Hello from the other side || Windclan Patrol

Sep 15, 2022

Oh how his nerves were going wild..... He had to keep it together. Duskfire trusted HIM with a border patrol. He had to make sure it went well. He was trying so hard not to shake as he walked along, yet it wasn't enough. He chewed his lip as he walked, eyes pointed to the ground. One foot in front of the other. This was just a border patrol. He could do this.

Sure, they were allies with Shadowclan. Didn't mean he had to enjoy seeing them.

It wasn't long until they reached the border. Yewberry took a breath, trying to ease his anxiety.

"O-okay. Let's get this done. If Shadowclan is there, be nice. We don't want to ruin our alliance." He said to his patrol.
  • There is a bright world beyond the marsh littered with dry, windswept hills. Betonyfrost's curiosity on it has waned in time with the moon, but she still finds herself near enough the border on occasion. It's a good place to chance upon a rabbit, so much more filling than the usual lizards and toads that make up the typical ShadowClan diet.

    Today, it isn't a rabbit that Betonyfrost finds.

    She knows this face-- it nearly brings a scowl to her own. Perhaps Betonyfrost shouldn't have reacted so angrily before, but perhaps this WindClanner shouldn't have been a little pest. But Betonyfrost doesn't react in anger today-- just as she had on their first meeting, she swallows her anger, and swallows it again. This time, it stays down.

    "I know you," Betonyfrost says with the same airs as someone who isn't inwardly seething. Just what are you doing here?

    ...Do you hate me?

    "...Keeping your borders as strong as ever, I see."​
  • Code:
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 14 moons | tags
Little vile creatures Windclan was and not once would Specter believe this would benefit Shadowclan when Shadowclan was tearing itself apart from the inside. He doesn't mean to stumble across them on his solo patrol, slinking from the shadows like his namesake, claws unsheathed, yet he makes no move to go any closer. He didn't like them, so it was a mutual hate, and he'd rather die before he comes back to camp smelling like rabbit.

As deep as his hatred lies, he knew Chilled or Pitch would have their head if they weren't cordial, only mean. Stupid alliance, grumbled over in his head before he makes his move; their head dips low and raises in a sign of acknowledgement and respect, piercing gaze staring right through them as Betony speaks up. No words would be exchanged from his side, no, thats all saved for Betony, for he was just the watchman, and watch he would. At least until they move on with their patrol.