camp HELL OR HIGH WATER ☾✩ return

//takes place after this thread!

the trip to snakerocks was cut frustratingly short. it seemed as though in the time that the cats of thunderclan were snowed into their camp, some new occupants decided to stake their own claim to the territory. more than a few canine beasts had made the forest their new home, nightbird was ready for them to move out. without their presence it would have been a bountiful hunt, but the stupid mutts just had to go and ruin everything.

nightbird was moving fast on her feet through the tunneled entrance to camp, checking over her shoulder one last time to make sure they weren't followed. the thorns adorning the walls would hopefully be enough to keep them safe, but it was never guarantied. with those creatures so close to the heart of her home, the warrior doubted she would sleep peacefully until they were gone.

once inside, she slowed down a bit, moving to drop her only catch on the fresh kill pile. the mouse did little to make it appear fuller, but for now there were more important matters. a quick scan across the clearing did not show their leader or deputy, but an npc warrior padded up to her. their eyes were wide at the obviously shaken appearance of the returning patrol. "where's emberstar and howling wind?" nightbird questioned, ignoring their curious display. they didn't interrogate her for answers, just scuttled off to find the pair as she waited, tail tapping impatiently.

// @emberstar @HOWLING WIND
[ ☾✩ ]

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This morning was just like any other. Burnpaw had woken up to the same old nest, went to do the same old training with his same old mentor, and then came back to the same old camp for a very late but much-needed breakfast. The sun rose like it always did, the patrols went out like usual and Nightbird's patrol was no exception to the routine that he had begun to settle comfortably into. He has just finished the mouse he had been eating, scrawny but enough to get through these scant leaf-bare moons, when Nightbird's patrol returns. He almost goes back to his business of grooming his long silky fur but the look on the other black cat's face catches him off guard. She looks scared, and she's asking another warrior to go find her Emberstar, to go find his mentor or his grandmother.

He pushes himself to his paws, when adults were nervous or afraid it made him nervous or afraid, a typical way for a child to react but he does not like it. He wants to be brave so he makes his way over to Nightbird and the rest of the cats she had returned with and he tries to mask his fear the best he can. "What's got your tail in a twist?" He tries to joke but it comes out flat as his eyes dart to the other members of the patrol.

Back in the nursery, if Ragwortpaw had made Burnpaw’s comment she would’ve gotten a thwack across the ear. Even now as an apprentice she still finds her gaze darting around for a watchful queen whenever she was about to say something “ill-mannered”.

She stops at the apprentice’s shoulder, ”Its cuz’ her patrol only came back with a mouse, duh! She’s gonna look like a bad patrol leader.” Ragwortpaw certainly would not want to be the warrior right now, facing the certain looks of disappointments from the leader and deputy.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· RAGWORTPAW, female — she / her
╰ ‣ named for her health & strength at birth .
╰ ‣ 5 moons . ages on the ??
╰ ‣ thunderclan apprentice . loner born . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, oak and maple trees , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue furred . long-hared . a very furry head, chest, and tail

· ESTJ-A ❝​
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Hufflepuff, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Kind-hearted . Honest . Loud .Justice-seeking . People-pleaser . Gullible . Empty-headed . Humorous
╰ ‣ Though she is all brawn and no brain, Ragwort tries her best and carries a bleeding heart to all whom surround her. She takes the role of "big sister" with her siblings and friends, never failing to have their backs, take care of them, and defend them when needed (sometimes even jumping the gun). While she doesn't offer the best emotional support (not due to a lack of trying) she gives the best hugs and is great at giving cats distractions with her shenanigans.
╰ ‣ finds minimal difficulty relating to others . wears a bleeding heart

· GRIME x CINDERFROST, sister to toadpaw, prowlingpaw, hollypaw
╰ ‣ unknown sexuality.
╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
Silver was right on Nightbird's heels, weighed down marginally by the hefty rabbit dangling in his jaws. Thankfully they managed to escape the multitude of dogs surrounding snakerocks but their close proximity to camp still worried the tom greatly. Head low he enters camp, thorny protrusions combing through his short ticked coat. A silent breath is sucked into his lungs, settling jittery nerves from the recollection of beastly shadows stalking just out of reach. Steeling his composure, Silver deposits the rabbit into the pile alongside Nightbird's mouse. Momentarily he glances at Wolfwind before he hears an inquiring voice reaching his ears. The lids of his eyes fall a hair, debating whether or not he should tell Burnpaw of the dogs before swiftly deciding he would hear of the news regardless.

