HELLHOUND + dog encounter

@BURNPAW ! @Sunfreckle @Moonpaw. @WILDPAW @SHALLOWPAW ; others can join though!​

Raccoonstripe is burdened with not one, not two, but three apprentices on this hunting patrol. His look of distaste is apparent as he leads the cats through the undergrowth, tasting the air and fighting the urge to retch at the scent of dog contaminating their forest. Though he feels confident Wildpaw could hold his own, he doubts the young tortoiseshell's ability to use his brain, and Burnpaw and Moonpaw are his kin. He'll not easily let them suffer Emberstar's fate.

He waves his tail, instructing all warriors and apprentices to pause. His brown are half-lidded as he tastes the air again, frowning. "Do you hear that?" He murmurs to Sunfreckle, concern furrowing his brow. There's a crashing, long legs and big paws trampling brambles. The fur along his spine spikes indignantly.

"Hunting patrol is canceled," he rasps, his muscles tensing. "Don't just stand there, you fools!" He's talking to everyone and no one at once. When the black and tawny hound bursts through the forest debris, he can see one terrifying side of it slobbering face.

The fangs are exposed, and saliva is dripping unbidden in a disturbing, violent smile.


"You seem less than thrilled, Raccoonstripe? Is our patrol not adequate?" The red tabby was grinning, knowing full well the other was not exactly fond of having so many young cats; he was pretty sure the black striped tom didn't even want an apprentice at all-let alone two of them. It was just a little funny. Sunfreckle chuckled, glancing to his side at Shallowpaw and giving a wink before facing forward once more. Well, HE enjoyed having an apprentice. Was still surprised he even got one to begin with when he was average at best in everything and still relatively unskilled in combat. A lot of his prowess was simply his size. Not many would step up to a cat of his height and weight. The tom paused midstride, tilted his head to the side curiously as something in the distance echoed in his ear.

'Did you hear that?' He had, but he was not sure what to make of it and he glances to Raccoonstripe with narrowed eyes, concentrated and confused as his ears pricked upward. It was a clamorous sound, noisy and horrid and his green gaze dropped to his paws as he felt the faintest of tremors; something was coming toward them with lumbering steps and a heavy form and his gaze jerks upward to turn sharply behind him, the apprentices behind the two of them standing there still in momentary pause, "GO! RUN! CLIMB!" Anything! He leaned to the side and sharply pushed Shallowpaw to get him moving before looking straight forward.
There was no need for stealth anymore, attempting to remain quiet would not spare them the moment the dog burst forth with slobbering jowls and eyes lit upon them in seconds. It is a combination of confusion, instinct and maybe a little foolish stupidity that has him bolt forward rather than pivot to turn around; he was not an exceptionally fast cat but he was a big one and his sporadic and sudden move in the dog's direction was apparently enough to startle it into practically tripping over him. Sunfreckle felt the back of a paw clip the side of his head as the dog tumbled, a brief moment to allow everyone to scatter as well as himself and he turned to lunge himself at the nearest tree to scale.
Climbing was also not really his forte, he was no SkyClan cat and having only one forepaw with which to grip with made it a struggle but he made a decent bit of height through pure adrenaline alone.


She didn't notice anything and really it was her own fault. She'd been sulking, head low and quietly staring at her paws as they ventured further. She hadn't want to go out, she'd been in a poor mood since waking up and having to listen to both Raccoonstripe's curt comments and demands and being put in a position where her peers could see and judge her had left her annoyed at worst and despondent at best. It was a wonder she even heard the warriors crying out in alarm for them to run; so distracted she was. But her pale blue eyes widened as she lifted her head, the great dog rushing headlong into their patrol without hesitation. Oh no. Oh NO.

Fear briefly seizes her before she is snapping back into focus as the dog stumbles and her tortie form twists to find her brother before bolting back behind them to the nearest tree. For once she sings her praises to SkyClan, to her kittypet blood that let her learn to climb with such ease, while she may not enjoy the heights and never held a fondness for the skill before-she will happily take advantage of it not and speak no ill tidings to it in the future.
"Burnpaw!" Her brother-she'd lost him briefly when she ran but his dark form wasn't hard to see, "Wildpaw don't be STUPID!" It is the second declaration to escape her, her panic had halted her from remembering how hotheaded her fellow apprentice was and she wished desperately he'd have the sense to not pick a fight with the beast here and now when they were not prepared.



