heiwa sanka — marigoldpaw

May 30, 2023
don't try to rush your enemies .
The frosty male hummed, scanning their surroundings with a swirl of his tail, letting the quiet sounds of nature roll off his back like waves. He nearly shot Spiderlily an I-told-you-so look during the meeting, grinning triumphantly at the sour look the ghostly tom wore. It appeared a shock, hearing his name on Howlingstar’s lips, but he was grateful for the challenge, skin prickling with overwhelming pride.

“For today, I’d like to see if you have questions.” He hummed, turning an amber hue to his apprentice, helm cocked. He had a few of his own, not really one to implement sternness. He wasn’t that kind of cat, preferring to let the day plan itself out then stick to a rigorous schedule.

He hummed with a thoughtful expression, tail curling languidly. “What is it that you want to learn?” He inquired, brow raised, turning to his apprentice, gaze curiously. “Perhaps we can make a deal, mhm?”

/ @Marigoldpaw
thought speech
Marigoldpaw's feet were itching to get into action, even if it was just worded lessons for now. Anything to keep his racing mind preoccupied; the fact that he's at least a little more free in his actions has made him feel like he could fly if he tried hard enough. That might be impossible, but all the excess energy had to go somewhere.

He almost leapt for joy when his newly appointed mentor, Oakfang, called for him. Finally, he can actually learn things to help out! So after their trek stops, he blinks incredulously when the brown tom asks what he wants to learn. He didn't exactly expect to get a sense of agency, but it makes him feel a lot better for the future.

He tilts his head. "A deal...? Hmm, sure." He's not sure exactly what the elder cat has in mind, but he's willing to entertain it, at the very least. "I'm mostly interested in learning how to fight. But I'm fine with anything, really." As long as he deems it useful to his improvement, then he'll comply.

And as for questions... "What do you prefer to teach? What are you best at?" There's nothing else pressing on his mind as of right now, plus this partnership is a two way street. He'd hate to have a mentor that isn't great at combat, but he can learn from someone else if need be.​
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don't try to rush your enemies .
How peculiar. A frosted muzzle crinkled, tail curling in thought. Now. Now. He grinned. There’s no need to toss me under that quickly. He turned, not answering the feline as they walked, taking in the familiar sight that lay before them.

It left him with a sense of longing, wishing to feel the sway of wooden boards beneath his paws, but that was a life he could never return to. He liked it here, as much as he wished, it was nothing but a pipe dream compared to reality. He enjoyed the overhanging branches casting shadows across the rough terrain, the smell of ThunderClan was soothing and prideful. “You’re quite the fighter” He trilled, lips curled into an eased grin. “Then you’re quite in luck, Marigoldpaw. I am … what you consider a jack-of-all-trades.” He hummed, glancing at the other through his peripheral.

“I have spent many moons before I joined, traveling to faraway lands filled with nothing but sands to facing ghoulish waves threatening to tear us under.” He did travel, but the other didn’t know just how exaggerated he was making it. “I think you will flourish under my guidance if you will have me as your mentor.” He rumbled, grinning.

“To mention our … deal,” He paused, expression thoughtful save for the relaxed grin causing amber optics to crinkle. My. My. This will be interesting. As fundamental as it is to fight, Oakfang couldn’t help but mull it over, frosted muzzle crinkling. “If I show you a few fighting techniques now, then do you promise to continue to work diligently in all of your training until you have learned all that is needed to officially begin your fight training.” He proposed with a crinkled brow.

“If not, then perhaps a bit of hunting shall quell that fighting spirit of yours.” He mused, helm tilting in their direction with a raised brow, expression inquisitive.
thought speech
Marigoldpaw can't help but see his mentor as...eccentric. A puzzle that he will have to solve, slowly and meticulously. He can't get a good read on him, his mannerisms and way of speaking not something that the apprentice understands in the slightest. It unnerves him, but he tries his best to not let it show too much on his face. He'll most likely get used to it with time, and understanding. ...Well, hopefully.

He's a little upset about the lack of a proper answer to his question, but at least he still heard what he needed to, albeit in a roundabout way. Marigoldpaw doesn't take much credence in the tale Oakfang spins, but it's not like he could disprove him, so he just nods. When it comes back around to the deal, it isn't anything too awful, thank StarClan. "Then I promise," he agrees readily. Learning hunting instead isn't something he'd mind, but that's not gonna stop him from doing the best he can.​