Ragwortpaw approaches, offering her take on the situation and he simply allows a sigh to fall from his lips before straightening himself. Children, they always had quite a lot to say. Grey eyes settle upon Burnpaw as he utters an answer for the young tom. "Dogs, Burnpaw." He would elaborate more once he actually saw Emberstar and Howling Wind. There was no need to repeat the same information twice when it could be revealed all at one time.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road

The return of Nightbird's patrol did not immediately draw Flycatcher over. When he heard them call out for Emberstar and Howling Wind and made a note of their shaken appearances, he padded over, curious as to what had left them all so rattled. He was not the only cat either, as Burnpaw and Ragwortpaw also appeared, though their questions - and theory in Ragwortpaw's case - were fairly innocent. Silverlightning gave a short response but the one word he used was enough to set the lead warrior on edge.

First, they had had issues with a fox and now they were potentially dealing with dogs too? "Dogs?" Flycatcher echoed, looking between Wolfwind, Nightbird, and Silverlightning for confirmation. "Did you see them? Where was the scent?"
When the warrior comes to retrieve Howling Wind from the medicine den, where Berryheart had been examining her healed wound, hr ears prick up with curiosity. Nightbird's patrol is back already? The short hunt is either a good thing or a bad thing. Either they caught so much prey so fast (unlikely in leaf-bare), or they had something to report. Unfortunately, the latter is more likely.

The deputy pushes through the lichen curtain of the den before her eyes settle on the growing group. Swift white paws carry her over at a trot as her pelt beings to prick. She can hear the urgency in voices, the nerves sending electricity into the air. Something is wrong, and when she draws closer, she hears the word that Flycatcher repeats. "Dogs?" She mews incredulously, coming to a halt between the lead warrior and her grandson. Surprised eyes shift between the three patrol members, from Wolfwind, to Silverlightning, and finally settling on the patrol leader. "How many are there?" She follows up Flycatcher's question with her own, voice rising in pitch. She can't help but hide the fear; dogs in ThunderClan territory is a death sentence for a lone hunter.
a returning patrol usually only garners a few curious gazes and the occasional chirp of conversation over how it went but when nightbird returns with her companions close behind they all appeared frazzled which is enough to raise the concern of those around. burnpaw and ragwortpaw are one of the first to approach them, inquiries and guesses quick upon their tongue.

there is no sugarcoating that comes from silverlightning's answer who reveals that they had come across dogs which shocks the ever growing clowder of cats. fawncloud slinks between howling wind and flycatcher, folded ears planing slightly in concern. "jeepers, what's a bunch of dogs doin' all the way out here durin' leaf-bare?"

two apprentices approach, but she paid little mind as she stood searching for the warrior to return with the leader and deputy. ragwortpaw's question has her tightening her jaw as to stop herself from snapping back. nightbird would not waste her time arguing with an apprentice when the safety of camp could be at risk. still, she cant help but shoot an icy grey glare in the girl's direction.

as soon as silverlightning spoke, thunderclanners came crawling out of the woodworks. flycatcher began rapid firing questions, to which she gave a few nods of confirmation, but her eyes were trained on howling winds approach. "it looks like they moved into snakerocks while we were snowed in. they didn't see us, but we also didn't want to risk sticking around. it's definitely multiple, maybe a small pack." nightbird stated with an annoyed flick of her tail. there wasn't enough food to be sharing a territory with dogs this late in leaf-bare, she could only hope they would be gone soon enough.
[ ☾✩ ]

