camp Hell. Let Me Introduce Myself | Intro



The sun just barely peaks over the horizon, the sky masking in a pale pink and orange; it's rays barely kissing over the bog of the swamps before her. Heavy fog lays over the stagnant pools of water, providing cover and yet an obstacle when traversing through it. Frogs croak loudly around them, warning off potential predators with their eerie screeching. An adolescent snipe wades through the waters on its tendril-like legs, picking at the insects that settle along the waters surface. It's back is against an impending doom that stealthily approaches it, thick muscle rippling under a sleek coat of rich gold. Nothing more than a looming shadow behind the avian, a leviathan waiting in the shadows with poise to strike. The sleek bill of the tawny bird is positioned down within the murky water, feasting away now that the brisk nip of Leaf-Bare had come to a cinematic close.
She's quiet as her weight shifts evenly on mud caked paws, helm lowered below her withers with angular ears pulled forth. Luminescent aquamarine eyes are trained upon her prey, staring unblinking as she prowls closer like her namesake. She's soon upon her prey, practically salivating over it's succulent scent. In a flash of gold and brown, she's upon the bird in a second. The snipe tried to alert, but it's life is soon cut short with a swift bite to the nape of its neck. She holds the bird tightly in powerful jaws, swallowing the drool that pools into her mouth. Apart of her wanted to tear into the snipe herself and devour it right there, then perhaps find something else for her clan that resided in the swamp. Leopardprowl sighed heavily with a singular lash of her shaded tail tip, strutting back towards camp with the prey clamped tightly.
At least someone would would have a full belly because of her, for that they should be grateful and thank her for it. After all, she did all the work—why couldn't she get the spoils of it all? The molly pushes through the prickling brambles back into camp, dropping the snipe along the prey pile. Glowing hues stared at it for a moment whilst a salmon pink tongue licks the remnants of blood off of her muzzle and lips. Perhaps she'd be lucky and find another. "Damn it all. Heavens above there best be another bird to catch." The molly murmured mostly to herself in a breathy tone, forcing herself to strut away from the pile while her own abdomen gurgled with hunger. The woman narrows her icy gaze to the entrance, readying herself to go out once more but she hesitates. Maybe someone will offer up to come with her.

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"Good show, dear, perhaps a little less drool on the pile next time hm~?" Her voice rose in a joking tone, whimsically light and the laugh that followed was a chime of a sound that pettered off into a quiet hum. Halfshade had spent the rest of her morning after dawn patrol simply fixing up the camp, the melted snow and slush of after leaf-bare had made the entire place a right mess and some moss and dirt dug from the new dirthole outside the camp worked wonders in patching up the dips in the ground that might catch a clumsy paw or two. She had just finished stomping down the new foundation before Starlingheart's den when she spotted the golden she-cat wander in, dripping and cursing to herself over a hunger for birds. It was a wonder really, seeing them back to the point where a cat had food options and could spare the idea of being picky with their meals. She much preferred this over eating the old tattered scraps of carrion picked up off the side of the thunderpath. Plume of a tail held high she wandered over with a smile and dipped her head in a friendly nod, "Heading back out? Care for the company? I'm quite done with stuffy camp duties for now." No one had assigned her to this task of earth repair, but she'd done it herself after tripping over the same divet in the ground one too many times that she got frustrated. Could a cat not walk through their own home without having to struggle? Perhaps now they would have less silly accidents like the one warrior she saw smash their nose into the sunbathing rocks the other day. Poor thing, she hoped it only bled a little.

As it generally does, the sultry twang of Halfshade's words would seize the entirety of Smogmaw's focus. Deadpan eyes skim from corner to corner of the hollow, aiming to earmark his lady-love amidst camp's hustle and bustle. Mismatched blue and cream ears jut out from the fray, and the tom's trajectory is set. He couldn't care less if it seems as though he's playing favourites, wanting to spend every waking moment in her proximity. If his clanmates had yet to decipher their kinship by now, then that's on them.

Dark-smirched paws encroach on the she-cats' exchange. A tail-flick to the torbie's flank makes his presence known, though his focus does not tarry on the torbie for longer than necessary. Leopardprowl, as the other warrior was so aptly-named, curses the skies after a successful, defying the stars for another chance at landing a bird. How captivating. In the fresh aftermath of such a wretched Leaf-bare, he presumed that she would consider even the smallest catch to be a win in the books.

"Don't go jinxin' your luck now," he contends, a stark blandness painted into his features. "If you believe in such a thing, f'course." The notion of another hunt hangs in the air, and a wayward glance is imparted in Halfshade's direction. "I'll come with, too," asserts the mackerel-patterned tom. "Feels like I'm fresh out of hibernation. I'm aching for a feast."


So I walk alone down the darkest roads

With the sun bursting slowly forth from the horizon, and the sounds of creatures slowly awaking from their slumber, some of the clanmates already awake and about, Halfshade's sing-songed voice accompanied by her play thing Smogmaw. The warrior let out a soft sigh before she made her approach overhearing the talk of going on a hunt and the young warrior's tail swished coolly as apathy eyes dance on her clanmates whillist she nodded in silent agreement. "I'll come along as well" she spoked in monotoned voice, tail flicking a bit, as it is never enough to not hunt, besides the more prey the merrier, and less cats having claws scraping at their bellies as they screamed for the warmth of fresh meat to sink in, anythinf was better than that of course.

"if we are being honest, I think we could all use a successful hunt, or two, after that fucked up leafbare."

the deputy rose from their spot where they'd decided to rest, stretching out their body with a grunt. they moved to stand up straight, tail twitching back and forth as their gaze drifted from the cats in front of them to the entrance. their nose twitched slightly before they just notioned for all of them to go.

"since you're rather eager, why don't you lead the hunting patrol, leopardprowl?"

it was a hell of a lot better than chilledgaze having to do it. they simply didn't want to, and they should have been allowed to make that choice, right?besides, they were all going to hunt. who cared who led the patrol this time? chilledgaze certainly didn't.