//CW: injury, blood

Wildpaw could smell it, the stench of dogs. It served as a reminder that he needed to remain on his toes whilst they went out to hunt. However, he picks up on the tension in the air and he finds himself watching Raccoonstripe carefully, up until their worst fears are realised. For once he doesn't need to be told to run because that's exactly what he does as his initial instinct and he bolts towards the nearest tree with the intention of seeking refuge away from the dog.

But sticking to the plan proves to be not that simple. He knows that two in their patrol were at a disadvantage on account of only having three legs. He trusts Sunfreckle to save himself, but it's Shallowpaw that has him worried. The other apprentice was pitiful in his eyes and was a liability, but he was still a clanmate in need. In fact, there were many clanmates in need there. "I can be brave even though I'm afraid", he reminds himself as he looks around in desperation. He had to figure something out and fast!

The tree he clung to had a low pair of twin branches and he clamoured up onto them in a heartbeat, and once poised on the middle of the tangled extensions he began to bounce up and down causing the smaller offshoots to rattle loudly. "OI! MUTT! LOOK OVER HERE!" He hollered loudly with the intention of attracting the hound his way with all the commotion. The plan seemed fairly sound and in theory he was in a safe position, but he hadn't taken into account just how high an excitable dog could jump.

The power of the snapping jaws struck terror into Wildpaw when he finally attracted the hound's attention after it recovered from it's clumsy folly earlier. His heart is in his throat as he realises how poor his timing had become when the branches bowed downwards in time with the dog jumping upwards. He's nearly wrenched from his perch when teeth seize his tail and it's by unfortunate luck that he's pulled down and wedged between the two branches. His cry is choked due to the pressure on his ribs and he's sure that he's going to slip through. But something gave way and released the pressure that had held him in place.

It occurred so fast that the apprentice barely registered what had happened, all he knew was that he wasn't being hauled downwards and his instincts were driving him to surge up. The tom wriggled free from where he had been wedged and he crawled back to the trunk of the tree where he ended up clinging to the bark. Everything hurt from that of his head, down the full length of his spine, and to that of his... oh no! Wildpaw strained his head round and he looked back at the horror behind him as he was faced with the sight of half his tail missing. The stench of his own blood made his stomach flip, and worst of all he could hear the hound playing with the rest of his tail down below him.

She had been lurking in the area, having smelled the dog nearby. She was deliberating her next move, her first course of action was to stay undetected.

She wasn't usually a quick thinker, and when she heard the patrol nearby, she knew she had been thinking too long.

Crouched beneath the undergrowth the large muscular molly prepared to burst from the foliage to attack the dog when she saw Sunfreckle run right for it. Her voice caught in her throat as terror struck her.

She only got it back when they ascended the trees....Until Wildpaw started bouncing on the branch, calling out to the dog.

She had never seen a dog jump so high before. Thinking Wildpaw was about to become dog food, she burst from the bushes with a vicious yowl. With a powerful leap, she landed on the dogs back, digging her claws in and biting into the back of its neck.

She may not be able to kill it, but she can sure make it worry about getting killed! Dogs were stupid, right?

What mattered was helping her clan mates not get eaten. Besides, this fucker had to be dealt with sooner or later. It made it quite clear it wasn't leaving any time soon.


She had already felt tense being out of camp and knowing there were dogs somewhere. But she was hoping to avoid the beasts. Hollow Tree wanted nothing more than to drive the pack away. That was easier said than done. The feline tried to ease her mind and taste the air around them. Wanting to bring home something for her clan mates. Maybe they could rest easier with a full belly. If she couldn’t then maybe the patrol that was out could-

Barking and yowls caught her attention like a monster racing past her on the thunderpath. Hollow Tree broke out into a run. Raccoonstripe was on that patrol, her clan mates were out there. She thought back to Emberstar’s body and how one of these dogs managed to strip all the lives out of their leader. Coming around the trees she witnesses Badgerstrike attacking the dog. The overwhelming smell of the dog covers the blood from Wildpaw. Unaware someone is already hurt, she focuses on aiding Badgerstrike.

