Heavensent this hungry feelin’ // SkyClan Dawn Patrol


✨11/07/23 ✨
Apr 18, 2023
As the sun slowly makes its way higher up in the sky, Tawnystripe leads his apprentice Edenpaw as well as the rest of his patrol away from camp and near the river that separates the two clans. He had taken Edenpaw this way before, but he hasn’t explained to them which clans boarder where. Since he was also tasked with checking out ThunderClan’s boarder, he decides quickly what to ask of them.

“So tell me, we’re close to two clans. We’re by RiverClan right now, but which clan’s border are we visitin’ next? Feel free to use yer nose if you think it’ll help.” Since they’ve both been to a gathering now, it might be a nice crutch if they haven’t been paying that much attention. Hopefully they have, though. He watches his apprentice expectantly while also keeping an eye out for any RiverClan cats that might pass by.

// OOC : @edenpaw ?! @Sweetybee ( @pocket ) @Dandelionwish ( @LUPINEPAW )
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ Beepaw walks alongside Smokethroat remaining rather attentive of her surroundings especially with rogues running about, causing issues, and stealing their prey as of late. The memory of Chicorypaw getting her prey snatched and shoved into the river fresh on her memory though the sound of pawsteps are enough to make her attention turn over to the patrol of Skyclan cats. She perks her ears forward at the sight of them wondering if a certain Skyclan apprentice was amongst them but saw no trace of him and she flicks her curly furred tail behind her but remains interested on the other apprentices that were currently present. It seems one of the warriors were having a teaching lesson with his apprentice and it makes her remember the patrol that had both Thunderclan and Windclan once more.

She brushes her body briefly against the foliage nearby and bicolored gaze turning to the rest of her clanmates that were present during the patrol. Beepaw decides that she'll keep quiet unless she's spoken to as she had with past patrols.

- mentor tag @Smokethroat (dw bout it though since other character)

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 3 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ easy; still learning how to fight
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ❥ penned by bosstaurus
excusez-moi, i think i'm just a fool

Taller and older than Beepaw, though half as confident, Buckpaw finds himself lingering towards the back of the patrol with his mentor. He could not say that he could pick out any one SkyClanner as one he knew (that is to say, he didn't know any SkyClanners by name and had no intentions of changing that particular fact about himself at the present time.) Even still... something heavy settled at the pit of his stomach and a niggling thought comes to mind as the cats across the river continue about their business: they definitely know that I don't know any of them and they certainly do not like that.

Stone-faced and wide-eyed, Buckpaw ducks his head in hopes of making himself smaller .... somehow. Maybe if he quickly found something else to do, the shame would lessen and the SkyClanners would forget his imagined sleight.

Petalnose generally wasn't the definition of friendly towards any clan, even if it counted allies. Atleast, she was tolerant and spoke in neutrality when the situation came. Eyelashes fluttered in curiousity as Beepaw became alert and then shifted it to the forms of Skyclan patrol members. She rose her head and merely nodded in a sort of acknowledgnent if the patrol had met her expression of lackluster. It seemed Tawnystripe was teaching the youth, which had given her an excuse to be silent. She turned her attention to Buckpaw, watching him falter behind in cower. She narrowed her eyes in frustration, silently approaching him to aim to nudge his shoulder. "C'mon, we're on good terms. They're not going to eat you." She grumbled, tipping her head in direction of way. Weakness shown amongst patrols wasn't what was desired, especially at a time of inevitable frailty among the sickness.

Petalnose wouldn't ignore the actions of their more skittish members. Encouragement and reassurance she hoped the boy would take to heart.

Talk about the coolest patrol ever! To have none other than TAWNYSTRIPE leading it?! That was their mentor! Theirs! And that made them prince of this patrol group, definitely. Smiling to themself with a cheesy sort of pride, the over-eager youth hardly remembered they were supposed to be paying attention. RiverClan, schmiverclan... they were those same fish ones that they'd seen with Blazestar before. The ones that said fishing was easy since the prey couldn't smell yuh.

Edenpaw couldn't help but be jealous in that regard, still something of a lousy hunter themself. How come SkyClan had so many flying things in it? That was like.. most of their diet (horribly vexing to have to pick feathers out of your teeth) and it took so much work... Climbing trees wasn't exactly their best work either, despite the practice they had hopping their Twoleg fence on the regular. Birds... truly loathsome creatures, thinking they were so full of themselves just because they could cheat by escaping into the sky and-

The quizzical stare that was aimed at them reminded Edenpaw they were still leaving the ruddy tabby hanging in suspense. Oh... carp... What was the question again? RiverClan and... something else uhh....

Looking around quickly for a survey of the land, green eyes stuck quickly on the moving shadows of another patrol just beyond the border- COOL! It was RiverClan again! "Uh.. yeah uh... It should be...." Barely tearing their gaze away from the new potential for socialization, their tongue shifted in their mouth as if trying to recall old scents that once sat upon it. It was really earthy... not quite so acrid as ShadowClan... a bit heavier in its scent than WindClan- "ThunderClan!"

Flicking a nub of a tail, they shot begging eyes towards Tawnystripe, stamping their paws excitedly. Can I go talk to them? a silent question on tightly clenched lips and round, hopeful eyes.​
SkyClan wasn't Otterpaw's favorite border by any means. If it weren't for the fact he detested kittypets just about as much as their own mottled leader, it was especially after he had become stricken with yellowcough after interacting with an infected patrol. He still remembered the plagued cats, lingering about, one wheezing for breath. He hadn't thought of it unusual back then, maybe he was too involved with his own arrogant showboating of how great he was at patrols.

Now, though, after becoming cured and recovered, he would search for any remnant of the sickness in each of their faces. He padded ahead of @coyotecreek in confident strides, trotting past Buckpaw to get a good look at the SkyClanners ahead. A glint of mischief shined behind narrowed green eyes, quickly taking notice to the strange grey circlet wrapped around the other apprentices neck.

"If you gotta cough, keep it on your side." Otterpaw warned though it held no weight. His tongue swiped across his maw as though hungry, keeping his sights on Edenpaw. "I've never seen you before, new 'round here?"

The tiny apprentice neared the age of warriorhood rather quickly , too quickly for his own pace and learning quite slowly in his opinion. But he was trying, and would listen to Tawnystripes question. He knew this, but anxiety wrapped him, and he couldn't put a paw on what clan it was as he inhaled the scents around him.

To feel watched by the riverclanners out a stressor on him to not get it wrong and seem stupid. But Edenpaw quickly raised their voice to spit the answer, and Pocket felt relief. His gaze would fall on the Riverclanners across the bank, watching them carefully as if they would spring on them simply for being kitty pets.