War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
A crowd was certainly beginning to form now, crowding them around all sides as Silver glanced down at their worried faces. Howling Wind approaches and his attention shifts to Nightbird as she explains what they'd seen so far. Silver then glances back to the deputy the corners of his mouth pulling slightly taunt. It was a grim situation to be faced with, but nothing he doubted they could not handle with careful planning. "We saw at least two. However the large pile of bones could suggest more. They were actively hunting when we noticed them." He murmurs, adding on to Nightbird's report.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road

Alarm bells ring in his head as he pads over, pushing snow from his path with the ease of force and his size, before coming to a stop next to Fawncloud with a wary glance to each of the cats present. There were dogs near Snakerocks now? Multiple dogs. At the very least two. His ears pinned back uneasily as he mulled over in his head how bad this might get, snakerocks was not exactly one of his fondest hunting places but with leaf-bare they really didn't have the luxury of being picky with location right now and having it on lockdown due to dogs was not ideal. Sunfreckle shifted his weight from each paw minus the one he was missing obviously, kneading the ground anxiously in place for a moment.
"If we don't do something they might just gather more there...we'll never be able to hunt in that spot again...and having them on the territory at all is just..." Terrifying. His ears pin back as he trails of. Something had to be done about it right? But what could they even do. Instinctively his green gaze wandered over to Howling Wind, surely she had some idea.


Toadpaw doesn't really know what a dog is, but as he follows Stonepool to greet the patrol, it seems as though they are the topic of discussion. And, judging on the concerned looks, the alarmed tones... dogs weren't good. Fear begins to crawl up on the young apprentice at the thought of these dogs, at the piles of bones they were leaving, at the warriors' words.

"Are they going to attack? Are we... Are we going to fight them?" Toadpaw asks, looking to Stonepool, then to the group before them. And though his fear is evident in his questions, Toadpaw knows he's an apprentice - he has to be brave, if it comes down to a fight. Everyone else would, after all.

Like many of the other younger cats, Burnpaw is not exactly sure he is certain what a dog was. He may have heard a story once from his mother or perhaps his grandmother about them but it was also very likely he hadn't. What he is certain of, however, is that the mention of them has all the adults frightened and that, in turn, frightens him. Cats that he thought were unshakable were reacting to Silverlightening and Nightbird's announcement like the world was about to end, and who knew? Maybe it was.

The fur on the back of his neck raises as the adults continue talking, his yellow eyes darting nervously from face to face as they speak before they finally land on a familiar brown tabby pelt. He turns his attention to his grandmother, trying to take comfort in her presence. Howling Wind was the deputy, surely she would know what to do? Burnpaw is almost convinced that when you get old you are granted old cat wisdom immediately upon becoming old. "What do we do?" he asks her "If we have to fight I can fight! Emberstar has been showing me some good moves" He has no idea if said moves would be enough to take on whatever a dog was but if it meant keeping the clan safe he would be willing to try!

Fear. Even from across the camp, she could smell the alarm spreading from the center of the clearing. She felt the fur instinctively rise on the back of her neck, but she forced it to smoothen before anxiously leaving the nursery. A hunting patrol had just returned, and she watched as the majority of the clan began to form around them, one by one. She felt her heart rate start to pick up...had there been another border skirmish? She desperately hoped not...

The red tabby queen joined the rest of her clanmates, and gently nosed her way through the gathering cats until she could stand beside Flycatcher. She was completely unprepared for what she heard next...Dogs. The words turned her blood to ice, and her throat tightened until she almost couldn't breathe. At least two dogs were taking shelter in their territory...they were hunting their prey, and leaving the bones at Snakerocks. With wide eyes, she glanced at Flycatcher. What if they find the camp? The question tugged fiercely at her tongue, but she wasn't able to ask. Before she could form any words, the shrieking from her mother and the howls of her executioners filled her mind.