Regaining her focus, the brown she-cat charged forward. Seeing that Badger had tried to land on their back, she would aim for their legs. Trying to chomp down on one of the dog’s hind legs and tear whatever flesh she could.
[ you fall through the trees . tags ]

Shallowpaw had not been paying attention to the conversation more wary of their surrendings consider the situation they where under. He did captured that wink his mentor had given him though which only was responded with a blink of his eyes. Not long after the alarm ringed out from Raccoonstripe and suddenly his attention was on the dog. Never had he seen a dog this big before, it was a terrifying sight. Before he could react Sunfreckle pushed him which was enough to set him moving to flee close behind his mentor with the dog following into a chase.

He was trying to keep his pace with theirs but he was already falling behind and when he spotted Sunfreckle going for one of the trees...a panic of horror settled into his chest. Shallowpaw had never even attempted to climb a tree before...unfortunately he hadn't time to think much about it since the dog was close behind. So at that moment he decided to go for it and hope for the best. He lunged in desperation at the tree to lock his claws into the bark but as he tried to get his back claws into the tree his only paw slipped and...as his eyes was staring up at his mentor the apprentice slide back down from the tree back to the ground where the dog was coming for him.

Shallowpaw was quick to turn himself around to face the dog with his back pinned against the tree behind him. Everything was just spinning around in his head at that very moment and he couldn't bring himself to move his legs...it was already too late he realised. All he could do was stare death right in the eye, to fight to his death. He was ready for it, prepared for a battle that most likely was going to be the end of him but then suddenly the dog moved direction...heading towards a different tree. It was when he saw Wildpaw who was trying to lure the dog to him by jumping up and down on a branch to catch the dogs attention.

He could only stare when his denmate was doing a such bold yet risky move until the horror happened. In one of the dogs jumps of trying to reach the other apprentice it had got Wildpaws tail in its mouth and...right in front of him he watched as the tail got torn off from his denmate. Shallowpaw's eyes was wide never having expected for Wildpaw to risk his own life like this to....save his life. Why had he done that?.

It's a warriors job to protect their clanmates.

Shallowpaw's eyes went dark. He clenched his teeth claws scratching at the dirt before he sprinted off right towards the dog who was playing with his clanmates tail. Unforgivable. With the aid of Badgerstrike and Hollow Tree already keeping the dog in it's place Shallowpaw went right for the dogs face as he left the ground and as the dog spotted him from the corner of the eye right before Shallowpaw's teeths sinked themself right into the dogs eye!, and while he clung to the dogs face with all of his claws digging into the dogs flesh, a cry of pain would come from the dog who dropt Wildpaw's tail in agony and now had three cats to battle with, and while the dog tried to shake it's head and furiously snapping it's jaws in all direction towards all of it's opponents, Shallowpaw contunie to cling onto the dog like his life depanded on it.

He refused to let go.

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Wildpaw kept getting himself into messy situations; what a troublesome boy. The red tabby pulled himself up onto a branch hanging over the path they had been walking previously, clambered along it until he was perched directly above where his clanmates were trying to free the trapped apprentice's tail before the dog could deliver a more fatal wound and he glanced around in a brief panic as he considered what to do. They couldn't stop this dog, there were not enough of them and it was huge, it would take most the entire clan to drive off just one of these, what hope did a single hunting patrol have? Sunfreckle scowled, bared his teeth and looked directly down again, he wasn't the most skilled fighter but he had a few things edgewise on his clanmates and one of them was a very sizable form-somewhere in his kittypet ancestory there was a beast of a cat, massive in size and while Sunfreckle was in no way close when it came to such a thing he was certainly a tier up on other cats of the clan when it came to height and even weight (though the latter would earn you a sharp look if mentioned.) The way to survive was to utilize your strengths.
Below him Hollow Tree was snapping teeth on the canine's leg, Shallowpaw had forced it to drop Wildpaw's tail with a lunge to its face and Badgerstrike was on its back of all places. With a spring the red tabby launched down and threw the entirety of his weight down onto the canine's back from his lofty perch, staggering it in place enough to give the cats a moment's respite to pull away before it could began its violent assault once more; a shoulder slammed into Badgerstrike's side to get her moving and he would bounce down with a wince to rejoin the others on the ground, "Run! GO! Lose it in the woods!" Shake it from their trails, return to camp once it was clear to avoid dragging the beast into their den-his green eyes focused on Shallowpaw and if the other didn't let go to retreat as ordered he would scruff him by force to yank off.

