private HELLO FROM THE OTHER SIDE || Sparkpaw and Weaselclaw is there too

Sep 15, 2022

Sunset on the moors was always a beautiful sight, especially with so many flowers in bloom to paint the grasses with their vibrant colors. Yewberry sat for a very brief moment on the fence of the horseplace to look out across the moors. He couldn't stay long, he knew he would be killed if he was found.

He often thought about what he had said the night of the raid on Skyclan. Though..... Time had worn away most of it. He remembered saying she would leave behind nothing but soot and ash.... What else had he said...... He knew it all boiled down to an elaborate fuck you, but still.

He could never return to the moors. He was never one of them, not one of the slavering dogs that are at Sootstars beck and call. He did not worship her like they did. He would never belong there.

He was fine with that.

His only regret was leaving Echolight and their kits behind. How could he, what a terrible father. He had dwelled on this for moons, beaten himself again and again over it.

But now it was time to put it to rest. Face the problem he put himself in, the trouble he put his family in because of his foolishness.

He leapt down from the fence and waited just under it, small figure hidden in the grass. Here he would wait watch and listen for Echolight or their kits to pass by..... They must be apprentices now, he thought. He hoped they were doing alright.

He was preparing himself for a possibly messy reunion, but he needed to do this. It was something he had to do for himself, and to let his family know that even if he's a fucking idiot, he still loves them.

@sparkpaw. @WEASELCLAW
Though Weaselclaw had spent the majority of the last few weeks in Vulturemask’s den, it is still strange to be here without his presence. It was comfortable to have him near. A steady face, one that he could trust to remain with him through everything. When the same could not be said for his family, what was he to do? Dandelion had been close, but Daisykit? Mallowlark? They had abandoned him. Weasclaw was right; they were weak. They weren’t WindClan. And Yewberry was the worst. A coward who wasn’t strong enough to stay. Now all that is left is his taint. The blood in his veins that he would spend the rest of his life in conflict with.

Don’t you see? This isn’t me. He isn’t me. Nobody believes it. They all see Yewberry’s sickness in him. Sometimes Sparkpaw does too. He throws himself to his duties as an apprentice, follows obediently at his mentor’s heels wherever he may go. Does anything that he may ask. If Yewberry had hoped to inspire him that day, to tell him that he was more than one of Sootstar’s loyal followers—he had failed. All that mattered to him now was WindClan.

He had been tasked with a solo hunt today, though Weaselclaw is certain to observe at some distance. There is only so much that his mentor may learn from the breeze, and the steadiness of his hunting crouch is not among them. It is rather steady, though, tucked low as he stalks up upon a twitching bundle of fur. The dead wind has done well to get him this close, the breeze refusing to rustle his scent towards the large mouse he has chosen as his target. It is no young hare, but when he leaps from his space, his lithe form cutting cleanly through the air, his paws land squarely and his teeth follow closely. Bright eyes are electric with success, unknowingly shared with the cat who had helped raise him. His tail waves in the air, only a short distance from where Yewberry sits. He does not see him at all.

  • ooc: mobile rip
  • scarlet_ledger2.png
  • sparkpaw, sparky. dmab male, he - him - his.
    ──── apprentice of windclan. loyal to windclan and his family.
    ──── 04 moons old. born on 12.15.22, and ages in real time.
    ──── echolight x elmbreeze, adopted by yewberry. brightfam.
  • "speech"

He wasn't alone for long it seemed, as sunset amber eyes caught the slightest bit of movement in the grass. Anxiety gripped him with a sense of dread. Who was it? He'd better stay low and out of sight. Crouching, he kept his eyes on the figure in the grass....

Only to recognize it as Sparkpaw, flawlessly catching a fat mouse. His anxiety lessened a little, and he felt a bit of pride. He'd gotten so big, become an excellent hunter......

He was fine. Half of him begged himself to just leave. Sparkpaw doesn't need him, no one does.

But no.... He came out here....He needed to stop being wishy-washy. He wanted to change, now was the time.

He needed to speak up....