It took a few moments for the memory to pass. She could hear her clanmate's voices now...she was back into reality...The lead warrior would press her side against her mate, then turn her attention to Howling Wind. "If there's only two...surely we can chase them off..." Her gaze drifted to the fresh kill pile for a moment, before returning to the tabby deputy. "We must. Those slobbering pooches will kill all of our prey." Prey they didn't have to spare. This Leafbare was already brutal enough, the last thing they needed was dogs slaughtering everything.

Dogs strike fear into every cat. Even kits were told horror stories of what the beast could do. Those nasty beasts could tear down a warrior if they weren’t careful. The idea that there was more than one, a pack, small or not was terrifying. Hollow Tree feared for the safety of Thunderclan. If there was prey feeding that pack, then getting rid of them may help Thunderclan begin to thrive once more. But who would be the ones to chase the dogs off.

“They won’t get near the camp. Not unnoticed at least.” the warrior reassured Toadpaw. Hollow Tree was sure someone could stay up to keep an eye out for the dogs. They weren’t known to be stealthy creatures like warriors. At least, she had never meant one that could keep quiet. She pauses for a moment, getting lost in thought as she thinks about the damage the dogs could do to camp. “I agree that we need to chase them off. But maybe another patrol should scout out the area once again? Try to get a better idea of how many there are.” she suggests, looking to Howling Wind for their opinion. Wondering what Emberstar would say about all of this.
[ you fall through the trees . tags ]
Howling Wind stands there in shock, soaking in the words of the patrol like moss. More clanmates gather, voices rising as cats try to talk over one other. Their concerns, their fears, their ideas. They weave together in the air, tangling, and the tabby's gaze falls to the floor. Dogs on the territory mean a death sentence for cats if they remain here. But nothing is getting done with everyone shouting over each other. "Quiet down, everyone!" She demands, lifting wide eyes to scan the scared ThunderClanners. "No one does anything yet. Call back the patrols that are out; they don't know. We need to find Emberstar and tell her. Maybe then we can come up with a plan."

i. ⠀ frecklepaw, like most of her accumulating peers, has never seen a dog. truthfully, she’s barely heard of them, only in kitten whispers over mossy, milk - scented nests — but when the word comes floating towards where she sits, plucking burrs and leaves from recently collected moss bundles, it perks her ears immediately. the tortoiseshell flicks a single paw, clears it of the thick, pungent mousebile clinging to round, fluffy toes. she comes up alongside her father, brushes her fur against his in greeting despite the way wide eyes gaze towards their deputy, curiosity in the depths of blown pupils. the brown tabby is commanding, speaks of finding emberstar, and the girl finds her gaze drifting, looking. but the point molly was nowhere in sight, and frecklepaw finds that small, sinking sense of dread beginning to creep up the length of her striped limbs, behemoths, all mouths and teeth and their great, rumbling sounds — kit stories. the elders had been smiling when they’d imitated the dog’s cranky barks, but.. no one here was smiling. howling wind snaps an order, and silence falls. their deputy, never frazzled, never wavering, despite her hobble from the medicine den. she would have a plan, right? her dad . . he would have a plan, right? what about rabbitnose? pa knew a lot, but chasing off dogs.. after a moment of grim quiet, the girl seems finds her voice — uncharacteristically small amidst the sudden hush, “ what.. happens if the dogs find us? “ no one had ever gotten that far in the story, had they?

  • FRECKLEPAW —————— cherry waves.
    f. she / her. apprentice of thunderclan, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. fluffy cream tabby / tortoiseshell chimera with seaglass eyes. her namesake shows shows himself in shades of vibrant ginger patches across her form, interwoven in mottled patches of red and black. unspecified maine coon heritage from sunfreckle’s side brings her to a size expected to rival her parents, with large, round paws and long, tabby - splotched limbs. as she grows, kittish fuzz has lengthened, leaving her bulk thick and fluffy, concealing the toned muscle beneath in swathes of red - orange.

    — lesbian, single. smells like warm stone and oak leaves.
    − six months, voiced by madeline peters as scootaloo.
    penned by antlers​

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