a few words, and Lilybloom is touched by the gesture, knowing her mate to not be the sort for such shows of emotions.

When Lakemoon steps back, Lilybloom takes the chance to step forward and say her own words. "Dad... there's so much I wish I could say right now," Lilybloom whispered softly. "You were a great father, a great warrior, and a great friend. Your kindness and bright spirit will be remembered by us all." Lilybloom steps forward and presses her nose into his fur, drinking in her father's scent one last time. "Thank you for never giving up on me. I'll love you always. Goodbye dad."

Being told of Mudpelt's death just didn't sound right. The wars with the rogues had finally come to an end. There hadn't been sighting of any predators lurking in the dark in moons. There was no evil hidden in the shadows of the islands and yet... he was. Hazecloud wouldn't have believed it if she weren't staring upon the still form of a tom she had known since RiverClan's birth. Seasons on seasons of working together, sharing a den together, watching his family grow and his life move and shape into something any warrior could envy. A doting love, bountiful healthy kittens, unconditional respect and love from his Clan.

Twinklekit has not seen death like this, until now. Oxbowpaw and Lightningstone's vigils set just a tad too premature for her and the others to see. She knows he is going to StarClan, though. Knows that he will be embraced in starlight and never know hunger or pain again.

Lichentail answered before she could find the strength to open her maw and nodded simply, quietly.

"I never thought we could lose Mudpelt. He was a strong, fierce warrior. I'm glad I was right... that he could only ever fall by his own terms." His children sing their praises and a shuddering thought has her wonder what her own would say about her. About Lichentail? Would Horizonkit still remember the day his mothers took his name away? Would he always hold it against them?

We're doing everything right. The thought held no comfort.


Everybody is sad, so Eveningkit is sad too.

Most times, she has no shame in causing a ruckus and calling for someone, anyone to join her and play with her, even if the mood is more mellow. It's only right - it brings smiles to others' faces. Or at least it makes them pay attention to her, if nothing else.

But right now, even Eveningkit knows that it wouldn't feel right. She huddles close to Lichentail, using her kinked tail as a sort of cover. It feels safer like that. Like it could shield her from how heartbroken everyone looks.

She listens to Lichentail explain that Mudpelt, despite having been so lively all the time, will not be waking up. Hazecloud's voice sticks out from the rest and Eveningkit listens, just like she listened to Iciclefang and Ferngill and everyone that comes after. Eveningkit doesn't think she has much to say- what is there to say?

Yet, with her tail and eyes drooping, she feels compelled to join in. "Can I too? Share tongues with him?"

  • 3rauDdy.jpeg
  • OOC -
    DAUGHTER TO Lichentail x Hazecloud
    SISTER TO Horizonkit & Twinklekit & Snowflakekit

    ✦ Pale grey point she-cat with yellow eyes.
    ✦ Penned by ˏ 𝙠𝙖𝙧𝙢𝙚𝙣 ´
Carpspeckle made her way over to her Clanmates in the middle of the clearing, her dark gray Wildrose Bengal pelt glowing silver within the moonlight. Pausing beside Iciclefang, the RiverClanner placed her tail tip comfortingly on the brown tabby's shoulder. The warrior's green gaze flashed in the night,, glancing around her gathered Clanmates like newleaf blossoming. Carpspeckle sat back on her haunches, giving a whisk of her tail.

[ brief interaction with @iciclefang , but carp is open to interact with anyone else. ]

”Oh…” Twinklekit softly meows in show of understanding in her mother’s words. She thinks about a happy Mudpelt with stars glittering in his eyes, happy and laughing as he was in life as he’s reunited with cats of his past. She wishes she could pluck the image from her head and show it to her sorrowful clan-mates, thinking it would help them now in their grief to envision the fallen warrior happy.

Twinklekit is surprised by Lichentail’s offer of sharing tongues with the Tom one last time. Her sister, Eveningkit requests to share-tongues too, but the twin shies away from the offer. She doesn’t want to get any closer to Mudpelt’s body, she finds his stillness scary.

”…Do I have to?” She asks wearily, use to commands and instructions as a kit rather than genuine free will to choose. She’s subconsciously learned that questions are more often than not disguised instructions required to be carried out. All the while, she is oblivious to Hazecloud’s dilemma and parental anxieties.
  • » Twinklekit
    » RiverClan Kit
    » She/her . AFAB
    » A pretty blue lynx sepia with blue eyes
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A meager kitten, defeating her is no boastful feat.
    » Excels in hiding, running from danger.
    » Fights defensively to survive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Another loss of a strong warrior. The father of a strong litter. She had bonded with most of the family, looking to Ferngill and Iciclefang as closer clanmates. She enjoyed the company of the family in the clan. Mudpelt had even comforted her at her lowest, seen the weakness slip through the cracks and kept it a secret. Petalnose only wished she got to know the Tom more than that vulnerable night, when she was just learning finding her place in the clan.. in this world. He was comfort, even if it was merely being present within patrols. A loving father that he was. Not just to his litter, but it felt as if he was one to most.

Petalnose kept her distance for his family to share tongues, staring up to the stars to search for one more shining in the tar black sky. She listened to his daughter's words, taking in the admirable history. A Riverclan warrior that he was and loyaly he died one. Pine blood or not, he surely was theirs at heart.

Bitterness had clouded her that night, pulling brows tight together. Why did the stars have to take their best members?