Moonpaw had slowly been making her way from the branches to the tree Wildpaw was huddled in, swiftly climbing over to join him and grab a mouthful of moss hanging from one of the many limbs to push against his now tattered and bloodied tail before the scent of blood lead the beast right to them and her fellow apprentice bled out, they couldn't risk climbing down right now but moving along the trees might be safer?
"Come on, Wildpaw! We have to go!"



Everything was spinning in that moment, the pain leaving his brain trudging through a quagmire and struggling to register what had happened and what was happening. Bit by bit he realised that his clanmates were now attacking the dog. That's... that's not what he wanted. Why didn't they seize the chance to run when they had the chance? Peering down he even noticed that Shallowpaw was getting stuck in with the fight. "I...Idiot..." He growled, frustrated that the cat who had concerned him the most was now throwing himself into harm's way!

He was on the brink of jumping down to join the fray but Moonpaw reached him before he could put his stupid plan into action. The pressure of having moss pushed against the remains of his tail sent a jolt of suffering through him and he couldn't suppress the yowl from breaking out of his lungs. Of all the injuries he had sustained during his life this was by far the worst! Blood seeped into the moss, and as it did so it gave him a risky plan. "Moonpaw... thanks, but I want you to do somethin' for me. Take the moss off and toss it in the opposite direction from where the others are running. If that mutt wants another taste of me it should follow the smell of the blood." He rasped out as he looked at his clanmate. There was no guarantee that it would work, but it was worth a risk if it would give their clanmates a chance of escape. Besides, even from their current position he reckoned that even Moonpaw could fling the blood-soaked moss pretty far. They could stuff fresh moss into his wound after.

//interacting with @Moonpaw.

Pulling back the warrior spat out what she tore back at the dog. The taste of dog blood was rather disgusting but her sole focus was on making sure no one died. Sunfreckle joining them sent mixed emotions. She worried they couldn’t run as fast as everyone else. But she had to have faith that they knew what they were doing. All of them running together couldn’t be good. Right? The slowest would be in danger but if they all split up the dog could get confused.

Hollow Tree takes a quick look to make sure everyone is gathering like Sunfreckle instructed. Turning back to the beast, she snarls at it. Wanting to buy more time for everyone, she strikes forward again. Chomping down on the same spot, she digs her paws into the dirt and tugs harshly. Hoping it would lose its balance as everyone gets started on running. She would follow as soon as she could. ""
[ you fall through the trees . tags ]

// she'll retreat as soon as she sees that the majority has also retreated <3

It was difficult to keep himself on the dog and sooner or later he would lose his grip but he was trying to stay on for as long he could. Hearing his mentors calling for a retreat though, to run for the woods was enough for Shallowpaw to realise it was time to go. He let go of the dogs face as he landed back down on the ground a bit clumsy but before he made his escape picked Wildpaw's tail up in his mouth and with that the apprentice was quick to run after Sunfreckle hoping for the dog to follow so they could lure it away so Wildpaw and Moonpaw could get down from the tree and escape too.


Burnpaw is the kind of cat who loves his family, don't get him wrong, but sometimes it was hard to ignore the judgment he feels rolling off his uncle's pelt in waves. The disapproving looks, how quick he is to correct him even though he is not his apprentice, it's hard not to see it all. Raccoonstripe had even insisted that Burnpaw come along on the patrol with himself and Moonpaw. He would not complain, it was an opportunity to spend some time with his sister, to keep her safe. He was determined he could keep her safe. Unlike...

The thought is cut off by the cries of his uncle to run. He looks around wildly and immediately wishes he hadn't. Upon seeing the dogs his mind snaps to Emberstar, her body broken, laid out in the middle of camp. He freezes for a terrifying second, sides heaving in panic but Moonpaw's voice summons him out it. Choas breaks out, the adults bravely take on the dogs but Burnpaw knows that if they keep fighting they'll lose. He scrambles up the same tree as his sister, heart beating wildly.

Wildpaw had not been one of the lucky cats who would come out of this unscathed. Seeing the blood coming out of the spot where his tail had once been almost made him sick. He pulls his own tail closer. [B]"I got it"[/B] he says, sounding surprisingly calm despite the panic that grips his mind right now. "I've always been a better thrower when we played mossball" he hooks a claw around the moss and tosses it as far as he can into the forest then prays it works.