"Very good, Sparkpaw...." He said quietly. He wouldn't say anything else yet, he wanted to give him a chance to react, a chance to possibly tear him apart.
Weaselclaw at this point is an experienced warrior, and he knows the taste of a traitor's scent on his tongue when he comes across it. The tabby lowers himself some distance away, peering through the golden moor grasses with narrow blue eyes as a familiar lilac shape moves close to their border.

Anger flushes through his body when he sees Sparkpaw. Had the two of them somehow arranged this meeting? He lashes his tail, but otherwise stays quiet, wondering if that's truly the case. His apprentice looks sufficiently distracted; in fact, Sparkpaw doesn't seem to notice Yewberry at all.

He creeps forward, silent and watchful, his ears angling forward to catch every nuance of every word. Perhaps this would be the time for Sparkpaw to prove his loyalties once and for all.

// just observing >:)

The name is on his tongue when he is interrupted. Though the mouse fills his mouth, Sparkpaw searches for his mentor, for the voice that had mattered— not Yewberry. Weaselclaw. Instead, every part of him jolts. His prey drops to the moor grass, all of its warmth and its delicate greenery rolling away into nothingness. Dull gray left as ashy remnants of a sudden flame. It is bizarre, how unfamiliar those grey features were. As a kitten, he had thought they would stick with him forever. The one that told gentle tales and lulled him to sleep. Though he and his mother were not mates the way that others were, he had thought his father important. Now he recognizes nothing in the eyes he suddenly meets.

"What are you doing here?" The apprentice’s voice is instinctively sharp, though as tainted by bewilderment as rage. "You’re not supposed to be here," he snaps. "You left, you- you don’t get to come back." Sparkpaw takes a few steps back, his ears pinned and his mouse forgotten as his tail lashes violently behind him. He should yell, he should leave; Weaselclaw could not be far. But some selfish part of him wants an explanation. He had seen Mallowlark’s empty nest, had known where his scent faded. Even if he knew exactly what had happened when Yewberry made his escape, it wasn’t the same. It wasn’t enough— he deserved to know, didn’t he? Didn’t he? "Why are you here?" A question, shouted, his teeth bared like betrayal itself.

  • ooc:
  • scarlet_ledger2.png
  • sparkpaw, sparky. dmab male, he - him - his.
    ──── apprentice of windclan. loyal to windclan and his family.
    ──── 04 moons old. born on 12.15.22, and ages in real time.
    ──── echolight x elmbreeze, adopted by yewberry. brightfam.
  • "speech"

He expected this reaction, yet it still stung. Sparkpaw hated him and that was fair. He wouldn’t try to change his mind, he wouldnt try to beg forgiveness. He had left a wound on someone he loved, and nothing could fix it. Listening to Sparkpaw, he could tell that much was certain.

“I know.” He said, miraculously without crying. “I’m not here to attempt to rejoin.”

He was never one of them, after all. Poor pathetic Yewberry was all he was to Windclan.

“I came to apologize to you.” He continued. “What I did was stupid. It was unforgivable, and I don’t expect you to forgive me for what I did. You’ve no doubt suffered because of me….”

Give me their names and I’ll make them regret ever doubting you.

“And I’m sorry. You deserve far better than me as your father.” He continued.

He wondered if Sparkpaw would be happier to know his real father was a better warrior than him, even if he were Riverclan. Though…. He wasn’t sure which one was worse. Him, or Echolight’s mate???

“I still love you. I know you can be a better warrior than I.” He finished. He looked at Sparkpaw, keeping his gaze and not flinching at his anger. He vaguely wondered if Sparkpaw would attack him. He’d let him, he deserves to beat his ass.

He still had more to say, but he’d let Sparkpaw speak.

Sparkpaw's immediate reaction to his presumed father's presence is that of a true WindClanner, a cat outraged at the presence of an outsider so close to their territory. Weaselclaw's ears raise, and he stills himself even further, listening with bated breath. Sparkpaw tells Yewberry "You left, you don't get to come back." The tabby nods imperceptibly.

Yewberry does his usual blustering. There's raw emotion in the tiny gray tom's voice. Apologizing. Weaselclaw waits to see if Sparkpaw will accept this apology, will make this the loving reconciliation the exiled cat had clearly wanted.