heavy is the cost ♡ thundergleam

Dec 21, 2023
Of all the outsiders that have joined this Clan, there is one that sticks out like a sore thumb. A pretty snow-white molly with pale eyes, appearing at just the right moment and just the right time - StarClan-sent, one could theorize. Given no trial, and welcomed by kits and warriors alike, this cat was quickly beloved by all, despite her outsider origins.. without even having to try.

It pissed Badgerstripe off.

She'd done well to avoid Thundergleam since her joining, brushing off her questions of concern and turning her chin whenever the white molly was present. Today, it was Badgerstripe's turn to approach, but not nearly as kind-intended as Thundergleam usually did. Badgerstripe finds her slipping into camp with prey in her maw, and meets her half-way to the fresh-kill pile. The tortoiseshell crosses her and stops, blocking her path, and gives her a mixed look of anguish and anger. It's clear she's not here to say hello.

"What's your deal?" Badgerstripe questions scornfully. "What's wrong with you? Why are you so.. perfect?" If she weren't so distraught, perhaps her question could be viewed as a compliment. But Badgerstripe feels that Thundergleam has had enough of that; enough of compliments and praise and questions. What was her trick, so being so successful, so adored? Being in the right place at the right time - was that all it took? All this work Badgerstripe has done, to prove herself, to absolve herself of guilt.. she's been outshone by an outsider. It felt.. pathetic.
  • badgerkit badgerpaw BADGERSTRIPE
    ━━ WARRIOR of THUNDERCLAN | 14 MOONS ,, ages every 21st
    ━━ NPC xx NPC | SIBLING to n/asibling adopts here!
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none
  • badger.png

  • speech is #FB8B24


The thought that anyone might envy her was unfathomable. Throughout her life, her education, all Thundergleam had ever felt was envy for Thunderclanners... born, unlike her, into the ideal world. Where it was honourable to bear a warrior name, to defend your Clan with your life, to live for and love each Clanmate like kin. Of course, she had been prepared to adopt that persona as soon as the thunderstorm prophecy had reached her- and oh, the tears that had sprung in her eyes when she had awoken!

It was her destiny to be here- it was as simple as that. StarClan's methods were mysterious, but they had chosen her... a loner, born unto the world with no family, adopted by her Father and teacher, to be ThunderClan's saviour. To be a mending balm... to purge suffering, to ensure ThunderClan thrived in prosperity and happiness.

That some were standoffish... it was surely natural. The adoption of an outsider into their ranks was apparently rare, as she had learned... though Father had never told her so. She had noticed Badgerstripe's coldness, of course... and after botched attempts to start conversations, had simply opted to observe from afar and allow the patchy molly to approach herself. And at last! Though... she was not blind to the sourness, the sharpness in her voice.

"Perfect? Whatever do you mean?" As ever, her tone was steeped in sincerity, genuine confusion brushed through swan-wing tones. "I arrived here clueless to many of your laws..." And how could Father be so wrong, after all this time? "I am taught, generously, by one of your warriors. I would call myself eager, but far from perfect."

No, there was still growth to be made before she was perfect... ThunderClan's immaculate saviour. She did not even know how to achieve her destiny, yet!
penned by pin ☾
Thundergleam's voice is sickly sweet and so naive. It.. pisses Badgerstripe off. It makes her grind her teeth, listening to the molly's play at innocence."Oh, don't play dumb with me," she'd snarl in return. Maybe she was confused - maybe she was sincere. But Badgerstripe knew better, she could see through the deceptive kindness of this cat. It wasn't going to work on her like it worked on Howlingstar, and countless others.

"You know exactly what I mean. This silly little play at being some wise, mysterious sage. You do it so well - they're entranced. But you won't fool me." There had to be something, something that made this cat real. Like her.. like her friends. "What do you seek to gain? Huh? No cat is ever truly good-hearted. You want something out of this, don't you?"

She's right, in a way, that her lack of knowledge in Clan culture is a flaw. Perhaps even fatal. But that didn't stop her from being welcomed in with open arms, did it? "That's exactly the thing," she mutters bitterly. "You know nothing and you're a random nobody, and you've got more friends than a true, ThunderClan-born warrior.. even the ones that have worked tirelessly for moons. Hard workers can get shunned for the smallest of mistakes here, you know. Kittypets, too - simply for existing. It's a wonder you don't seem to experience it." If Thundergleam had made a mistake like Badgerstripe, would she still be riding high and mighty? Would she still have kittens eager for her stories and a leader readily bending her own morals to make room for an outsider? Would she suffer as Badgerstripe had, left to suffer in her own guilt and struggle to make amends?

Badgerstripe scoffs and shakes her head. Her words speak volumes of her tremendous jealousy. Oh, to be as sweet and alluring as the star-sent loner herself. She feels that.. all she wants to do is bring Thundergleam down with her. At least that way, she won't be glowering in her shadow..
  • speech is #FB8B24
  • badger.png

  • badgerkit badgerpaw BADGERSTRIPE
    ━━ WARRIOR of THUNDERCLAN | 15 MOONS ,, ages every 21st
    ━━ NPC xx NPC | SIBLING to n/asibling adopts here!
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none


She did not know what she had done to deserve this spitting vitriol, the acidic burn in Badgerstripe's eyes when she looked at her. Discomfort rose slowly in the pit of Thundergleam's gut... hurt.. Suffering, suffering that she should not feel- that she should carry with dignity and take for others. Subconsciously, though- against all her teaching, Thundergleam took a step away from Badgerstripe. She felt compressed by iron claws, glared upon simply for doing her duty.

"I want to fulfil my destiny... it is what StarClan sent me here for," she admitted, voice brushed with certainty. Silken tones took on a conviction that would not be shaken. "I know the Stars are mysterious... they make decisions that appear odd. I was prepared best I could for Clan life, and lead here by a dream. I understand it is hard for you to believe." She held herself prim and proper, iron-skinned beneath pale pelts. Father had told her so- that was one of the things he had been completely correct about.

"But all I want to do is help. It is what I am for." What was she, if not a saviour? Where would she be if Father had never found her- had never educated her in the ways of parsing her prophecies? She would be lost, and ThunderClan would be without a balm. "My training was vigorous. I earned my warrior name just as a Thunderclanner would have, because I am and always have been a Thunderclanner."

Pink eyes softened. "Badgerstripe, you suffer. It is clear. I want to be a Clanmate you may lean on if you so wish... I will not shun you."
penned by pin ☾
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